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| ErosMyth
# Statistics
Favourites: 8793; Deviations: 321; Watchers: 373
Watching: 1362; Pageviews: 76703; Comments Made: 57461; Friends: 1362
# Comments
Comments: 3800
TLadyJessica [2018-05-22 12:12:42 +0000 UTC]
Wow, it certainly has been a long time, Eros! Anyway... with your birthday coming up not too far-off now, I thought it only fitting that I send you a nice, tasty virtual cake right here...
And throw in some pretty virtual balloons to go with it and kick off the occasion in style!
May your birthday bring you much joy and no end of happiness, my friend! *Smiles*
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TLadyJessica [2017-05-24 18:41:16 +0000 UTC]
Early happy birthday to you, Eros my dear, dear friend! Here is a nice, tasty virtual birthday cake and some equally virtual (but still magical!) balloons for the occasion...
Hope this year's birthday sees you well and happy. *Smiles*
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Lissou-photography [2016-12-20 23:04:33 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the !
If you like people photos, you can check out my other portraits here -> lissou-photography.deviantart.…
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TLadyJessica [2016-05-21 09:23:34 +0000 UTC]
Hey it's just seven days until your birthday! Hope your big day brings you lots of light and joy and happiness, and every day both before it and after it as well, my friend.
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Seikon-no-Okami [2015-11-20 05:06:07 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the watch and all of your lovely comments ! Your gallery is so original and interesting ! It's a great pleasure to enter your world ! Have a nice day !
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ErosMyth In reply to YOKOKY [2015-07-08 03:43:28 +0000 UTC]
Oh, yes you are very much there. I really can't follow my friends as on normally does at DA, because my poor eyesight makes it difficult. So, I simply have to remember to visit everyone, whenever I think of it. It is a daffy situation, for sure.
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fairy-princess-kiki [2015-06-27 08:29:24 +0000 UTC]
okay... just a little thank you for all the comments ^w^
it might be a bit much to reply ALL of them,
so, at least you know I read it and apreciate it ^-^
but, I Always will reply a few!
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ErosMyth In reply to fairy-princess-kiki [2015-06-28 07:49:45 +0000 UTC]
You are very welcome. Yes, I understand completely. Time is the one thing all of us have in equal amounts, they say, but our time commitments are all so different, and many of us never seem to have enough time, and very little to spare.
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YOKOKY [2015-05-26 22:20:56 +0000 UTC]
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ErosMyth In reply to YOKOKY [2015-05-28 08:22:55 +0000 UTC]
It is so kind of you to remember my birth day.
There have been so many of them over the years that one seems much like the others, bu you have made this one extra special for me. Thanks so much, dearest.
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YOKOKY In reply to ErosMyth [2015-05-28 15:22:19 +0000 UTC]
wish u the best in the whole world sweet friend!
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YOKOKY In reply to YOKOKY [2015-05-26 22:24:58 +0000 UTC]
Painter Portrait ....his eyes wide open looks to the sky- took all blue inside
his soul in so many colors-is OPEN and so close to GOD....
his mind can easily create angels- demons- each form he wants....
...under his magistral finger he can see the born of a new day - colors....
The painter create miracles- and he suffer with each color he add on his paper...
and the joy- with tears in the eyes- when he finished a new paint !
The love....r
Look at me... Look at me- is me....I come again to tell you- about the parts you can't see...IN ME
I am the beauty- I am the ugly...I am the worm- and than I froze...look at me...
I am a lie, and I am a pain Truth, I am the kind and I can be the nightmare -in one second...
Just LOOK AT ME...
Can have any color I want- from rainbow spectrum, to deep black one,is magic...
If I smile with sweet face- under: is the horror face of make you belive it...on my faces
Wish you know me
...the risk to lough is to risk appearing as a fool- to weep is to risk appearing as a weak,
to expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self...- to love someone is to risk not being
loved in return...
to live is risky of dying -to try is a risk to fail...BUT RISKS MUST BE TAKEN.
the ONE who risk NOTHING- does noting-has noting...is himself a nothing.
...not grow,not feel,not change, not live and not love....this ONE is a :" slave"...
Just the one who risk can BE FREE!
SHE...And she got so much charm and magic..the walk, the look...
But her whole life was in all ways so tragic...she never sleep
...no nights,no days- by feel- the suffer of the world so deep...
and no, she can't deny- she know she live
in the center of die....ghosts visit her in nights -asking-for her help
To set free their soul, they pray her...all...ghosts stay near her,no one
will leave- touching her hand,but she's now passive,to be with them
...and pray to die with open eyes into the sky...
Her story is scary and sad- but to the the end she find "is not so bad" to drop
darkness Close the doors...and all the lights,open the windows my love...
like this we gone be able to test the night and to pick the stars in our hands...
Sometimes when i feel that ME ,is ...ME- I wish i'll be able to run away...
my life is close to God and i am so protected-IF not i ,will be like in a p READ IT MY FRIEND,THANKS-I MISS YOU
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