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| ErickCarjes
# Statistics
Favourites: 397; Deviations: 151; Watchers: 45
Watching: 134; Pageviews: 26376; Comments Made: 3037; Friends: 134
# Comments
Comments: 179
Teine-tor [2013-08-15 11:34:12 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday Erick!! Β
It's been a while but I wanted to wish you anyway Β
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ErickCarjes In reply to Teine-tor [2013-10-01 16:32:57 +0000 UTC]
hahahaha how sweet of you.
Thank you so much dear.
How are you?
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ErickCarjes In reply to Teine-tor [2013-10-15 14:36:29 +0000 UTC]
Doing fine
I miss the old days here
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Teine-tor In reply to ErickCarjes [2013-10-15 16:12:35 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I haven't seen you around much. Ah, life gets busy and things change, you know.Β
But as long as you're doing well and still creating awesome art then it's all good.
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DeevElliott [2012-07-11 01:50:15 +0000 UTC]
Hi Erick,
Thanks for the Watch add.
- Dave
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nie-angel [2010-12-03 21:38:14 +0000 UTC]
podemos trocar uma ideia?!
add meu msn: nie_angel@hotmail.com
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ErickCarjes In reply to JohnnySegura3rd [2010-12-01 12:24:38 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to Badassery!
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JohnnySegura3rd In reply to ErickCarjes [2010-12-01 18:21:43 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for having me!
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Teine-tor [2010-11-14 21:34:49 +0000 UTC]
Hey, it's me again
Just thought I'd drop in to say. "Quick! Go look at my new ID! It's an ACTUAL picture of me!" Which is so rare, I never like to show my face on DA.
Anyway, much love, as usual.
π: 0 β©: 1
ErickCarjes In reply to Teine-tor [2010-11-26 19:01:16 +0000 UTC]
HAhahahah yeah I saw it! HAhahahah in fact you do look like a girlfriend of my best friend! Which should be a complement, not some weird random thing, which it is, wroten by someone that cant speak english without the Firefox Corrector ^^
More pictures NOW! Some movie maybe
π: 0 β©: 1
Teine-tor In reply to ErickCarjes [2010-11-28 12:21:21 +0000 UTC]
I do? Haha that's weird. I don't actually look like that usually. I don't wear glasses usually. And my hair is usually a lot...bigger.
Hahaha I'm sure speak English just fine without the corrector.
Lol that's the last picture you'll EVER see of me. Haha a movie? of what?
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ErickCarjes In reply to Teine-tor [2010-11-29 12:42:36 +0000 UTC]
lol a movie of YOU!
Like a video-log. Aka vlog. Aka Youtube+ webcam + you = vlog ^^
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Teine-tor In reply to ErickCarjes [2010-11-30 11:27:46 +0000 UTC]
hahaha no ways. That's never going to happen. XD
Lol a vlog...
oooh. I can't anyway I don't have a webcam! <.< muahaha
I have successfully avoided the 'vlog'.
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ErickCarjes In reply to Teine-tor [2010-11-30 11:51:43 +0000 UTC]
You will do a vlog. Thats an order ¬¬
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Teine-tor In reply to ErickCarjes [2010-12-01 20:05:13 +0000 UTC]
Oooh, you're ordering me around now? Lol don't get your hopes up, the chances of me doing a vlog are...pretty slim. In any case, I'm an idiot on camera. Haha I say the stupidest things
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ErickCarjes In reply to Teine-tor [2010-12-14 11:43:35 +0000 UTC]
lol where the f#@(*¨$) is the movie I told you to do! ¬¬
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Teine-tor In reply to ErickCarjes [2010-12-14 13:30:24 +0000 UTC]
...I'm not doing it...
I told you, I'm an idiot on camera...
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Caninos-Brancos [2010-10-10 14:40:23 +0000 UTC]
Eae, blz?
sua deviation [link] foi postada no Tumblr do Supremos do DA [link]
os adms do grupo escolhem uma deviation por semana e postam lΓ‘ para divulgar os membros do grupo.
qualquer problema Γ© sΓ³ avisar
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ErickCarjes In reply to Caninos-Brancos [2010-10-10 19:21:09 +0000 UTC]
Muito obrigado! Fico imensamente feliz que tenham gostado!
Obrigado por tudo!
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Caninos-Brancos In reply to ErickCarjes [2010-10-10 22:34:26 +0000 UTC]
de nada, agente Γ© que agradece!
by the way, Γ© uma deviation por categoria na semana, nΓ£o sΓ³ uma por semana como eu escrevi ali em cima ^^
Parabens pelo trabalho feito, eu gostei bastante ^__^
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ErickCarjes In reply to Caninos-Brancos [2010-10-11 20:23:36 +0000 UTC]
Ah, legal, posso encher vocΓͺs agora de deviations
Obrigado, fico muito feliz que tenha gostado!
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Selkirk [2010-09-29 02:06:45 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the ...and of course welcome to badassery
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magenta-territory [2010-08-16 18:42:25 +0000 UTC]
hola! Droppin in to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I really hope it was awesome!!!
(go look at my journal!!!) [link]
I you!
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ErickCarjes In reply to magenta-territory [2010-08-17 13:59:10 +0000 UTC]
I just saw it!
Thank you so much for it! I'm really glad about it!
Awesome day with some awesome people! Thank you for everything!
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magenta-territory In reply to ErickCarjes [2010-08-27 15:39:27 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome!
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Teine-tor [2010-08-15 09:21:17 +0000 UTC]
Hey... Me again. Just dropping by to say:
(Haha, that's all I've got I don't know anymore languages. Well, I don't 'technically' know Portuguese either... but whatever.
I hope you have an AMAZING day! Think of me while you're partying! Centeine
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ErickCarjes In reply to Teine-tor [2010-08-17 14:01:54 +0000 UTC]
lol let me guess:
Francuiax? (lol dont know how to say it)
Thank you so much sweetie!
I wasn't parting, I was working, but awesome as well!
Thank you! Theres no need to do anything for me! Im just a normal guy with some normal friends!
Thank you!
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Teine-tor In reply to ErickCarjes [2010-08-17 18:49:54 +0000 UTC]
hahaha you got all of them right except one: English, Portuguese!, ITALIAN (because I'm Italian) and Francais (French) ^^
NO!! How DARE you not party on your birthday!! That's horrible!! I'm flying to Brazil right now and I'm going to MAKE you party!! Just wait, I'll be there soon!!
Of course I have to do something! You're not a normal guy at all, you're ERICK the most awesome, nicest and coolest dude in the whole WORLD!!!
You don't have normal friends either, after all, me and =magenta-territory are your friends, and we're definitely NOT normal
You're welcome!
Anything for you!
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Teine-tor [2010-08-08 13:39:21 +0000 UTC]
Wah!! It's your birthday soon and I have no money to get you something!!! What should I DO Erick?!!??
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ErickCarjes In reply to Teine-tor [2010-08-09 19:48:59 +0000 UTC]
lol I don't know, be mu friend forever?
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Teine-tor In reply to ErickCarjes [2010-08-10 16:04:41 +0000 UTC]
Of course, that's already going to happen
I want to do something else though, just because you're an 'adult' doesn't mean your birthdays get more boring haha
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ErickCarjes In reply to Konjur [2010-04-13 16:15:16 +0000 UTC]
Hey Adam!
In fact, I thought I was already watching you, my bad for the late watch
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TomWilcox [2010-02-25 14:56:25 +0000 UTC]
I really appreciate the recent Favs. Thanks.
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