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| Egon-Riker

# Statistics
Favourites: 917; Deviations: 227; Watchers: 119
Watching: 185; Pageviews: 45770; Comments Made: 9067; Friends: 185
# Comments
Comments: 377
RECREEPY [2022-01-26 18:02:24 +0000 UTC]
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Egon-Riker In reply to DinoCycles [2018-01-18 06:10:25 +0000 UTC]
It's all good, D-dawg. I took a bit of a hiatus myself, but I will be returning soon.
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DinoCycles In reply to Egon-Riker [2018-01-21 20:19:49 +0000 UTC]
hm, I have quite a bit of things to catch up with in the meantime, hopefully I'll be up to date. I hope everything's going well for you
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Egon-Riker In reply to DinoCycles [2018-01-25 19:10:37 +0000 UTC]
I'd say I'm at simultaneously the best and worst in my life. I have no real financial burdens, and I'm independent. At the same time, if a hobo box-goblin were to blow up my plant, my first question would be, "Was anyone hurt?" "No." "Good." Prerequisites to goals have been checked off, but attaining them has been difficult due to the lucrative wart in my life called work. I tell myself I should be grateful, and in many ways, I am, but I'm sort of reaching my cusp where I super need to start doing something in writing because holy shit if that machine rings one more time I'm going to reprogram it with a goddamn 10kg sledgehammer.Β
In short: not broke, work sucks, trying to be creative again.Β
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DinoCycles In reply to Egon-Riker [2018-01-26 05:41:36 +0000 UTC]
HAHAHAHAHAH, "lucrative wart called work"Β that's a very creative way of saying things. I just hope you get at least some sort of happiness/satisfaction out of your work/outside work, otherwise you'll most likely burn-the-fuck-out. you always were creative, perhaps it's the schedule?Β
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Egon-Riker In reply to DinoCycles [2018-01-26 20:51:19 +0000 UTC]
Well, I haven't lost it, at least. As for work satisfaction: no. None. My bosses are awesome, I will say that. It's like being in an ideal position, but you are far beyond the ideal position, and I have to fight tooth and nail and beyond (I literally lost the tip of my finger to this job). Schedule has never been an issue in the past. Now, it's pretty much a lack of motivation. I tried something early last year - for writing - to make some bank, to cater to a different demographic. Apparently, trying to get an artist to work 2-3 hours twice a week for $20 an hour pay is like trying to herd a pack of cocaine-addled foxes to starved hounds. I can write prolifically with no trouble, but asking me to do that and illustrate with a full-fuck-your-life-at-times job . . . can't quite do it. I'm just demotivated, I guess. It's not that I don't have ideas or writer's block, it's just the satisfaction of writing and creating has dwindled, and I'm not really sure why. I guess I just want out of this job-situation so badly that I'm missing the bigger picture.
Also, sorry for the whiny shit. I'm sure you don't need that. Just trying to give a semi-accurate picture of where I'm at.Β
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DinoCycles In reply to Egon-Riker [2018-01-28 03:44:59 +0000 UTC]
it's good to hear -- well, it's bad to hear in your case but I think it's good to unload it somewhere, right? I do believe it's somewhat normal to have almost no time to do your things. it is, for me, usually a compromise: either you get lots of money but don't have time to do what you love and/or work impedes your personal life, or you have time to do what you love but don't make much money. personally I favor the latter.Β ifΒ you don't like your job then I don't see why you'd keep it (besides other factors that I will likely have overlooked). I just don't understand the point of doing a job you hate. as a dumb example, many of my friends I was at uni with have a higher standard of living than me, but many of them... well... hate their jobs while I really love mine. who's better off?... I'm not sure; it depends on who you ask, but I don't share their notion of success.
(proofreading myself, I feel like I sound rather patronizing but it's not my intent, please excuse me. and no you don't sound whiny)
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Egon-Riker In reply to DinoCycles [2018-02-10 17:18:26 +0000 UTC]
It's not patronizing at all! Trust me, I have been giving serious consideration to other jobs that at least give me the mental freedom to somewhere else without jarring me with "oh, someone called in, you HAVE to stay", or the endless infuriating tendencies of a machine that I swear TO FUCK should be an SCP simply because these goddamn things hate humans. I agree with your 100%. The problem is finding that balance here in Lexington . . . it's either this or shit-pay that you can't really live off. I will say that this job has improved me as a person in terms of mechanical troubleshooting. The problem is THAT I NEVER FUCKING WANTED TO DO THAT. Buuuut . . . how things work always has a place in art.Β
I'd say you're much, much better off. Hopefully I can find something that gives me that balance. I'll be back to my normal self again, of that I'm sure. I'm just hoping it's sooner than later.Β
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DinoCycles In reply to Egon-Riker [2018-02-13 22:37:58 +0000 UTC]
by the way, even though you never expected or wanted to actually do something like that, do you still find some aspect of it interesting? I mean, it does have the benefit of being instructive and as you said it could give you ideas later on. perhaps you're just going through abnormally tough times at your job and it's going to ease off at some point, allowing you more time for yourself. time usually sorts things out!Β
π: 0 β©: 1
Egon-Riker In reply to DinoCycles [2018-03-17 08:22:51 +0000 UTC]
Late reply is less than adequately tardy. My apologies, good sir.
Well, looking on the positive side, my awareness of my surroundings (when I'm glaring with utter suspect at machinery capable of mindboggling fuckery within a fraction of a second) has improved drastically. I'd like to say I'm more mechanically inclined, or rather, more mechanically disposed to such problems. You have to learn how to troubleshoot with this job. It has gotten easier, I will say. As a friend put it: "Years ago, I wouldn't have trusted him with a wrench." I'm far beyond that now.Β
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InspiredDragons [2016-02-28 03:09:47 +0000 UTC]
I'd like to share this with you:Β inspireddragons.deviantart.comβ¦
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DinoCycles [2015-09-22 21:41:50 +0000 UTC]
long time no see dope,
I have fucking 10 months of slack to catch up
bear with meΒ
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Egon-Riker In reply to DinoCycles [2015-09-23 06:10:50 +0000 UTC]
It's cool, dude. A lot has happened on my end as well.
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Egon-Riker In reply to DinoCycles [2015-12-17 12:53:01 +0000 UTC]
Wow. Epic-late response. To summarize...
LDR gave me a better idea of what I want, but also embittered me. Going to get hired on at a high-paying job, but had the tip of my ring finger degloved. Still going to get the job, but I'm temporarily one-handed. Novel is very close to being done, which is good, but I want to move on to other projects. Been helping with his comic, which has been an honor. I'm doing well, otherwise.
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DinoCycles In reply to Egon-Riker [2016-05-16 23:21:20 +0000 UTC]
epic-later reponse.
holy shit, degloved?! I hope you managed to heal and be fit to work by now. what's up then?Β
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Egon-Riker In reply to DinoCycles [2016-05-29 09:36:26 +0000 UTC]
It healed really well. You can barely tell it was degloved now, with the exception that it's a little shorter than what it was. Work is paying well, and I'm rooming with my girlfriend, so that should free up expenses to make physical copies of Dragon Days. I'm trying to figure out a way to further push that novel, and I'm thinking something tangible might help.Β
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DinoCycles In reply to Egon-Riker [2016-06-06 22:52:05 +0000 UTC]
fuck yeah glad things are going well on your side bro
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Egon-Riker In reply to DinoCycles [2016-06-13 20:21:55 +0000 UTC]
For the most part. New things have occurred, and why I got a lot of stuff rolling, the relationship matter is kind of "ehehehehe" .
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Egon-Riker In reply to curtsibling [2014-12-14 11:15:09 +0000 UTC]
Yes. Yes I did
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Crazy-Voodoo-Lady [2014-09-14 06:27:50 +0000 UTC]
MACHLEHEINOUS! My mighty thigh tingles for your noodle if you're still interested <3
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FLUMPCOMIX [2014-09-11 16:59:44 +0000 UTC]
Your plethora of favouritism with a watch cherry on top are almost too much for one weirdo to contain in his swirly curly heart and toes. You have made me happier than the time I learned that you can put boobs, bacon and the original robocop in the same room without the universe collapsing from an awesomness overload! I thank you, sir.
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LostKeep [2014-05-09 23:07:10 +0000 UTC]
Hey AntiMach , glad you like my work!Β And, I like your "foam-at-the-mouth" description of your enthusiasm...Β Nice choice of words Β Cheers!
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TankaaKumawani [2014-02-22 19:50:50 +0000 UTC]
Only so much can be done about the chat system.
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Egon-Riker In reply to TankaaKumawani [2014-02-22 19:53:04 +0000 UTC]
Indeed. I think this helps, certainly!
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Egon-Riker In reply to Reds-Vault [2013-11-07 21:50:47 +0000 UTC]
I dooooooo.
I sooooo doooooooooo.
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waytodawn96 [2013-10-26 22:29:04 +0000 UTC]
Whole - Lee - Krap, both your art style and storytelling are amazing, I haven't been this amazed with spyro fanfiction since TLoS: Age of Heroes. You Sir just earned another watcher!
π: 0 β©: 1
Egon-Riker In reply to waytodawn96 [2013-10-27 11:51:23 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! I've not heard of Age of Heroes, but you speak of it with it some renown. I'm happy you're enjoying it so!
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JWiesner [2013-10-16 18:10:39 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for the +Watch!!
And the fav on my artwork and print:
"You are not allowe to live"
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