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| EdwinBG2
# Statistics
Favourites: 5771; Deviations: 46; Watchers: 104
Watching: 453; Pageviews: 26168; Comments Made: 11895; Friends: 453
# Comments
Comments: 2546
Captain-John [2013-09-23 18:42:06 +0000 UTC]
By the way, this is my new account! Much has happened since the old times...
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Kurisutaru-uigujinsu [2010-07-11 16:39:58 +0000 UTC]
hello = )
it´s been a long time I sense
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Kurisutaru-uigujinsu In reply to EdwinBG2 [2010-07-12 10:00:25 +0000 UTC]
yup^^ so how have you been?
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Kurisutaru-uigujinsu [2010-07-24 13:28:01 +0000 UTC]
I´ve been well thank you
where did we stop last time we talked?
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Kurisutaru-uigujinsu In reply to EdwinBG2 [2010-07-25 02:44:22 +0000 UTC]
your welcome lol i dont remember
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Kurisutaru-uigujinsu [2010-07-25 22:15:00 +0000 UTC]
no wonder it´s been a while...
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xesc [2010-02-21 09:37:26 +0000 UTC]
hey there!
do you remeber my art?^^
you watch my old account named "bahnschranke". probably i wont use it any longer. so, if you stll like my work, you can watch my new account
hope you dont mind.
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JG-Riddle [2010-01-04 09:33:15 +0000 UTC]
Frohes neues Jahr mit viel Gesundheit und gefüllt mit schönen Ereignissen *knuff*
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EdwinBG2 In reply to JG-Riddle [2010-02-26 20:06:48 +0000 UTC]
dir auch! sehr nett von dir : 3
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Valedhelven [2009-12-11 15:28:34 +0000 UTC]
Hello, it’s me!
I thought I’d branch out from cookies a bit and bring you a Cookie Monster Cupcake this time for the on Minoltaphobic?! [link] And look, there’s a bonus cookie along with it anyway!
Ahhhhh, it’s a good day after all!
…Thank you very much!
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Valedhelven [2009-12-01 03:39:34 +0000 UTC]
Thank so much for the on my Elf girls! [link]
Your support is greatly appreciated, and the cookies are fresh out of the oven, so please help yourself, sweetie!
Oh, wait - I almost forgot... Thanks also for your interest in my silly little “Elf and the Devil” cookie game, and for the on part 6: It's Good to be Queen…
No guarantees that there won’t be more in this series, though… That’s what happens when an indecisive person like me tries to actually finish a story – lol!
…disturbing, I know, but I made you smile, didn’t I?
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trumi [2009-11-05 21:34:59 +0000 UTC]
hey ed !
Hello !
You still there ?
How it's going pal ?
I have so many
adventures back then...
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EdwinBG2 In reply to trumi [2009-11-08 18:44:51 +0000 UTC]
yeah I am here!
I am good thanks! adventures? : D
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trumi In reply to EdwinBG2 [2009-11-08 19:24:10 +0000 UTC]
Good to know that pal,I should have visite dyo umore often...
we should not forget friends and stuff.
I have see nte hmovie DISTRICT 9-Huamns and aliens in one city and the actio nstarts !
Great movie,quite bloody and with harsh language XD
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EdwinBG2 In reply to trumi [2009-11-27 17:01:45 +0000 UTC]
of course not!
yeah? cool! Whats good on it and what not?
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Valedhelven [2009-10-26 19:19:21 +0000 UTC]
Hi, again, Eddi! It's cookie time again!
…I just wanted to thank you for the ’s on Luthien Tinuviel, When Elves Go Bad, and Elven Beastmistress… [link] I really appreciate your support, sweetie!
Hope you enjoy the frosted cookies! There’s a few extra cookies in this stack for you, as a bribe to get you back for another visit later
But wait - there's more!
← Here’s Part 5 of the mystery cookie!! Thank you for your indulgence of my silly little whim and for the
on the 5th part of the Elf –n- Devil series Such a Deal… [link] Just three more pieces to go in this series… lol!
Why do I have the feeling that everyone is going to be vastly disappointed with the final cookie when all is said and done?
Part 1: Leaving Home
Part 2: Horny Little Devil
Part 3: Wall of Fame
Part 4: Little Big Head
Part 5: Such a Deal!
Part 6: It’s Good to be Queen
Part 7: Counting the Cost
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Valedhelven [2009-11-27 17:05:14 +0000 UTC]
I will for sure!
because that´s its end : P
you can continue at the beginning all over again, maybe nobody is noticing it XD
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Valedhelven [2009-10-15 01:59:45 +0000 UTC]
Ooooops! ! I also just wanted to officially say thanks for the
… I hope that you will always continue to find something new in my gallery of fantastical creatures, beautiful Elf maidens, support stamps, and exotic cookies that catches your eye!
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Valedhelven [2009-10-17 22:40:07 +0000 UTC]
I hope so! thank you very much for that great message = )
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Valedhelven In reply to EdwinBG2 [2009-10-18 00:40:32 +0000 UTC]
btw, great username - I adore BG2! You might be interested in this guys gallery:
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Valedhelven [2009-10-18 04:06:33 +0000 UTC]
I have contact to him ^^
so you know and like baldurs gate too?
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Valedhelven In reply to EdwinBG2 [2009-10-18 04:29:18 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I love Baldurs Gate! I have played it over and over and still love it!
And Icewind Dale, too!
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Valedhelven [2009-10-21 18:07:01 +0000 UTC]
the storyline of icewind dale sucks
maybe because I played baldurs gate first
do you like roleplaying? D&D? or other pen and papers?
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Valedhelven In reply to EdwinBG2 [2009-10-21 19:18:31 +0000 UTC]
Awww, maybe that's why I liked IWD - I played it first (although I still liked BG better...)
I loved RPG's back when I had the time for them... Now I have to be content with the occasional PC game (...did you play Morrowind or Oblivion at all?)
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Valedhelven [2009-10-23 22:37:36 +0000 UTC]
morrowind? isn´t it called morrowindia?
however. i did not
but oblivion! haha I always jumped with my horse off the bridge : D
never finished the game
how about you? how do you like them?
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Valedhelven In reply to EdwinBG2 [2009-10-23 23:02:58 +0000 UTC]
Perhaps it is called Morrowindia in Austria... Here it is just Morrowind
And yes, I adore both games very much!
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Valedhelven [2009-10-26 15:57:12 +0000 UTC]
cool = )
what about adom? It´s not a famous game but maybe...
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Valedhelven In reply to EdwinBG2 [2009-10-26 17:17:27 +0000 UTC]
I don't know what "adom" is...
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Valedhelven [2009-10-30 22:46:45 +0000 UTC]
some kind of streessurvival. however a adoreable game = )
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Valedhelven [2009-10-15 01:58:51 +0000 UTC]
Hello, Eddi!
I just wanted to thank you for the on Pegicornitauress?… [link] I really appreciate your support and taking the time to browse through my gallery of fantastical creatures and beautiful Elf maidens!
As a special "thank you," I am continuing to offer one giant cookie for every fave! So enjoy and come back when you're hungry again!
PS: I'd be interested to know how you found my artwork, if you remember... Was it just random browsing, or a search, or in someone else's faves? Or maybe you've come to visit me before and I just don't recognize your username/avatar yet?... Just curious
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Valedhelven [2009-10-21 18:09:32 +0000 UTC]
I found it by search! I think I searched "elves"
I love elves ^^
thank you for that great post
who thought that? = D
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Valedhelven In reply to EdwinBG2 [2009-10-21 19:21:47 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the feedback - I really appreciate it! As a token of my gratitude, please accept this carton of dancing milk to go along with your cookies!
I've been sending out similar posts like that to new visitors since I started here - just as a way to see how they first found me Glad you like it
Stop back again whenever you need another cookie - I have lots of 'em
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Valedhelven [2009-10-23 22:46:53 +0000 UTC]
I thank you!
"Dieses Video ist aufgrund von Urheberrechtsbeschränkungen in deinem Land nicht verfügbar."
youtube said that...it means there is some license problem and this video has been delted
haha that´s great
cookies rock ^^
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Agina [2009-09-20 10:25:50 +0000 UTC]
yes that´s true. I am not often here anymore. what to look for on DA?
I thought you forgot me...you never wrote me
well...do you use msn?
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Agina In reply to EdwinBG2 [2009-09-20 10:31:14 +0000 UTC]
That depends on you what you want to look at.
No I haven't, I though you just left.
Nope. I have not used it for a year now. It doesn't even work on my laptop somehow. And I don't like it that much.
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Agina [2009-09-20 16:57:36 +0000 UTC]
very nice pictures yeah...but I look for some kind of social network. however this is it not
deviantart, flickr and wikipedia commons are my pictures sides = )
the best I could find
how about trillian? it a comy chat programm...it need very less ram and can chat to msn, yahoo, irc, icq and aim. it works very fine on my pc. and that means somehting ^^
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Agina In reply to EdwinBG2 [2009-09-20 16:59:30 +0000 UTC]
Aah... To me this site is enough for social chat. :>
Never heard of that. I don't know do I need it when I don't use any of those things. : D
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EdwinBG2 In reply to Agina [2009-09-23 18:46:40 +0000 UTC]
yeah? mhh. do you meet the people here in RL?
mhh..so contact will break : I
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Agina In reply to EdwinBG2 [2009-09-23 18:53:49 +0000 UTC]
Sometimes yes, a couple of them is my real life pals. Sadly we study quite far from each other nowdays so it's hard to meet from face-to-face. 500km makes it unpleasant to travel every weekend to other's place.
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