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| EbonyClokk
# Statistics
Favourites: 4508; Deviations: 382; Watchers: 182
Watching: 358; Pageviews: 48662; Comments Made: 8650; Friends: 358
# Comments
Comments: 2361
EbonyClokk In reply to Colonel-Knight-Rider [2020-03-14 05:26:03 +0000 UTC]
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Colonel-Knight-Rider In reply to EbonyClokk [2020-03-14 07:11:37 +0000 UTC]
Your'e welcome!
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Eien-no-Yoru [2018-08-10 10:24:59 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much for the watch! it really means a lot!
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OverlordAvarice [2018-07-22 07:10:25 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the favourite!
I checked out some of your artwork and it is amazing.
I really like your digital art style, I will have to get round and look at some more
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EbonyClokk In reply to OverlordAvarice [2018-07-22 21:43:49 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much! It really makes my day to hear that haha. And thank you for the watch and favorites <3
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OverlordAvarice In reply to EbonyClokk [2018-07-23 19:51:07 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome, glad I helped spread some positivity <3
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EINsamer-wANDERER [2017-08-03 21:03:48 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the llama, Naomi. Have a nice week.
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EbonyClokk In reply to EINsamer-wANDERER [2017-08-14 07:40:48 +0000 UTC]
No problem! You too ^.^
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EbonyClokk In reply to Robokapu [2017-07-23 20:37:09 +0000 UTC]
No problem It's because you added one of my pictures to your favorites.Β
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Robokapu In reply to EbonyClokk [2017-08-10 20:25:33 +0000 UTC]
Okey Dokey
(Sorry for a REALLY late reply )
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Sinbulvinter [2016-10-19 23:40:24 +0000 UTC]
Hey Naomi!
It's Nerissa! (with yet another freakin' DA account...)
How've you been?
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EbonyClokk In reply to Sinbulvinter [2016-10-20 01:53:55 +0000 UTC]
Hey! Nice to see you back on here. Is your username meant to be like Norse mythology's Fimbulwinter? Cause if so, that's freaking awesome. I adore Norse mythology <3
I've been great Getting married this December and I've been planning for the wedding and a ton of other stuff recently, giving me little time for much of my hobbies haha. Thankfully my Giver Gods series is finished and is very close to being done with major edits before I look for a professional. My readers are wondering where I disappeared to though D: My life has been exciting but still stressful because of how nervous I am for the future. Engagement, relationships, and the thought of moving out from family is completely foreign to me haha. Time to become an adult!
How've you been? How's your adorable little Sabrina? I miss seeing pics of that girl ^.^ haven's heard from you in a while. Still writing books?Β
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Sinbulvinter In reply to EbonyClokk [2016-10-20 02:27:18 +0000 UTC]
Yeah it's adapted from Fimbulvinter/Fimbulwinter/Fimbulvetr.Β I love Norse mythology too, my husband's online gamertag is actually based on norse mythology as well.Β Morgnarok, from Ragnarok.Β I got him all into norse mythology and shit. Lol.
I saw you were getting married on fb! That is so awesome!Β I'm so happy for you!Β
And you finished your Giver Gods series? You're trying to get it published?Β That is so awesome.Β Good luck, man.
Yeah, I can understand that.Β Adult life gets pretty crazy when you start moving out, getting married and having kids.Β You guys gonna have kids? Or have you talked about it yet? You'd be a good mommy.
I've been okay. Had a rough year so far and shit, but we're starting to get our lives together.Β Moved back to PA from MD in august and live in Ephrata now.Β Got a really nice 2br apartment that's kinda pricy but its perfect for us.Β Sabrina's good, she's so big now. She's almost two.Β She's really hyper and runs around a lot now that she can walk.Β She's got a lot of energy.Β
Yeah, I'm still writing.Β I abandoned The Stain, cause I just couldn't get it to go anywhere and I'm now working on a series about Serial Killers called Tasteless, which I've already finished the draft of the first volume and I'm working on the second.Β I'm posting it here, and got a few people checking it out, but no full on readers yet.
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EbonyClokk In reply to Sinbulvinter [2016-10-25 19:49:47 +0000 UTC]
In the 4th book of my Giver God series, my character Theory (idk if you remember him or not. He's the Giver fragment with the hellhounds) actually travels to the Norse plane and there's several chapters of his interaction with the Norse realm, gods, and other Scandinavian characters. I think you'd like it a lot He goes to the Egyptian, Japanese, and several other mythology realms too.Β
Yep, finished the series for the most part. The ending is left open in case I want to continue, but all the loose ends are tied up and it does feel like an actual conclusion to all the serious events. Going to get it published once I have someone with experience read over the series first to make sure there are no obvious errors.
I plan on having 2 kids, but not for a while until after Demoy is finished college and has a stable job to support a family. So it's going to be at least another 4 or 5 years from now probably until we both feel ready.Β
I'm glad y'all could find your own place. You sounded miserable at his grandmother's place. Sabrina is reaching her terrible two's like Luna is haha.Β
Okay, I saw your story uploaded. I hope to have time to read it some time soon because I've always loved your writing. That sucks about the Stain though, but I understand. I've had to drop plenty of stories that I had no direction for regardless of having a fan base.Β
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Sinbulvinter In reply to EbonyClokk [2016-10-31 00:53:15 +0000 UTC]
Dude that's really cool! I love the Norse mythology and gods. I wanna get back to reading the giver gods series I really liked it, just been so damn busy lately. Plus, my daughter broke my laptop so I'm on loa for a while until I can afford another.
That's good you're waiting. Kids are great but a handful and expensive.
Yeah it's good to have our place after dealing with his grandmother for so long, then being homeless for 2 weeks when we were kicked out. We really built something from completely nothing and we evolved for sure. It's still real hard tho
Yeah Sabrina is def in the terrible twos now, she throws some massive fits so much we call her "Hulk baby" she's thrown tables across the room and shit lol
Yeah it'd be great if you checked out my story. It's still a work in progress but the plot is much simpler to work with so I'm not having too much trouble with brainstorming.
Yeah I just couldn't get anywhere with the stain, I may try to rewrite it one day but it's on the back burner for now
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SrTw [2016-08-10 15:15:03 +0000 UTC]
Β Happy Birthday, Naomi!Β Β Hope I'm not too late!Β \(^βΏ^)/
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EbonyClokk In reply to SrTw [2016-08-10 19:40:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! Nope, you're not too late
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Jia-Horizon-Artworks In reply to EbonyClokk [2016-08-10 19:41:22 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome
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EbonyClokk In reply to ZalyHeartlessTigress [2016-06-09 19:02:10 +0000 UTC]
No problem ^.^ thank you for the favorite and llama as well
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ZalyHeartlessTigress In reply to EbonyClokk [2016-06-11 08:26:40 +0000 UTC]
Take it as a back-gift from me
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maga-01 [2016-03-17 20:05:45 +0000 UTC]
Ty for all faves!Β It means a lot! >.< Β
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EbonyClokk In reply to maga-01 [2016-03-17 23:19:18 +0000 UTC]
No problem! You have a phenomenal gallery
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maga-01 In reply to EbonyClokk [2016-03-18 03:33:43 +0000 UTC]
Awnnnnn.. I'm honored! >.<
Ty!! Β Β
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EbonyClokk In reply to Cat-S-Dragoness [2016-01-19 03:22:20 +0000 UTC]
No problem, love your gallery ^.^
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Cat-S-Dragoness In reply to EbonyClokk [2016-01-19 09:05:54 +0000 UTC]
aww thank you! Much appreciated!
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EbonyClokk In reply to wildthing9611 [2015-12-07 03:30:24 +0000 UTC]
No problem Thanks for the favorite
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ErikAngelofMusic [2015-12-06 01:51:58 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fave on Alice in Wonderland !
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