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| DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy
# Statistics
Favourites: 6560; Deviations: 2; Watchers: 60
Watching: 130; Pageviews: 31267; Comments Made: 3396; Friends: 130
# Comments
Comments: 1917
WorldWar-Tori [2010-09-10 17:12:35 +0000 UTC]
did I say OMG I'M EXCITED!?
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DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy In reply to WorldWar-Tori [2010-09-12 00:27:18 +0000 UTC]
Yepperdoodle, I just don't visit dA as often as I used to, especially since I moved into my new apartment. I don't have internet there, so I can really only get online when I visit my mom.
I haven't seen you on MSN in a long time, by the way.
So what's new?
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WorldWar-Tori In reply to DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy [2010-09-16 16:21:11 +0000 UTC]
ahh, makes sense
I changed my email I think tori.margaret@gmail.com... and if you're on there, I'm simply not on it very often
Nothing really. Trystan started school, which is nice, but at the same time, seems like a pain (he goes to school from 1-3:30), so it's right in the middle of the day.
And yourself?
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DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy In reply to tripping [2010-06-07 12:21:19 +0000 UTC]
Hey, don't make me send my squeaky minions after you.
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DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy In reply to tripping [2010-06-10 05:12:43 +0000 UTC]
My minions are immune to bleeps!
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tripping In reply to DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy [2010-06-11 15:19:11 +0000 UTC]
are they immune to candy? huh huh?
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DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy In reply to tripping [2010-06-11 20:28:04 +0000 UTC]
Yes... Yes they are... just don't... test it... they might bite you. Because they are immune to candy and don't want... Really, honestly, they are...
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tripping In reply to DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy [2010-06-14 17:53:25 +0000 UTC]
oh my...a weak spot!
would a jar of nutella weaken you into subservience!
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DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy In reply to tripping [2010-06-15 08:26:40 +0000 UTC]
A jar of Nutella would certainly buy you the assurance of being spared in my march to take over the world with my squeaky minions of evil doom.
(It would probably buy you just about anything else you wanted from me, but let's pretend I didn't say that so I don't end up having to hand over domination of the world to you after I take it.)
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tripping In reply to DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy [2010-06-15 19:22:40 +0000 UTC]
nutella i tell you. it will be the final frontier.
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DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy In reply to tripping [2010-06-18 08:34:03 +0000 UTC]
I once made a desert using filo cups, a mixture of Nutella and cream cheese, and a single mint leaf for garnish. They were amazing.
One of these days I'm going to make a nutella cheese cake. I will be able to die happy then.
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Ballistyc [2010-05-16 23:01:53 +0000 UTC]
hey thanks a lot for favouriting my 'Minotaur' sculpture.
take care...drive safely
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angeleyed [2010-04-11 07:00:45 +0000 UTC]
I gived you a lama... and it spits
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DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy In reply to angeleyed [2010-04-14 22:51:37 +0000 UTC]
OW! It spit in my eye!
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DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy In reply to WorldWar-Tori [2010-02-25 10:13:32 +0000 UTC]
It goes. SSDD and all that.
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DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy In reply to WorldWar-Tori [2010-02-27 08:30:47 +0000 UTC]
SSDD = Same Shit, Different Day
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MidnightPredator [2009-10-16 19:58:21 +0000 UTC]
You should stop picking fights with overly dramatic and emotional people.
They send me notes when I've had nothing to do with them. I think it's sad you've made me a target for some people so full of hate they don't even pay attention to who they're attacking so long as they have a focus for their agression.
I know you were simply by trying to support me (and brag that I was inspired by you Hah )
Trying to support a piece I'm not confident in, I might add as a random tangent. Unlike what seems to be most of the world, I really only respect poetry that can say what it needs to say and still fit in a form, anything else is cheating in my mind. And having a piece with no form or structure makes me cringe, especially since I formed my ideas from yours.)
Harrison. My dear. My darling. My toaster face. Quit picking fights. You're too damn stubborn to ever admit you're wrong until someone gives you something you can't argue with. The people you pick arguments with can't do that. They follow liturature they enjoy because it elicits emotional responses in them. There's no beating out human emotion when it comes to things that are compeltely without logic. You're not going to get the counter arguments you want from that type of person. No matter how much you want something logical, there is nothing logical in preference.
Look at how rabid Twilight fans are, they'll kill someone over a piece of writing because it appeals to them on an emotional level. They see a love story without realistic complication or the usual "shit happens" moments everyone faces. It's something they always dream of and want for themselves. With pretty creatures they would love to believe in. They don't even question how it is written, they embrace and support it all because it makes them feel good. They don't care how or why it was written.
No one asked my opinion on anything. I'm going to give it here anyway. Maybe someone will actually read this. It's as much directed to you as it is to anyone else involve. I like to think my opinions count for something. I like to think that they make me a better person and therefore they'd make you a better person. I think you'd benefit from thinking about some of these things next time before you hit that send button. Just because I <3 you doesn't mean you're a saint in my eyes.
I believe that a comment section on a piece is a place to post comments about that piece directed to the author or artist. A comment is a pretty broad term. It's just a response to something, in this case your piece of art. Responses vary by the people who give them, some are good some are bad. Some are brainless and some are carefully thought out. Some are meaningless and some mean more then anything else in the world. Comments are also optional. If you don't want to receive all types of comments, either say as much or don't allow them in the first place. Take your pick.
I believe that the comments section in a piece is a place for comments about the piece, not an open forum for rants and debates. Whether you support an artist's work or not, you should take it to private mailings. It's a matter of respect that you don't flood the artists mailbox with mindless drama because you don't agree with what someone else posted.
I think that just because you can voice your opinion on something doesn't mean you should voice it without any form of tact. There's no reason to be hurtful when you have the talent and the maturity to convey your own thoughts without putting down someone else.
I believe that if you feel someone has insulted you, it doesn't give you a free ticket to behave in exactly the same manner. Especially when you stoop to a lower level then they ever did. I'm not religious by any means, but the verses in the bible about loving your enemy and turning the other cheek are very good ones to follow, especially if you claim that you think everyone should be treated kindly and with respect. When you start making exceptions so you don't need to follow your own rules, you're setting the standards for yourself lower then the standards then everyone else around you because you either don't truly believe what you preach or you are are insulting yourself by saying you're incapable of meeting the standards everyone else does.
I believe that you shouldn't judge a person's whole life by. This one I'm going to specifically expound on because someone messaged me saying what basically summed up to, "Do you see what your friend has written? Do you know what kind of impact that could have had on someone who was a victim of rape? Look at X comment and X piece of work. Look at what so and so said here. How can you be friends with such a person?"
After my initial shock at being attacked for association, I became enraged. How dare they assume that you, Harrison, are without thought or feeling or a horrible past. Victims in this world come in every shape and size and gender. Yes, there are male rape victims in this world. Because you wrote a piece dealing with the topic of rape doesn't make you a heartless bastard picking on rape victims. Some people deal with their past by reliving it over and over until they aren't afraid and can face it without breaking down. I'm disgusted at some of the assumptions that were made.
I believe that there's no shame in admitting you overstepped yourself and apologizing. There is a graceful way to admit you were wrong and to ask for forgiveness, though.
I believe there is shame when you take someone's apology and gloat over it, then refuse to forgive the incident and continuously keep trying to use it to bring that person down. They had enough humility to admit they aren't always right and that they were ashamed of their actions. At least have the decency not to make them repeat that shame at your leisure.
I believe that if you say you say you truly don't care for something or don't want to have anything to do with it, yet continue to fuss over the matter, you've managed to lie to no one but yourself.
I believe that if you feel the need to stress how wonderful, logical, and correct you are, you're wasting your breath. Instead of saying how you are, show how you are. You may not be able to accurately represent your opinion of yourself 100% of the time, but you owe it to yourself to become the person you want yourself to be.
And harrison I'm all out of things to say. I'm tired. I pulled an all niter for the physics. You'll be happy to know I got it all done. My roommate is gone for the weekend so I'm going to take some time to turn out the lights and close the door and just relax.
So I'm just going to have to say that the next time you want to pick an argument Harrison, let me proofread shit for "dickheadery" before you post it. You can still defend your viewpoint and point out the flaws in someone else's logic without being rude.
And if anyone else actually reads this who was involved, the next time you feel like some "asshole" attacked you or your friend maybe tell me what you want to say in response and I'll review it for hypocrisy and equal dickheadery.
This way no one can cry and whine that their feeling were hurt, then lash out at people who weren't even involved.
I'm tired of hearing about people responses from you Harrison. And I'm tired of getting notes directed towards me when I had nothing to do with it.
I'm pretty positive no one who sent me a note even publicly participated in the drama fest. It was just some random angry lurkers on a righteous crusade.
I'm really. Just. Tired.
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Samkara [2009-10-14 18:11:49 +0000 UTC]
Hello, i'm here writing to you about your comment on a waste of paint..which is ironic, as she is a writer, not an artist..Nevermind.
YOU ARE BRILLIANT. I honestly do agree, and I actually do not understand why she has so many pageviews. It disturbs me to think that people who just rant on and on about how emo everything is get popular! I honestly have laughed away through each and every one of her poems, stories, blablaaaaa, etc. Why? Because they are childish and terrible. So I congratulate you, sir. Thank you.
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DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy In reply to hermsss [2009-10-10 11:09:22 +0000 UTC]
Um, thank you. I wasn't expecting that.
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hermsss In reply to DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy [2009-10-10 18:24:34 +0000 UTC]
you are welcome.
dA is indeed infested with teenage emos.
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StarTyger [2009-09-21 16:55:37 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the of
"Ribbon Falls from The Alcove" [link]
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MidnightPredator In reply to DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy [2009-08-06 09:08:22 +0000 UTC]
You don't worship me enough.
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DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy In reply to MidnightPredator [2009-08-06 09:13:54 +0000 UTC]
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MidnightPredator In reply to DemonsTelMe2BuyCandy [2009-08-06 09:15:06 +0000 UTC]
More like it.
Now the next time I email you, you continue the role play. No more of this "my eyes hurt, I dun wanna play with your dragon," crap.
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