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| Deftonys-muse
# Statistics
Favourites: 192; Deviations: 85; Watchers: 187
Watching: 161; Pageviews: 41257; Comments Made: 1705; Friends: 161
# Comments
Comments: 171
maiabest9381 [2012-02-23 04:07:39 +0000 UTC]
To my dear fellas..
one favor please..hihi!^-^
please help me in supporting my amaaaaZing best friend and partner
Tomas Jefferson Hernandez aka
please LIKE! LIKE! LIKE! his entry..
he deserve to be the BEST MALE COSTUME in CCY 2012>-(^-,^)-<
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MetalxxDragoness [2009-05-31 02:06:50 +0000 UTC]
Awesome artwork- would like permission to put the picture of the reaper on myspace, of course with all signs that point to you. If not just let me know
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Deftonys-muse In reply to MetalxxDragoness [2009-06-07 20:16:11 +0000 UTC]
exactly how are you planning to use it ?
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nixuboy [2008-12-15 11:37:09 +0000 UTC]
Näyttää melkee kopiolta tost sun crabworm työstä..
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EAFP [2008-11-01 14:16:40 +0000 UTC]
Hello deftonys-muse! I browsed through the gallery and it goes without saying that your artworks are very good. Would you like to join our team and help create a Dragonball AF manga? If so reply for more information.
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WhisperedLitany08 [2008-09-20 15:04:57 +0000 UTC]
I just wanted to let you know that someone from [link] is using one of your drawings on their layout. She said that she had permission from you, but she tends to lie an awful lot, and i was wondering if you had given anyone from horseland.com permission for them to put a drawing of yours on their layout? They had it on there for awhile and the person had to be harassed majorly just to put the artist's name on it. Sorry to bother you. Just making sure you know.
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Faderica [2008-09-07 16:29:43 +0000 UTC]
Wooaaah aika pirun mahtava galleria! 8O Pakko watchata.
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slade6818 [2008-07-08 16:14:39 +0000 UTC]
Hi , i enjoyed your work , and i like your Kiba drawing , i have requested to color it , i coudn't help myself and this is what i accomplished [link] i hope you like it , if you don't , i can remove it , so .. anyways thanks and keep drawing , your stuff rawks!
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jeremyoshindle [2008-01-14 03:53:03 +0000 UTC]
Your stuff is great what happened to that other Naruto artwork you were going to do? I would have liked to have seen your version of Itachi....though i personally think of all the naruto characters Kiba has the highest potential for cool artwork...if you include Akamaru
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goldendwarf In reply to jeremyoshindle [2008-02-15 01:45:15 +0000 UTC]
No he shouldnt do Naruto art because Naruto is a dumb show and comic, including all other manga. I like your art though Deftonys.
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jeremyoshindle In reply to goldendwarf [2008-02-15 11:29:19 +0000 UTC]
thats a bit of a sweping statement about manga and the like but yes naruto is a crappy anime and manga but character design can still be cool no matter the depth of plot.
But yes there are better things he could do since hes so good...i was just responding to a comment defonys made earlier....so please dont bother commenting agressively. Its just so unneccessary.
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goldendwarf In reply to jeremyoshindle [2008-02-16 01:18:16 +0000 UTC]
Dearly sorry, I simply become tired of the excess ammount of manga this site is filled with. In fact, even when I look up something like moon elf (a D&D race) I get some manga style results. I just think manga should be left for the amatuers and not people like this talented fellow here.
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jeremyoshindle In reply to goldendwarf [2008-02-16 01:31:54 +0000 UTC]
mmm manga is an artform none the less - the problem you are having is possibly somthing you should mention to deviantart as im sure a lot of people must be bothered by the same thing.....(maybe an option to remove manga from search results or the ability to remove certain catagories from your search results) so an opt out search mechanism rather than a opt in search mechanism......
do it in the beta feedback forum.....
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AnneJasmijnBazar [2007-10-06 20:15:19 +0000 UTC]
Your art is absolutely...breathtaking...
*sorry... it's all I can say at the moment....*
Love your work, I'll watch you.
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TimeDevilC2 [2007-08-03 16:51:25 +0000 UTC]
Well, you’re welcome ...your work is amazing! I love your style, dark and unique… Really cool!
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snazzyjasmin [2007-07-30 13:49:35 +0000 UTC]
Well, your work is beautiful Thanks for visiting my profile,
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freakisanime [2007-07-27 22:28:36 +0000 UTC]
ur welcome , ur a very good artist so I don't mind adding ur art to my fav , its like a honor ^^
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Alloysius [2007-07-17 12:04:02 +0000 UTC]
joujou, Rinde täs moi aka Hidan aus animecon k18-miitti.... stalkkasin joku aika sit mut unohin sanoo kuka oonXD
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Deftonys-muse In reply to Alloysius [2007-07-25 13:15:23 +0000 UTC]
jou jou no joo ei ton rinden jälkee mitää hidanii ois tarvinnu mainita... >.<
en mä mikää aivo kuollu oo vaikka vaikutankin siltä no en varmaan... ainakaan että tietäisin siintä ^^
mutta siis joo moro moro... ei oo ollu aikaa pyörii dA:ssa et olisin tunnistanu kuka oot... enkyl varmaan ois muutenkaan tunnistanu... no hyvä et sanoit ^^
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WadeFurlong [2007-07-13 21:13:28 +0000 UTC]
Interesting work! Cheers on that. Creative concepts, props to that. Tool fiend or no?
Stop by, you may dig what I'm crankin...
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nixuboy [2007-07-03 07:16:25 +0000 UTC]
Hahaa jätkäl menee lujaa täs etusivul
Pistäpä uusia töitä ulos, niin päästään ihailemaan niitä
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Deftonys-muse In reply to nixuboy [2007-07-03 15:07:15 +0000 UTC]
joo menee... vituttaa noi nuoleskelijat jotaka vaa sanoo moi siinä toivossa että katon niitten sivun ja favettaisin vaikkei tajua että ne on ihan... *****
mutta juuh en oo vielkää pystynny piirtää mitää... noita vanhoja vois kyl pistää...
ja jotaa wippeikii ehkä... mut alkaa tulee jo fiilis nii... vois ruveta JO tekee niitä printtei...
saatana... nopee homma se kyl on mutta... kaikkiin esteisiin täytyy varautuu joten...
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nixuboy In reply to Deftonys-muse [2007-07-03 18:56:32 +0000 UTC]
Jengi toivoo halpoi pageviewei..
Voisit pistellä niit vanhoi sit
Hmm.. No täs on sellain puoltoisviikkoo aikaa, et kyl siin periaattes ehtii
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Deftonys-muse In reply to nixuboy [2007-07-24 23:53:30 +0000 UTC]
no eip ehtin... ja kyl mä jossaa vaihees viittin pistöö jotaa... kunhan vaa jaksais... se on aika puuduttavaa...
ja joo nois vieweist ei saatana... niitä riittää...
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Deftonys-muse In reply to mich984 [2007-06-27 22:43:33 +0000 UTC]
...aaand what was the point ?
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Deftonys-muse In reply to mich984 [2007-06-29 12:06:46 +0000 UTC]
it might be just my opinion... buti think it's quite lame to just say it in others front bage that art is cool... and dont take any action to show it.. like commenting in picture or fave or watch or anyhting... i think it's just trying to get my attention to visit your page which is even more lame...
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mich984 In reply to Deftonys-muse [2007-06-29 21:48:31 +0000 UTC]
thats your opinion, but you can say that you like a gellary with out watching or faving a image or commenting on a image! i said you had a cool gallery so i was commenting on all your images. and i took the time to look at your gallery so thats why i said check out my gallery, so your take the same time to look at my images, i didnt expect u to comment, fav or watch. you had the choice not to look at my gallery, and thats my opinion!
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Deftonys-muse In reply to mich984 [2007-07-24 23:52:05 +0000 UTC]
in my opinion it just licking others ass to get some attention but it's okay cos i dont care about stuff like that... only thing that should matter is your pictures not your words... or other words spam...
but dont take it offencive... this is nothing to do with you... you just happened to be in wrong place at the wrong time... sry...
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mich984 In reply to Deftonys-muse [2007-07-25 14:53:19 +0000 UTC]
hey some people like licking others ass's, (but i don't) don't worry i take offencive you were just saying your opinion!
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