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| DarthLuis445
# Statistics
Favourites: 1429; Deviations: 37; Watchers: 104
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# Comments
Comments: 2447
SilentMortal [2014-09-25 20:27:12 +0000 UTC]
You gave me points? That's so sweet!
(...What can I actually do with points? )
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
DarthLuis445 In reply to SilentMortal [2014-10-11 01:00:08 +0000 UTC]
I dunno, I'm never on here so I have no use for them! Some artists do point commissions if I remember correctly, probably why I bought some
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DarthLuis445 In reply to NatalieSerota [2014-09-24 05:06:44 +0000 UTC]
A very late thank you!
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DarthLuis445 In reply to Vile21XX [2014-09-24 05:06:58 +0000 UTC]
Thanks dude, as late as this reply is!
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SilentMortal [2013-12-17 09:45:43 +0000 UTC]
Okay! So guess what, I got good news and bad news:
The Good news is that I love Resident Evil again. And Claire is once again my waifu! <333
The bad ones (or at least, bad for you) is that I have become a LeonxClaire shipper. Also, because I love Claire again, I demand you start loving her too. because she is the best female lead in RE and we all know that's a fact. :3
In all seriousness though, I think the reason why you are not fond of Claire is because alot of people ship her with Leon instead of Ada, am I right? It's not Claire's fault people like ClairexLeon. And besides, maybe you should give that pairing a chnace too. I'm not saying you should give up on AdaxLeon, but at least be open-minded about LeonxClaire. ^^ I mean, look at me! A few months ago, I hated that ship because I hated Leon. But now, I sorta like Leon now and I think he and Claire share chemistry. Sure, it's obvious that Leon is canoncally inlove with Ada, but that doesn't mean LeonxClaire can't be fun to ship too. If not as a romantic couple, then as a ''Best Friends Forever'' thing. XD
One more thing, remember when I aid that Leon used to be my least fav character? Well not anymore. I now dislike Jill. (Also, check out my cool new avatar! It's X-23. D: Isn't she purty? <3)
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DarthLuis445 In reply to SilentMortal [2013-12-25 17:08:39 +0000 UTC]
Agh! I can't ship LeonxClaire since I'm too much of a LeonxAda fanboy. I'm not a fan of Claire, but I don't dislike her. This is probably because Code Veronica X is my least favorite RE since I'd rather stick a screwdriver in my ear than play that game again! The story was fine, but the gameplay and environment was eh. Also in RE2 I was too busy being focused on Leon and Ada to really pay attention to Claire. But like, if Claire died somehow in the series I would certainly be sad, as she is a great character, just not one of my favorites.
I always see Leon and Claire as just really close friends, not in a romantic relationship. It makes sense after all they went through in RE2, which is why she contacts Leon in CVX. So I feel they're just best buds FOREVA.
Why do you hate Jill? I loved her in RE3, but she's meh in Revelations and RE5. Especially Revelations, literally NO emotion from her.
Nice avatar!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
SilentMortal In reply to DarthLuis445 [2013-12-25 19:05:38 +0000 UTC]
But why isn't she one of your favs? D: I just can't comperhend why she wouldn't be. There's quite litterally no reason NOT to be a fan of her, she's flawless. <3 (Or maybe i'm being too much of a fangirl to see why you wouldn't) I mean, you just said that she was a great character, so...
But i'm totally fine with Leon and Claire as BFF's too. :3 It's just that, ever since watching Degeneration, I feel there is certain chemistry between them. They obviously care alot fo each other and all. And I loved the scene where she teases Leon about Angela (''When did you two go diving...Hmm? ;3'') But yes, we ALL know Leon's true love is Ada. No one can deny that. And if Steve ever comes back to life, I might ship him with Claire again. I liked his slightly more mature version in Darkside Chronicles.
Well, I just think Jill (And Chris) are pretty overrated. Leon is too (don't hit me) I mean, I liked him in RE2 and in RE4 as well. But since Degeneration and RE6 onwards, he got very boring to me. But yeah, I really liked Jill in RE3 too (despite her hooker-like apparence) But her RE5 apparence was so brief and dull. And she was pretty much a robot in Revelations (MUST-FIND-CHRIS, MUST-FIND-CHRIS) :I
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DarthLuis445 In reply to SilentMortal [2014-01-17 21:57:45 +0000 UTC]
Leon sucked in Degeneration. He was more of a robot than Jill in Revelations, lol. Even the way he stood throughout the whole movie, it looked like he had something stuck in his ass. I have no idea what they were trying to go for when shaping her personality in that movie because it wasn't him at all. Have you watched Damnation? THAT'S the Leon I know and love. They did Claire very well though, but god they messed up Leon. The only good thing about that movie is when Leon runs to the Helicopter at the end because it looks like he's running like Naruto runs. SO silly.
Chris got dumb in RE5. I really liked him in CVX, because you have to have some serious courage to challenge Wesker to hand-to-hand combat. But in RE5 his whole appearance is just silly. The dude put on like 100 pounds of muscle out of nowhere, I don't even understand why. In Re6, he's just an annoying, regretful, angry person and Piers, one of the best characters in the series, dies right away, sacrificing his life for him. Really capcom? Piers dies, and Jake's dumbass lives? C'mon!!!
I liked Jill in RE5 because you could tell she went through a lot with the way she acted. She was very blunt and such due to being imprisoned and tested on by Wesker for so long. She gets some more spotlight in Desperate Escape and Lost in Nightmares so not sure if you played those, but it's just more content with Jill. What I like about Leon is how he evolved throughout the games, just seems the most realistic of all characters.
-Rookie cop in Raccoon City who has no idea what the hell is going on
-Government agent who's seen enough zombies and such so he acts like he has enough grip of the situation. His puns and such assert that he is a little cocky, due to his age.
-Now in RE6 he's a lot more mature. He kept some of his sense of humor, but he doesn't toss it around like in RE4 because of his matureness.
I really enjoyed his character development because it isn't stupid and annoying like Chris's.
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SilentMortal In reply to DarthLuis445 [2014-01-17 22:40:58 +0000 UTC]
I agree with all points. And good arguments about Leon's evolution. But i'd say Claire's evolution seems the most realistic to me.
- (RE2) College biker girl who has no idea what the hell is going on (same thng as Leon basically, lol)
- (RECV) Put aside her normal life to find her missing brother Chris. You could tell she was on determent and wasn't afraid to willing face danger to find and protect those in need.
- (REDG) Now a member of TerraSave, she has grown into a matured woman and is able to keep her cool in zombie apocalypse.
As for Chris, I personally don't find Chris to be that annoying, just kinda boring.
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DarthLuis445 In reply to SilentMortal [2014-01-18 03:06:57 +0000 UTC]
I'd like to see Claire at a much more mature age though. The gap between CVX and RE2 is very small, so the only thing that really changed about Claire was the fact that she became aware of the T-virus and what was going on. I'd like a full-on game with her, taking place either around or after RE6 so we can see how she has changed over the years.
The gap from RE2 and RE4 is wide, so Leon changed massively as you can even see how he feels about being a government agent at the beginning of RE4, since he was blackmailed into it, in order to protect Sherry. Then you can see the massive change from RE4 to RE6, which is awesome.
There are those rumors of a Revelations 2, starring Claire. I hope it's true.
And I hope Chris dies, but it'll never happen :V
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SilentMortal In reply to DarthLuis445 [2014-01-18 03:49:06 +0000 UTC]
Well, you DID see her like that in Degeneration. It's set seven years after the Raccoon City and the Rockford Island incident.
I think the ''massive'' part is what cribbles Leon's evolution - It's way too ''massive'' to be belivable imo. But you know...
There is no Revelations 2 starring Claire, I can pretty confirm that was a hoax. :/
Well, he did almost die in RE6, so...enjoy that moment. XD
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SilentMortal In reply to DarthLuis445 [2014-01-18 11:37:47 +0000 UTC]
Shh? Shush about what, the fact that Chris almost died or that RER2 is a hoax?
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SilentMortal In reply to DarthLuis445 [2014-01-26 03:25:13 +0000 UTC]
But it is. You must accept it.
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DarthLuis445 In reply to SilentMortal [2014-05-31 09:01:44 +0000 UTC]
I shall not accept it!!
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DarthLuis445 In reply to SilentMortal [2013-08-12 02:52:12 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! Oh! I have something to upload to show you!
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SilentMortal In reply to DarthLuis445 [2013-08-12 03:06:45 +0000 UTC]
The Claire action figure? Yeah, I saw it. It was neat! x)
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doodlydangus In reply to DarthLuis445 [2013-08-12 05:46:26 +0000 UTC]
Note me since I have news you will love.
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BLUEsteelProductions [2013-04-30 00:15:41 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the favs on some of our Persona 4 cosplay pictures. Please look through our gallery for more and keep an eye out for us in the future.
Naoto of BSP ~StormWildcat
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MsDeadable [2013-01-10 14:19:40 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fav. I wish I could live in United States too.
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DarthLuis445 In reply to SilentMortal [2012-12-30 00:53:10 +0000 UTC]
Hope you had a merry one!
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Demokun54 [2012-12-16 19:53:13 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the Makoto fav!
I'll be glad to read some of your comments
Stay tuned for more!
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