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| CynicalSonata

# Statistics
Favourites: 1821; Deviations: 93; Watchers: 378
Watching: 147; Pageviews: 16027; Comments Made: 526; Friends: 147
# Comments
Comments: 173
CynicalSonata [2019-12-27 22:25:23 +0000 UTC]
Help me keep this page clean! Reply here if you need anything!
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ascencioirving In reply to CynicalSonata [2019-12-02 04:40:21 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday friend
I wish you a wonderful day
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CynicalSonata In reply to ascencioirving [2019-12-04 07:23:23 +0000 UTC]
Much appreciated! ❣
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SuperHyperSonic2000 In reply to CynicalSonata [2019-12-02 00:59:09 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday, I hope you're having a great day.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
CynicalSonata In reply to SuperHyperSonic2000 [2019-12-04 07:23:03 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much!! 💓
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SuperHyperSonic2000 In reply to CynicalSonata [2019-12-04 07:43:07 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome.
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LupisPone In reply to CynicalSonata [2019-12-01 19:51:28 +0000 UTC]
Happy b-day! I hope you're having a great one!
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CynicalSonata In reply to LupisPone [2019-12-04 07:22:40 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very very much 💕
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TwilightIsFriendship In reply to CynicalSonata [2019-12-01 15:15:11 +0000 UTC]
Howdy there, friend!
We're here today to wish you a happy birthday!
I'm so excited to do this! Rarity told me how fun it can be!
Dash said how important it is for us to greet our friends in the other world! It's an honour!
Focus, girls, remember how we practiced it...
We wish you all the best on this occasion! May you have lots of happy times and good things come your way!
And we wish you'll be able to do your best for yourself too! And, and...
And stay in good health and high spirits all the time! And believe in yourself and who you are!
An' also we wish you great friendship and to have your nearest an' dearest with you to share in the good and deal with anything bad together!
So on behalf of all Equestria we wish you...
Happy Birthday!
We did it, girls.
Now let's all celebrate! Cue the music, Scoots!
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CynicalSonata In reply to TwilightIsFriendship [2019-12-04 07:22:19 +0000 UTC]
Thank you thank you lol ❤
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LoneLupusArts In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-12-02 00:20:31 +0000 UTC]
Happy B-day Wild, hope you're doing fine and dandy!
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CynicalSonata In reply to LoneLupusArts [2018-12-13 04:53:12 +0000 UTC]
Super late thank you! I forgot my dA existed!
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LoneLupusArts In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-12-13 04:57:00 +0000 UTC]
Lol, heh, it's ok. Glad you saw it anyhow.
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CynicalSonata In reply to reneejoelle [2018-12-13 04:54:12 +0000 UTC]
I'm late, but thank you a lot!
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TwilightIsFriendship In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-12-01 15:40:57 +0000 UTC]
A very good day to you, human. I come to you on your day of birth with greetings... and thanks.
My good subject Pinkie Pie told me she had taken to congratulating some humans on their birthdays, but even she has her limits. So she asked us for a bit of assistance... and for such friends of ponykind, we feel it right to provide it.
It is thanks to people like you that our land of Equestria, our very world, exists like it does. It is your friendship with us that gave us life. For that, we will forever be grateful and cherish you.
And so, allow me to wish you happiness, peace, prosperity and fulfillment! My hope goes with you that you suffer no hardship in the year ahead, but should a challenge befall you, I am certain your courage and skill will see you rise to conquer it!
Now... where is she...
Here, sister!
Fashionably late, I see! But just in time for the greetings to be given.
Right! I'm ready. Three, two, one...
Happy Birthday!
And now... let us commence the royal party.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
CynicalSonata In reply to TwilightIsFriendship [2018-12-13 04:53:37 +0000 UTC]
Aaaaaa late thank you!
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NightmareOnElmStFan In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-10-01 13:48:30 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the llama badge.
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Vakiarts In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-09-25 20:03:56 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the llama! it's really apreciated
Have an amazing day!!
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TGWG343 [2018-07-27 20:27:27 +0000 UTC]
Hey Cynical, just messaging you to let you know your art has been stolen by another user (at least I believe it's yours). If it's not, my apologies.
The thief goes by the name ScourgeBladeZelda.
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CynicalSonata [2018-04-25 13:56:24 +0000 UTC]
Help me keep this page clean! Reply here if you need anything!
👍: 0 ⏩: 7
deadaccounttt In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-06-19 00:06:03 +0000 UTC]
oh woah your art is awesome! do you by chance do art trades?
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CynicalSonata In reply to deadaccounttt [2018-06-21 02:55:07 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much~! And sure, I would be fine with doing a trade a the moment
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deadaccounttt In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-06-21 03:00:56 +0000 UTC]
your welcome ^^
yay ^w^
could you draw these two? my friend and me ship them ^^
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CynicalSonata In reply to deadaccounttt [2018-06-21 03:49:18 +0000 UTC]
No problem at all. Those characters are absolutely adorable btw <3
Hopefully you don't mind if I do something a little more simple. I don't have much time for anything that's big scale ; w ;
Also, anything I should know about your characters before I draw them out?
As for your part, any OC from here is fine
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deadaccounttt In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-06-21 04:22:46 +0000 UTC]
^^, thank you ^w^ and that's okie ^^
only things I guess is that aurelio wears a mask which explains why it looks like theres a circle there and hes a riox, riox is a mix of a rabbit and a fox and Frenchie is a funtime fox ^^
oh woah nice characters it gonna be a tough choice cause they all look awesome ^^
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CynicalSonata In reply to deadaccounttt [2018-06-26 22:12:22 +0000 UTC]
Just forewarning you now, next 2 days I won't be able to work on it since I'll be doing college orientation that requires me to stay on campus. Sorry if I'll be a bit late ; u ;
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
deadaccounttt In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-07-11 19:27:10 +0000 UTC]
hi there just asking when youll do your part cause its been 2 weeks ^^"
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CynicalSonata In reply to deadaccounttt [2018-07-15 01:15:59 +0000 UTC]
Finished today after a long break. I'm sorry for it being so heckin' long ; w ;
I had some IRL issues pop up, but it is now finished at least
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deadaccounttt In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-07-15 01:43:04 +0000 UTC]
its fine It was worth the wait ^^
aw I hope it all goes better for ya soon ;w;
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deadaccounttt In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-06-27 01:33:20 +0000 UTC]
its fine and I don't mind ^^
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CreepiGengar-Ghost In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-06-10 16:14:30 +0000 UTC]
Hey bud! Long time no see! ^^
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CynicalSonata In reply to CreepiGengar-Ghost [2018-06-14 18:23:06 +0000 UTC]
Helloo there! How are ya doing??
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CreepiGengar-Ghost In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-06-15 04:08:34 +0000 UTC]
Hehe, doing good in fact. ^^ been improving on my art and stuff
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CynicalSonata In reply to CreepiGengar-Ghost [2018-06-18 01:37:42 +0000 UTC]
Awesome, I can really tell looking through your gallery *o*
Same though, I think I'm getting better lmao
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CreepiGengar-Ghost In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-06-18 18:58:02 +0000 UTC]
> im still saying you draw link's like theres no tomorrow!
but yes............ i blame not being on here and inspiration.
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WagmoreBarkless In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-05-22 04:33:53 +0000 UTC]
Sal, the leader (or Dali Llama) of my very cute herd of llamas and I thank you for the llama!
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KittySib In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-05-15 00:53:03 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the llama and have a lovely day!=^.^=
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InokitheFox In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-05-03 17:11:43 +0000 UTC]
Great gallery and artwork,
I'd like to see more ^^
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CynicalSonata In reply to InokitheFox [2018-05-04 00:20:28 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much ; u ;
Your support means a ton!!
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InokitheFox In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-05-04 12:44:18 +0000 UTC]
Yeah ^^
Quick question though, if I may, how often do you find yourself drawing?
I've been trying to get into a routine of drawing everyday but find myself having a little trouble to find the time among everything else in my life
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CynicalSonata In reply to InokitheFox [2018-05-04 14:45:19 +0000 UTC]
Hmm, well to be honest, I do draw almost everyday, but that's sometimes it's just practice, or if I'm bored, or if I suddenly thought of a really good idea that I wanna draw down before the inspiration goes away. Though I definitely can't draw everyday since sometimes I lose my motivation or I'm feeling particularly lazy/tired :')
But it definitely should be on your own time and whenever you feel you are able to. And as long as you enjoy doing so as well! It doesn't necessarily have to be every single day that's for sure, especially if you're a busy person too. I hope I was helpful? Maybe, maybe not? >u<" Best of luck to you regardless ^^
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InokitheFox In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-05-04 15:52:05 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! I like hearing from different people on how they go about things. I use to be able draw everyday without much thought or effort. Now and days it's a little harder to juggle everything. I often find myself writing down any ideas I have so I don't forget them to draw later. Most times I have like a day or in the week that I'll draw for hours! But I want to be able to squeeze a little doodle everyday. Like a warm up.
Anyways, that's for your response and the luck!
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CynicalSonata In reply to InokitheFox [2018-05-10 00:43:08 +0000 UTC]
Hey, it's no problem! Thank you for asking, and I'm glad to be of help >u<
And I understand too. I've got alot of ideas in my head, but recently my new job has been keeping me busy enough. Haha, I know this response is a little late, but again, busy ^^"
But yeah! Glad to share my input x)
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InokitheFox In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-05-10 13:41:14 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry about being late to respond. I know a lot about making delays responses lol being busy and all.
And congrats on the new job! ^^ I think its good to be busy as long as you're not overworking yourself. Though now and days I might being too much of that if I'm not able to find much drawing time
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PrankStarz101 In reply to CynicalSonata [2018-04-25 17:20:59 +0000 UTC]
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CS2Magus9000 [2018-04-25 05:15:39 +0000 UTC]
Hi my dear friend *runs up to you and hugs you*
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