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| Crowmaru
# Statistics
Favourites: 158; Deviations: 194; Watchers: 404
Watching: 141; Pageviews: 42632; Comments Made: 809; Friends: 141
# Comments
Comments: 241
CynicalAshhole [2017-06-14 13:32:17 +0000 UTC]
nice animations bro, I wish I can make some of my own ocs like you do yours one day
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ayshamostafiz [2016-01-10 04:14:43 +0000 UTC]
Wow! Your drawings are so beautiful but I like your avatar icon the most. Hihihihihi XD
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lifeofthe6 [2015-08-26 03:48:29 +0000 UTC]
Very happy to have your work in moe-club ! Β It's rare to see women in hijabs drawn in an anime style, and you pull it off wonderfully!
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Crowmaru In reply to lifeofthe6 [2015-08-26 04:08:11 +0000 UTC]
wow! thanks! I'll try to improve my artwork more and more.. ^^
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NobbyWilly In reply to Crowmaru [2015-08-25 08:18:22 +0000 UTC]
sudah hampir setahun :3
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BonekalifeMust [2013-09-06 02:14:35 +0000 UTC]
berminat berdakwah melalui komik?? jom join www.facebook.com/groups/kenapaβ¦
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AmmyK [2013-07-12 04:18:25 +0000 UTC]
i LOVE that you are doing Islamic Manga art, MashaAllah!
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kiwong [2013-04-30 05:24:08 +0000 UTC]
PLS SMS 0812 1975 2061 OR 021 91680410
OR MY PIN BB : 27503E54
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caliph777 In reply to Crowmaru [2012-09-25 07:58:06 +0000 UTC]
buat gambar gambar itu XD awesome
bikin tutornya XD
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Crowmaru In reply to caliph777 [2012-09-25 08:01:20 +0000 UTC]
ohahaha,udah banyak lek disini search aja deh coba :'
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merdega [2012-02-18 18:08:30 +0000 UTC]
hmmm sebenarnya buat emoticon dari avatar bagaimana....?
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merdega [2012-02-18 18:06:05 +0000 UTC]
tadi aku lihat :aitohana: tak kirain orang luar
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zenvuitton [2012-01-03 06:36:12 +0000 UTC]
God, U come from indo bro...
kirain dari luar negri.. -__-
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EvernoirAftermath [2011-09-26 15:31:08 +0000 UTC]
olah bang Muallim XD
ane new disini jadi mohon kerjasamanya X)
lets be frend XD (if you can guess me right... hey but wait. of course you will XD)
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Crowmaru In reply to EvernoirAftermath [2011-10-14 01:06:06 +0000 UTC]
baru buka DA lagi gw QwQ
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EvernoirAftermath In reply to Crowmaru [2011-10-14 14:07:55 +0000 UTC]
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Crowmaru In reply to EvernoirAftermath [2011-10-15 00:46:20 +0000 UTC]
wkwkwkwk, iya bro.. jd jarang buat deh
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EvernoirAftermath In reply to Crowmaru [2011-10-15 01:42:23 +0000 UTC]
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paper-edge [2011-09-06 05:48:49 +0000 UTC]
wah, ternyata orang Indonesia juga
keren" lho gambar nya
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Crowmaru In reply to paper-edge [2011-09-06 06:22:19 +0000 UTC]
huohohoho, thanks bang :' *terharu
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paper-edge In reply to Crowmaru [2011-09-06 11:50:36 +0000 UTC]
haha *toss
anak mana nih?
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Crowmaru In reply to paper-edge [2011-09-06 14:11:17 +0000 UTC]
anak bogor-depo yang menguasai map daerah jakarta selatan secara total dan sebagian sisa jakarta XD /plakplakplak
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paper-edge In reply to Crowmaru [2011-09-07 03:10:04 +0000 UTC]
wah cuman map nya aja tuh? nanggung beneerrr
owh bogor ya? deket UI donk brarti?
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Crowmaru In reply to paper-edge [2011-09-08 05:39:52 +0000 UTC]
yah, lewat lah XD
emang situ anak mana?
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paper-edge In reply to Crowmaru [2011-09-08 06:00:31 +0000 UTC]
aku anak malang
cuman temen ku ada yg kuliah di UI, jadi nanya aja, haha
kuliah ato skul?
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Crowmaru In reply to paper-edge [2011-09-08 06:53:38 +0000 UTC]
gawe dong XD /PLAKS
kasian yah, baru umur 17 udah gawe T_T /cengeng
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paper-edge In reply to Crowmaru [2011-09-08 13:06:53 +0000 UTC]
wah uda gawe? KEREEENNNNNN
malah hebat donk ga buang" waktu buat sekolah,wkwkwk XD
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