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# Statistics
Favourites: 740; Deviations: 218; Watchers: 247
Watching: 74; Pageviews: 67526; Comments Made: 4367; Friends: 74
# Comments
Comments: 718
sprucehammer [2016-05-25 10:55:14 +0000 UTC]
här har du en länk till mitt "sprucecomics galleri". jag satte in serierna på varsin "folder" där de nyaste serierna är längst ner
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Orphydian [2015-11-09 10:17:22 +0000 UTC]
do you have anything against featuring this in my historical group? you don't seem to reply to me
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sprucehammer [2014-07-26 16:52:42 +0000 UTC]
hej. jag har några frågor angående sculpey.
kan man måla skulpturerna med akrylfärg?
och kan man lacka dem med någon sorts lack efteråt?
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Creative-Games In reply to sprucehammer [2014-09-15 09:12:57 +0000 UTC]
Hej Samuel, har inte varit inloggad på länge. Jag tror akryl borde funka. Jag har aldrig målat skulpturerna själva faktiskt. Så jag vet inget om lack heller. Lycka till!
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Creative-Games In reply to sprucehammer [2013-08-16 07:12:29 +0000 UTC]
Den blev fantastisk!
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sprucehammer [2013-06-25 18:34:34 +0000 UTC]
tjena. hur går det med serien? jag glömde förresten att fråga vad den hette.
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Creative-Games In reply to sprucehammer [2013-07-02 15:01:28 +0000 UTC]
Stor-Jobal heter den bara än så länge.
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JJcanvas [2013-01-05 23:52:41 +0000 UTC]
EMIL!!! I miss you man! I just wanted to wish you an awesome 2013 !!! All the best for you mate ! Keep rocking!
(btw, you can change your username now! )
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Creative-Games In reply to JJcanvas [2013-01-10 13:25:15 +0000 UTC]
Haha thanks Jorge! You keep rocking too! I know, I can, but I have to go premium right? I will some day. I desperately need it! xD
How's thing? Still freelancing? I've just started freelancing myself!
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JJcanvas In reply to Creative-Games [2013-01-13 12:25:43 +0000 UTC]
Not freelancing anymore! Working with Jeff and Ricardo (the one from Azores) for another company! We are working on a little mobile game and also working on a big collaboration with Riot Games ( league of legends ). It's been cool and everyone in this company is very awesome and laid back! Still, I'm not doing what I truly want though! But I will one day hopefully !
How is your freelancing going ?
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Creative-Games In reply to JJcanvas [2013-01-16 13:31:54 +0000 UTC]
Oh! Awesome! You guys got a website? I've started so recently that I can't make a judgement of how it's going.
But for these first three weeks, pretty well!
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sprucehammer [2012-09-16 12:36:21 +0000 UTC]
för ett tag sedan talade du om en film som hette bitchkram och jag tror att den skall komma snart.
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Creative-Games In reply to sprucehammer [2012-09-18 13:00:35 +0000 UTC]
Ja, den kommer i oktober!
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JJcanvas [2012-05-10 15:45:03 +0000 UTC]
I hope everything is going awesome for you Emil ! One day I will visit Sweden and we shall drink and cheer to the northern Gods of old!
Take good care!
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Creative-Games In reply to JJcanvas [2012-05-10 21:34:56 +0000 UTC]
Heck yes man! And when you visit, come in July! We could lie in hammocks, drink beer and shoot the cans with airguns! that's what I prefer doing in the summer haha! You take care too!
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Creative-Games In reply to MattiasFahlberg [2012-04-22 05:55:45 +0000 UTC]
Haha, ja faktiskt!
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Xamllew [2012-01-14 16:41:37 +0000 UTC]
Pleeeaaase post more often, your work is inspiring and creative.
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Creative-Games In reply to Xamllew [2012-01-17 11:42:06 +0000 UTC]
Yes I'll defiantely try. I usually do smaller posts on my blog though. maxenart.tumblr.com
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MattiasFahlberg [2011-06-27 08:07:23 +0000 UTC]
Tja! Tänkte du kunde hitta lite coola poser och referenser här -> [link] <- Titta i galleriet riktigt bra bilder.
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Creative-Games In reply to MattiasFahlberg [2011-06-29 06:23:34 +0000 UTC]
Haha, fan vad du lurade mig med första bilden! Jävla runkgubbe!
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MattiasFahlberg In reply to Creative-Games [2011-06-30 22:22:00 +0000 UTC]
HAHAH! ;D Du säger runkgubbe jag säger sexig äldre herre. Ska printa en poster med han och slänga upp över soffan! Ska du ha en?
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Creative-Games In reply to MattiasFahlberg [2011-07-01 08:35:37 +0000 UTC]
Ja, i canvas bitte. Fan alltså, jag såg en lodis som såg exakt ut som denna gubbe som låg och fläkte sig inne i stan igår! Han vara bara magrare haha!
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MattiasFahlberg In reply to Creative-Games [2011-07-03 10:31:41 +0000 UTC]
Usch och fy! Du skulle knäppt några foton på han och lagt upp dem här på DA. Det skulle direkt ha varit en Daily Deviation! ;D
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JJcanvas [2011-04-06 14:27:52 +0000 UTC]
Hey mate, check this out when you get the chance, I think you are gonna like it ( if you haven't seen it already )
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Creative-Games In reply to JJcanvas [2011-04-07 17:01:40 +0000 UTC]
Haha, they make Morrowind look like you remembered it, not like it actually looked! If you know what I mean.
Man, Morrowind, my promised land... I wonder why you can't see any characters?
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Destro2k [2011-02-12 12:58:26 +0000 UTC]
hey there
welcome to
i hope you enjoy your abidance
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