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| CoolNG90
# Statistics
Favourites: 3749; Deviations: 88; Watchers: 173
Watching: 244; Pageviews: 47644; Comments Made: 6574; Friends: 244
# Comments
Comments: 1529
penguinsfan90 [2013-03-22 19:40:27 +0000 UTC]
Tagged [link]
LoL you know how tags work, don't answer if you don't want to but I just want you to look at the whole random stuff I answered and asked..that happens when you eat candies before breakfast..
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CoolNG90 In reply to penguinsfan90 [2013-03-24 00:19:47 +0000 UTC]
Hahahaha, that was awesome XD
Nah, it's ok
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coooool123 In reply to CoolNG90 [2013-02-20 21:01:41 +0000 UTC]
oh wow and thx for the watch as well! I'm honoured!
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Shin--chan [2012-07-15 05:32:49 +0000 UTC]
Will you join my group ? It's an ALL-ARTS group.
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Shin--chan In reply to CoolNG90 [2012-07-15 06:00:34 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to the "Arts Galaxy"! Please enjoy your stay!
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MileniaKitsuvee [2012-07-02 05:29:50 +0000 UTC]
Solo pasando y dejandote una pizza! btw, ya vistes Madagascar 3? Te gusto?
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CoolNG90 In reply to MileniaKitsuvee [2012-07-03 19:16:00 +0000 UTC]
Hola!, gracias *come pizza*
Si, la vi hace un par de semanas, estuvo increible, mejor aΓΊn de lo que pensaba
Y fue la primera vez que disfruto una peli en 3D ^^
ΒΏcΓ³mo has estado? ^^
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MileniaKitsuvee In reply to CoolNG90 [2012-07-04 08:55:00 +0000 UTC]
Si a mi me gusto mas de lo que crei tambien. Lo unico que no me gusto fue el loop ese del tigre que era tan diminuto. O__o Pienso que la historia del tigre hubiera tenido mas simpatia de la audiencia si no exagerara esa parte. XD lol Pero solo eso, lo demas me gusto. c:
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CoolNG90 In reply to MileniaKitsuvee [2012-07-05 19:24:29 +0000 UTC]
Lol, si fue algo exagerado XD
Mi amiga quedo asΓ -> O_____O cuando saliΓ³ por el keyhole, cargando a Marty XDD lol
Pero, a pesar de todo estuvo genial, la parte en la que hacen su acto, fue simplemente hermoso :'D
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MileniaKitsuvee In reply to CoolNG90 [2012-07-08 01:34:42 +0000 UTC]
Oh sii, valio la pena verla en 3D. A mi me encanta las cosas glow in the dark so cuando vi eso me puse "OMG afjal" XD btw, tengo msn y skype nuevos, si quieres te a~ado. Uso mas msn (en verdad no tanto) porque por alguna razon Skype aveces no se quiere conectar y estoy tratando de arreglarlo.
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CoolNG90 In reply to MileniaKitsuvee [2012-07-09 03:55:41 +0000 UTC]
Si *__* fue impresionante
Genial te envio mi correo en privado ^^
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MileniaKitsuvee In reply to CoolNG90 [2012-07-11 07:30:13 +0000 UTC]
anfljd lo recibi pero no he podido entrar a a~adirte, lo hare en estos dias pero como estare fuera no me veras mucho (a menos q tengan internet en los hoteles entonces trato de conectarme si tienen msn) XD
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CoolNG90 In reply to MileniaKitsuvee [2012-07-13 04:30:59 +0000 UTC]
ok then
OjalΓ‘ tengan internet... disfruta tus vacaciones
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MajesticPegasus [2012-06-04 01:42:30 +0000 UTC]
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BaLaNcIngHiMe [2012-05-04 20:23:48 +0000 UTC]
Thanks So much for the faves on my penguin and teddy bear!!
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mintymintymid [2012-04-19 04:09:00 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to DeliciousDAFood - [link]
Iβm really looking forward to seeing your submissions and any suggestions to our favourites gallery!!
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Saturneidae [2012-03-12 22:40:45 +0000 UTC]
Β‘Bienvenida al grupo! Te recomendamos leer las reglas y la Guia de Carpetas para saber donde subir tus trabajos. Si llegas a tener alguna inquietud, no dudes en avisarnos. Con gusto te ayudaremos en lo que necesites.
Que disfrutes tu estadΓa
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inactiveacct01 [2012-02-21 05:12:15 +0000 UTC]
Lol, been so busy with school junk that I forgot to tell ya: I did manage getting the spanish DVD of the TC movie which has the english dubb on it for Christmas, & am now trying to get three of the plush toys that came out (other three will be in March)!
LOVELOVELOVE! & DEFINITELY a TCxT shipper for SURE here. ^-^
Also, one thing gets me curious: Choo-Choo's little iPod type gadget in the film: either they got it out of a scam, he somehow managed to buy it, family member got him one, OR... Lola, perhaps? Nothing contradicts it, I know THAT! ;D
managed a NextGen over all this too: my opinion sees Lola staying with Chooch. (that one line of "could've gone out a lot sooner" tells me they at LEAST had/have something there, including a potential school girl crush from her part ) So, three, twins (boy & girl), then a second son, him likely being stay-at-home dad. (this all being done BEFORE seeing the movie)
I think we both know Fancy's gonna get lucky at SOME point, the cat can't exactly be uhm.. horrible at it, after all. lol So he's gonna have a girl about the same age group as the twins.
TC? At first thanks to the "Choo Choo's Romance" ep, & the fact I didn't yet know the movie outcome, I wasn't too keen on the idea, but now they manage a daughter too, & she has at least Chooch & Lola's youngest (who I will likely pair up themselves, keeping things within the gang & all XD), & I dunno, maybe a third buddy could be a kid of Goldie & Pierre's? meh, still figuring it out, lol. XD I kinda wanna get Benny goin' too, especially after "The Golden Fleecing" (Lord knows he'd be adorable about it! <3), but I dunno.... I kinda like it as is, lol. XD
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CoolNG90 In reply to inactiveacct01 [2012-02-21 06:20:51 +0000 UTC]
I'm not a shipper, sorry
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Connie-hedgehog [2012-02-20 16:50:49 +0000 UTC]
Where did you get this wallpaper?
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CoolNG90 In reply to Connie-hedgehog [2012-02-29 19:24:03 +0000 UTC]
Oh, it's a screenshot of "Siege the Day"
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Megpa140700 [2012-01-17 01:18:32 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for voting for not cancelled the penguins, WE ARE HAVE 180 SIGNARUTES! In appreciation i make requests. Please read!
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CoolNG90 In reply to Megpa140700 [2012-01-19 02:16:41 +0000 UTC]
No problem, you don't have to make anything for me, I'm just happy to help ^^
...Pero hay un detalle importante que deberΓan corregir en la peticiΓ³n...
"To be delivered to: Rich Maganalles" <-Su nombre estΓ‘ mal escrito, es Rich Magallanes, eso podrΓa causar problemas, serΓa mejor que lo corrijan cuando antes
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ksnkun [2012-01-06 03:12:38 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the favorite, feel free to browse my gallery, official site, or official deviantart to give a kikstar product a happy home.
If you add me on facebook and let me know how you heard of me, I'll give you shipping free! New products are on the way.
(bare with me I'm a little out dated.)
ksnkun@hotmail.com (Facebook email)
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