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| ClipCat
# Statistics
Favourites: 396; Deviations: 28; Watchers: 3
Watching: 7; Pageviews: 8633; Comments Made: 901; Friends: 7
# Comments
Comments: 56
neurolepsia [2006-02-04 06:42:16 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the nice, nice comments, they mean lots to me.
π: 0 β©: 0
TheCoconutGuy [2005-12-24 14:57:39 +0000 UTC]
Hey Mark,
It's my pleasure to wish you a very warm and peaceful christmas this year and of course a successful and funny new year (because laughing is important and healthy)
A big hug for everybody!
I really enjoyed 2oo5, especially here on dA, and I know that 2oo6 will be the most perfect year ever with you around, it will sure be!
Happy Holidays! Always yours, Coco
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Mignon [2005-11-27 12:59:19 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for stopping by recently and adding 'Lazy Afternoon' to your 's
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ClipCat In reply to Inkthinker [2005-10-26 17:27:07 +0000 UTC]
Greetings, ...and your comment means???...
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Inkthinker In reply to ClipCat [2005-10-26 19:38:16 +0000 UTC]
It means that your avatar, the little furry guy looking around, was created by Erin Humiston and given as a gift to his girlfriend. It's not yours, you didn't ask for permission to use it, and it's impolite at best to continue using it for yourself.
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alain-jesionka [2005-10-25 21:18:10 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for the !!!!
A bientΓ΄t !
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aquapell [2005-10-08 11:48:44 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much Mark for all the faves!
Sorry its taken so long to get back to you
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TheCoconutGuy [2005-10-06 13:50:44 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for adding me to your watchlist, its a great honour on my side
Guess we see each other again then Bay, Coco
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orangebutt [2005-10-01 14:49:10 +0000 UTC]
thanks a lot for all your comments, deeply appreciated and sorry i`m that late.
hope you have a great weekend and keep it on
π: 0 β©: 0
RudeBoys [2005-09-30 22:28:23 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the "Fav".
it was nice to view your gallery. looking at new (for me that is..) styles, on Dev.art, is really refreshing.
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davenevanxaviour [2005-09-26 03:21:55 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the on
Jimi Hendrix: Got Milk?
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FractalStock [2005-09-24 06:55:59 +0000 UTC]
Many thanks for the devwatch! And welcome to DA!
π: 0 β©: 1
ClipCat In reply to FractalStock [2005-09-28 17:56:47 +0000 UTC]
hiya Fracster! ...I see the dev-watch thing, but don't π: 0 β©: 0
know how to do it really, so it does say that I have
one watch-[you?]- but don't know How that happened?
So what, you get an uPdate when the dev yer watching
puts up new materials?...I imagine? Well, I'm glad yer one of mine...love those
>Have a grrreat 28th!...
Luminosa [2005-09-23 09:30:14 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for your WONDERFUL comment on "little wing"
Made me smile
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FollowMeThrough [2005-09-22 16:22:34 +0000 UTC]
Hey, thanks for the fave on "Shooting Stars."
π: 0 β©: 1
ClipCat In reply to FollowMeThrough [2005-09-22 19:02:29 +0000 UTC]
HOWDY! ... and thankYou! hey glad U popped me a note FMT - it's another category that I can have for my dwnld file: π: 0 β©: 0risms> or
one I wanted to give U is called "Soulmates"
bummer is that rt now I cannot open my pics
something happened where it changed my icons
...so I can only open them up in my scanner app.
and even there I can't get the view# - if you can
HeeelllP me please do, or point me in the rt direction
BuckNut [2005-09-21 00:20:23 +0000 UTC]
Hey thanks for all the 's on my work. It's always nice to know when someone enjoys my photography
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equivoque [2005-09-20 21:04:54 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the on Little Mother . I much appreciate it, and so does Clementine.
π: 0 β©: 1
ClipCat In reply to equivoque [2005-09-20 21:39:52 +0000 UTC]
...RogerThat π: 0 β©: 1 I'm feelin' sorta queezzy!
ahhh, I'm ok now-
on that note -
oh btw, think I forgot to tell you...
as I now say to All my new dev-buddies...
YOU have officially been:
...and help free:
basia [2005-09-20 09:41:13 +0000 UTC]
Hello CLipcat
thank you for adding"My Town-Builduing Gaudi" to your favs
π: 0 β©: 0
Ricoo [2005-09-19 16:31:35 +0000 UTC]
Thanks Mark Alan for the highly appreciated fav.
π: 0 β©: 1
ClipCat In reply to Ricoo [2005-09-19 23:47:49 +0000 UTC]
..........KoooL signature, no prob LongHorn!!
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ClipCat In reply to JadeAstaria [2005-09-20 02:00:55 +0000 UTC]
maybe this w/bring it home... *smiles*
omg I'm such a sucker4SunSetS !
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