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Clannad16 [32808032] [] "Is this living free?"

# Statistics

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# Comments

Comments: 208

Anipzis [2019-11-07 06:43:43 +0000 UTC]

Hiya Mimi! If you read this: I wondered when will you come back to this site. And even if you don't wanted to coming back here, is there any way to contact you?

It's okay if you don't want to post anything, but i missed chatting with you ;-;

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Vidamasu [2019-07-19 05:09:00 +0000 UTC]


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Lunarlueur [2018-11-03 11:05:23 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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Clannad16 In reply to Lunarlueur [2019-01-09 06:48:53 +0000 UTC]


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Anipzis [2018-08-22 17:22:42 +0000 UTC]

Hiyaaaa, is someone’s here?

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Clannad16 In reply to Anipzis [2019-01-09 06:48:21 +0000 UTC]


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LadySeshiiria [2018-03-24 22:48:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave!

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Clannad16 In reply to LadySeshiiria [2018-03-24 22:58:34 +0000 UTC]


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ToxxCat [2018-03-18 13:42:07 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for fav :3 

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Clannad16 In reply to ToxxCat [2018-03-19 01:40:20 +0000 UTC]

your welcome!! <3 

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Vidamasu [2018-03-14 14:17:55 +0000 UTC]

Hi Mako. Sorry for not replying you yet. I've had problems with notes, I'm unable to send them :/


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Clannad16 In reply to Vidamasu [2018-03-14 14:24:20 +0000 UTC]

Hiii *hugs*. 😊 It's fine~ that's strange, DA really needs to upgrade 🙄

WTF indeed lol 😊

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Vidamasu In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-14 14:33:52 +0000 UTC]

According  to this website, that can happen because of Spam.... spam!!! WTF, I'm not spamming

Well, replying you to your note:

Yes, this semester is hard. I had to do a report (26 pages!!) about cell biology activity that we had two weeks ago.
My holidays is at the end of this month (in fact the last week of this month). I'm waiting for that little break : (

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Clannad16 In reply to Vidamasu [2018-03-14 14:43:49 +0000 UTC]

Really!? :0 you should probably contact day about that :/

26!!! 🤒🤕🤕😱😱😱 Your school is doing the most! You're not even an English major. My teacher I had in hs was an English major and she had to write 100 pages, and I'm thinking would the professor really read all of those from several students! Wow you need that break for real, you've been working hard~ too hard

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Vidamasu In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-14 15:05:47 +0000 UTC]

Yes, 26 :'0 WOW! well, She won XD. Being at college/university isn't easy because  of rigorousness (she  feels me XDDD).
Hey, at least it's my day off! hahaha. I don't have classes today, so I'm gonna rest.

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Clannad16 In reply to Vidamasu [2018-03-14 15:34:41 +0000 UTC]

Exactly, for those who say college was the best time of their lives, idk what they were thinking! 😕 oooh a day off, that's great 😊 Yaaay, get some rest!! Ugh My class starts in 26mins 😪 Get some rest for the both of us 😴

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Vidamasu In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-14 18:08:46 +0000 UTC]

Hahahah, you're completely right XD
I'm doing that UwU I'm enjoying the sun of this afternoon
Good luck, Mako !!

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Clannad16 In reply to Vidamasu [2018-03-14 19:14:34 +0000 UTC]

What color is the sky over there rn?
Thanks, currently omw home!

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Vidamasu In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-14 19:38:22 +0000 UTC]

So Blue

How were you in your class???

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Clannad16 In reply to Vidamasu [2018-03-14 20:41:30 +0000 UTC]

That means the air is cleaner today! I learned that when the sky has orange/pink colors in it, it's very polluted(GEEK MOMENT!! 😊)

I WAS A VERY GOOD STUDENT! I listened and didn't zoom out today lol 😂

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Vidamasu In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-14 22:05:04 +0000 UTC]

Hey, curiously I saw a video about that yesterday haha. Nice coincidence 

Awww hahaha, you're really a god student, Mako   

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Clannad16 In reply to Vidamasu [2018-03-14 23:05:59 +0000 UTC]

oh really,  cool!

omg, I said ZOOM out as if i'm a camera or something, I meant zone out       

besides being deadly tired, how are you Masu?            

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Vidamasu In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-15 00:18:10 +0000 UTC]

Hahah well, I guessed that you meant zone out. But I must say that it literally sounded hilarious XD 

Well, I enjoyed this day off. Also I helped to my father to cook UwU we cooked meat with smash potatoes 

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Clannad16 In reply to Vidamasu [2018-03-15 00:26:55 +0000 UTC]

LOLOL 😂😂😂 now I can't stop smiling 😹💀💀😂😂😂

That's awesome!! And u mean mashed potatoes 😎 😂

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Vidamasu In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-15 00:29:00 +0000 UTC]

Hahahah  awww. Smile ! It's a positive activity X)

U say mashed potatoes, right? We know it as "pure de papa"  

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Clannad16 In reply to Vidamasu [2018-03-15 00:32:40 +0000 UTC]


And yess we say that over here. Oh cool, I'ma start saying that now

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Vidamasu In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-15 13:42:21 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha XD

Hey, about food, what's your favorite food??

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Clannad16 In reply to Vidamasu [2018-03-16 01:04:37 +0000 UTC]

I love a lot of food, so idk which one is my favorite ;-; yours?

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Vidamasu In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-17 12:49:01 +0000 UTC]

I love seafood and chocolate, they're my weakness XD!!

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Clannad16 In reply to Vidamasu [2018-03-18 02:52:27 +0000 UTC]

oh yeah chocolate!        

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Vidamasu In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-18 05:46:17 +0000 UTC]


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Anipzis [2018-03-03 09:51:15 +0000 UTC]

Hello there, thank you so much for faving my journal!
I hope it's somehow helping, and never stop drawing!

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Clannad16 In reply to Anipzis [2018-03-04 22:08:40 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome! Thanks

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Anipzis In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-06 14:30:56 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, i see looks like you're pretty passionate in what you're doing

What inspires you to drawing arts?

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Clannad16 In reply to Anipzis [2018-03-08 00:12:22 +0000 UTC]

I really needed see the answer to this question. I was feeling terrible about my art just now, and although it may still be terrible, I will strive to do better.

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Anipzis In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-11 10:21:03 +0000 UTC]

That's okay, wish you feeling better!

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Clannad16 In reply to Anipzis [2018-03-08 00:10:00 +0000 UTC]

aww thanks for asking this question!!    
Well, watching anime has giving me inspiration. Anime makes me soo happy and there's a lot motivational messages characters give and so I want to make others happy, with my characters, and most importantly with my own animated movie or anime. Animated movies make me happy too lol And animation IS art, and so that's why I do art. I love it and it can spread many messages to make others happy and motivated. That's why I keep practicing. I don't know why I want to entertain people so much, because many people are rude, but I LOVE seeing people smile and making people laugh So yeah, I want to help others and make them smile/happy. I want a kid to grow up and then someone mentions my movie and that grown man who was once a kid said "I loved that movie. Or that movie has helped me..or that movie was funny"  sorry for the long reply. 

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Anipzis In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-11 09:46:46 +0000 UTC]

I'm very sorry about the late reply ;-;

Eyyyyy that's awesome!! Do you watching anime since you're still a kid? (like One Piece or Digimon, i think? )
I agree! Animation is one of awesome kind of art. And it's really entertaining and you can put a lot of messages into it. Whether it's about way of life or emotions or people, and sometimes i find it's so true. I always enjoyed watching one

Have you watched this video? It's really heartwarming i love it www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qCbiC…
And making people's day is a wonderful things to do YOU can do it!  

Btw i'm Anipzis, nice to meet ya!  

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Clannad16 In reply to Anipzis [2018-03-11 21:16:10 +0000 UTC]

It's ok, I wasn't expecting a reply at all, so thanks for replying.
Yes! I've been watching anime since I was a kid. If I was ever sad, i'd go straight to the tv and watch some animations. I watched Pokémon and Dragon Ball Z as a kid. Aww, what's your favorite anime?
and thank you for motivating me, I really do appreciate it. I do feel better, as long as I don't dwell(or keep thinking about) the negative thoughts of not having skills at all and not being good enough.

OMG that video is soOOooOOO KAWAII!! I didn't realize she was blind until the end. Thanks for sharing it! I love it <3 
Nice name and nice to meet you Anipzis, i'm Mimi.

Anipzis, what is it that you want to do as a career/dream? 

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Anipzis In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-13 00:24:21 +0000 UTC]

Oh me? I'm watched mostly cartoon like Doraemon and Nickelodeon's and such. Actually i'm not the type who watches tv, i'm more playing games and reading books and comics (i collected aloooot of them back then, including Dragon Ball series)
I really love animation movie tho, i can spend a lot of hours just for a title like Cars, The Incredibles, Ratatouille etc xD

I know right? That video was soooo good!!! I wasn't expecting that too

Don't forget to draw for yourself
You might feel you're not good enough, so do i. But the most important thing is about showing our feelings, not only the quality.
What inside heart that really matters

My dream is, i wanted to make my own game! Game has a lot of impact on my life, especially the story-driven one. I want to create an unique story game that able to make people feel emotions, even if it's not a big game. I'm inspired a lot from games like Earthbound, Undertale, To The Moon and other amazing games, and i wanted to make something like it. It would be amazing if i'm ever able to achieve it! It'll stay as a dream tho, i'm not rushing like working so hard to achieve that point. I wanna enjoy the journey towards it

Btw i really like it i cant stop when talking about dreams, it is like my weak point here XD

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Clannad16 In reply to Anipzis [2018-03-14 15:01:33 +0000 UTC]

Yaaas Nickelodeon is great and Cartoon Network and Disney 😊
I like games too, but haven't had the chance to play much due to school. It's mostly school work and then working on perfecting my skills, but I do miss games a lot 😭 and comics are cool too! You into Marvel and DC? DO YOU KNOW THEY ARE MAKING AN INCREDIBLES 2!??
I remind myself to draw for me, cause social media is demanding and can be unhealthy. Yes I agree what matters is what is inside. And it's best not to compare yourself to others too. It's good to find another artist who is in the same boat as me and is positive! I can be positive but when negativity takes over it's really not good.

YOUR DREAM IS SOOO COOOL!! I thought about doing that but idk what it would be easier 😦, but wow let me know when you release your game or hey if u need help with it! This is so exciting, YOU CAN DO IT!! Wow I'm so stressful towards my dreams and you're so chill, hope I can be like you xD how old are you btw? Also the thing with me is yes it would be cool to achieve my dream no matter what age, but I still don't want to be TOO OLD when it happens lol AND it's ok, I love hearing about other people and their dreams!! You can keep talking about it if you want!! 😊💖

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Anipzis In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-17 07:06:33 +0000 UTC]

Again i'm very sorry for late reply, there's a lot of things happening ;-;

Ahaha, you made me reminiscing about my school days XD I am actually a rebellious kid back then, i keep running away from school and fleeing through rice field in the night and punished by teacher to completely shaving my head xD (and all of that because i just wanna play games at internet cafe) Omg that was a good times really Just enjoy your times at school! Once you're graduated, things get to actually boring really. Adult world really are boring

Hehe, it's not like i'm positive either (i cursed myself a lot too sometimes xD) but we have to stay true to ourselves and doing things that we need to do. It's even ok to breaking rules sometimes and be weird as many times as you want, as long as we staying true to ourselves. It is alright to making mistakes and feeling sad and anger and envy, because we're just a human after all

YES! I'm actually taking Information Technology courses in the college. And soon i wanted to learn about how to make a game . I don't plan anything for my future, but i have a dream that abstract and i believe i'm walking slowly towards it. You know what, my dreams is actually so tiny compared to the journey that i will go through eventually. It's like an ant VS the galaxy, and this world is so big you can't just aiming for the small ones. You see, i'm actually an overambitious little boy who has no skill whatsoever but dare to dreaming about big things. I am feeling anxious about myself sometimes, and i don't feel i have any talent inside of me, and i'm failed at literally everything in this competitive adult world. You can't address me as a positive person because i am really not!
But i'm still believe in myself and my friends, that's makes me keep going till now

Anyways, don't forget about your purpose at the first place. And don't be so sad when seeing other people being more talented than you, because they are also a human too and sometimes they feeling sad too, and they might have the same purpose as yours. Don't forget that you're special in your own way, and no one can actually replace you. So keep doing in what you're doing Mimi, keep believing in yourself, and never stop drawing!  

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Clannad16 In reply to Anipzis [2018-03-19 01:39:22 +0000 UTC]

it's totally fine!! I understand people got busy lives, no need to apologize, especially since our messages are long!  
awww interesting childhood! love the rebellious spirit!where are you from btw? I remember when I was younger(maybe 8) every night I would play a scooby-doo game on the cartoon network website, and one night my dad didn't see me in my room, and then he found me on the computer. I also remember I was playing a game that was too mature( I was maybe 12) but it's mature cuz there was a strip club in it and my brother's girlfriend took it away from me, I shed one tear D: and then I told myself I can't wait to be 17 so I can play it! Now i'm 19(I feel so old) and I still haven't went back to play it! childhood is nice because kids have soooooo much free time~ but now a days kids just want JOBS, like seriously, and it makes me wonder, why don't they want to enjoy their youth, but everyone is raised differently, and the economy is bad so yeah ;-; 
Adult life is boring?    try to make it fun!   sure there may not be homework assignments due everyday...hmm actually, what makes it boring?

I see, actually thanks for telling me you're not always positive :3 I appreciate the honesty  oh yes, another great topic! staying true to ourselves!!! I could actually go on and on about that, but idk if I should lol but yeah, we are just humans, no one is perfect~ and there is only one you, so shine~

SUGOI! THAT'S GREAT! you're taking steps to learning to make a game^^ no matter if it's baby steps are long strides, at least you're moving  

hmphf, the adult world is competitive, and people who are competitive look down on those who are not, and I don't get it, i'm not that competitive myself~ If people put in the work and have good intentions, I think everyone should achieve their dreams without worrying about better components and then feeling like trash if they don't win. Dreamers are looked down upon, so we should look up for ourselves together! (that might have been confusing D basically, don't say you don't have talent, that negative thought comes when you compare..but I guess i'm being hypocritical, because I've said I don't have talent myself~ you're only 21, so failure is not an option yet, but yeah. It's strange how we know the positive things to tell other people but we can't say it to ourselves >.< yes just have belief and ambition :3   

Thanks Anipzis!! may I call you Ani? or does that sound too girly omg

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Anipzis In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-20 05:58:14 +0000 UTC]

I am from Indonesia, a little island in Southeast Asia
Hehe, lemme guess what happen next; you got scold by your dad? We have a lot of things we wanted to do when we was a kid, don't we?
Nowadays i feel people changing, really. The advancement on technology and informations make things different. That makes me feel about people growing up so fast. Too fast even, they don't even have a time to enjoy their time . And i really dislike the aspect of chasing popularity, that nowadays someone has to showing off their successfulness and happiness. I mean, in this era we just care too much with the "result" more than "process".
Not that i care about those kind of people, btw xD

It's about my experience though. When i got that sense freedom i had to paid a price; discovering the truth. The truth is adult life is harsh, because everyone suddenly making expectation a lot from you. They think you're already an adult, so they freed you but in the same time expecting that you'd be helpful to them. (and when i said about "they", you are also included. You are expecting yourself to be helpful) And like you say, it's all about financials and responsibilities. It's waaaay too serious and i can't stand it
I'm not that competent in adult world so i'll staying kid forever hehee!!

It's okay, go on! I'd like to hear your opinion about it! (Staying true to ourselves)

That's not how things work, unfortunately. People are all different, and each of them have their own ideals and point of views. And then they always make an instant judgement without thinking. Because in fact, thinking takes a lot of effort, and not everyone wanted to do that.
A person said this to me and i feel it's very right :
"Seeing other artists excel at their work should be sending you the message that you too can attain your own mastery over YOUR art (not theirs). Most artists seek to inspire others (although few might be attention whores), so if their artwork is producing the opposite effect and it's making you give up on your art, then I'm sorry to say, that it would be 100% your fault for interpreting their message the wrong way."
So, you should open and change your mind just a little to be able to understand. That's all, heheh xD

In the end, i feel that we can't help everyone. But we can help ones who wanted to be helped. In fact, my first intention wasn't even helping; i just wanted to meet people who might able to understand eachother and be friends and have fun together!  
Isn't that fun? Yeaaah, that is SUPER FUN!!!!!!

You can totally call me whatever you want! You can even see me as a girl, i don't mind (although no, i am a boily boi)  

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Clannad16 In reply to Anipzis [2018-03-24 22:50:52 +0000 UTC]

Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy and then the one time I tried to reply my computer erased the entire message and I was like   i'll reply another time ;-;

OHHH REALLY!!! THAT'S SOO COOL! I had a REALLY good friend from there! she would at times send me pictures of Indonesia and it seems very beautiful   nope kids think of doing many things which is great, and as they become adults then society makes them feel like they can only do one thing >.> maybe for kids I think it's how much the parents let them use technology. For teenagers, I believe they are easily influenced by grown celebrities and then the teenagers try to act like them. SO yes technology plays a part, but not fully. It depends on peoples' personalities, and how they use technology wisely. But I don't think parents regulate how much time their teenager gets to spend on technology, even if they do, kids-teens will find a way to use it, and it's kind of stressful(on the parents)~ "I mean, in this era we just care too much with the "result" more than "process""-ANI  I love that! PREACH!!! Lol you should write a book and put that quote in there! LOL the book might only be 1 page, but i'll buy it People will like someone for being a popular singer, but I can bet when before that person got famous and was just singing in the streets, not a lot of people would pay attention that much. a better example is with small youtubers. no one gives them a chance anymore, it's only big famous ones~ basically some people only care about you if you are famous >.<

YOU ARE RIGHT! i'm taking a psychology class and my professor said the older we get the more people expect from you. That puts a lot of pressure on everyone. Over here some people say being 18years old is an ADULT, others say 21 is adult, but to be honest, not everyone has their life together by that age , but they feel like they should because of society and it's too stressful!! Not like we should live with our parents forever, but people need to give young adults time. And maybe most people have the definition of adult wrong!What I like about you Ani is that you are 21 and call yourself a little boy! that makes me smile lol  i'm 19 and I feel like i'm old. I don't want to feel like that, and I don't think 19 is old, but everyone says I LOOK older, and now i'm having some body issues and that's why I feel old, and I hate it but yeah ADULT LIFE IS WAY TO SERIOUS and a lot of adults are grumpy and mean! LOL we can both stay in our childish ways^_^

adios mio, I feel like I've already typed up a novel(I am so sorry about that btw), but ok i'll talk about staying true to ourselves. Majority of people LOVE/PREFER extroverts, and that can make introverts try to change. I'm both introvert and extrovert (its called ambivert) and so when i'm around people i'm comfortable with, I act silly, but If I don't feel comfortable, I'm quiet and I would like to be silly, but then those people start to judge my quietness and start to exclude me. Its just hard to stay true to ourselves when people will judge. I KNOW we can't get everyone to like us and we shouldn't care what others think, I get that but then sometimes its just hard

What that person said is true(that needs to be in a book too lol)~ not that I want to give  up, I just get discouraged sometimes, but everyone gets discourage but hey I see what you're saying... why get discouraged when other people did it, if they can u can too, thanks for sharing that 

lol awww yes that's fun, but be safe too Ani, speaking online can be dangeeerrrous >.< 

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Anipzis In reply to Clannad16 [2018-03-25 06:09:50 +0000 UTC]

Ouch pffffffft lol i know that feeling that's incredibly sucks, things will never be the same xD
Take your time! Don't forget to copy your message first after typing, or press ctrl+z to undo (Omg i almost lost this entire comment btw, if i hadn't copy it first before submitting. I write this thing for 4 hours, i just can't lose it ;-; ) i could even write entire journal with this

And it's all ok with long comment. We're both a critical thinker and thoughts writer, and that's what i liked!
So just UNLEASH EVERYTHING you wanna say, the MORE the MERRIER!!! (This is very long comment btw, and it's a bit too deep, be wary!)

Aww, i bet she's a photographer? Photography is really booming in Indonesia, and these captures are sometimes very beautiful it makes me wonder what i been doing in my life (i'm indoor person) How about your place? Something interesting there?

Nah, personally i wouldn't recommend it really. Too much information makes people overthinking, and it might trigger things like depression or anxiety. And i don't think it's good for teenager, because they're still in puberty and their feelings are unstable. They can't use it wisely yet, i'm sure of it. They still can't filtering what's good for them and what's not. It's always the same; they find something that make them able to fitting in, even if it's a bad thing. I'm judging based on what i see, in Instagram and Youtube and another social media. They always wanted attention, and social media and internet isn't the most right place for it really.
And in another case, technology can be misused and brings addiction, like it's a way for someone for escape from their life. Too much on everything isn't good, i'm talking about games and anime and movie and all other things that can make someone feeling good for a while. But that's just like escaping from the reality and really, you can't keep living like that. I'm talking about people who doesn't have friend and shut themselves in
And then, cyberbullying. That's the worst case that could happened to teenager. My example is you bullying a person and you videotaped it and sharing it to the internet. Or you public shaming someone and upload it to the internet. Or you make a person doing something wrong and you publicly judging and shaming him/her and then upload it in internet. All entire world are watching. I'll tell you; you destroyed that person's life. Seriously, you destroyed it.
Convince me that i'm wrong. Tell me "It's just a prank bro". Explain to me that you're doing a right thing and that person deserves it. You're probably just run away and taking zero responsibility on your action. You're probably just playing innocent and pretend things aren't a big deal. You're probably just pointing finger to others and say that isn't your fault.
There's a lot of that cases in my country. Students public shaming on their teachers. Parents calling police to arrest a good teacher. Teenager commit suicide because of a video tape. It's real stories, and that makes me sad. Why can't we just normally have fun and play like a kid? Why someone needs to suffer just to have that feeling good?
Sorry i'm getting a little emotional Well that's life i guess, can't do anything about it. And yes it's partially a parent's fault that can't control their children, i agree. (But it isn't possible to fully control their children with technology. So instead of prohibiting things, you teach and nurture them to make a character so they'll know what's right and what's not. It's again, in parent's hand after all).

Hahahah, YEEEESSSSSS!!! I'm glad we're agree on that! I'm still trying to writing about it better so stay tuned!
(Btw have you read my journals? I write my thoughts in it and i recommend it to read. Critique will always be appreciated! omg shameless self-advertise btw)

Mmm, of course i'm right
But you don't have to feel that way! You're the one who choose how do you want to live your life. My friend said to me once, "Love the live you life, live the life you love." And that's also very true! You don't live the way people wanted you to live; you live the way you wanted to live. We might be the minority of our kind, but that doesn't mean that we're wrong!
But of course i do my responsibility too (like paying bills and going to school) and outside i looks like an adult too. But inside i'm choosing to be a child, and i still believe it's what inside the heart that really matters and i'm not even a psychologist

Oh well, i'll tell you what's Introvert and Extrovert are all about (Another writing ideas btw, yohoho! )
I wanted to go back to the basic about Introvert and Extrovert. What is Introvert and Extrovert?
Introvert is a personality trait that focus on internal feelings more than external feeling. Introvert people enjoy company with a fewer people, and gaining energy from spending time being alone. Being introvert doesn't mean you shy and can't talk to people; you just need energy in order to spending time with people. On contrary, Extrovert is personality trait that focus on external feeling. Extrovert people enjoy talking to much people, and gaining energy from spending time with people. Being extrovert too doesn't mean you're talkative and talk to people continueosly; but you just gain energy from spending time with people. That's all.
I myself also consider Ambivert at first, but that's not completely true. I really like talking to people, but i need my time too for being alone at some period. There's no such thing as completely Introvert or Extrovert; Introvert people needs to talk too and Extrovert people needs to be alone too. It's just about the energy, from where we mostly taking. So from my analysis you're probably Introvert, you mostly gain energy from being alone or talking to few people. Introvert people mostly care about what's the inside, and being introspective. You enjoyed your quality time with someone you know, better than talking to a stranger that you don't know what's inside of them. So, from my analysis even the great youtuber Pewdiepie is actually an Introvert, he doesn't talking directly to people and he really cares about what the inside. Singers like Sia and Imagine Dragons is Introvert too, they like talking about the inside. Extrovert people i think is like Oprah and Ellen Degeneres, where they love talking to people directly and know what they're doing and they enjoy talking about the outside. (What i mean outside is overall story of success, inside is what is their feeling when they fighting in order to success).
And then, actually the majority of people is Introvert. We just can't see it much, because they tend to be hiding and don't show themselves much. But i'm very positive that there's a lot of them, and there's a few that might like to talk about themselves (Like you, lol XD)

Back to the topic, staying true. Staying true is you're conscious in what you're doing right here right now. Staying true is you write this comment, thinking what should you react, and what point you want me to see. Staying true is you're talking faithfully to the person in front of you, about what you're feeling and what you're thinking. Staying true is when you're uncomfortable in conversation, you stay quiet but you're still listening (or you choose to leaving). Like i said, it's inside what really matters, not in the outside. Who cares what people think about you, it's not important. You see your perspective "What they think about me" and changing it to "What i feel about myself and what i think about them". We take fully control of our feelings and our action, and we focusing in what we're doing right here right now, that's what i've meant about staying true. It might hard to understand btw, but keep trying! It's fun thinking this way!

Staying true is telling to me right now, "Oh no Ani that's WRONG!!!" or "YOU'RE VERY RIGHT ANI, PLEASE BE MY ONII-CHAN!!!!" or keep silent until 5 days or even deactive your account right now and thinking "Oh my god, this guy is so bossy i hate him". There's a lot of possibilities in your life and it's not only two of "do or don't", and more importantly it's all your choice! Isn't that fun??? Yeeaaaaaaahh it's SUPER FUN!!!!!!!!!!!! I kinda wished you really call me onii-chan btw SUSH!

When you're feeling sad, just admit that you're feeling sad right now, and think what you're gonna do about it. Are you gonna cry about it? Are you gonna seek help? Are you gonna complain? It's all your choice! Beware tho, people will judge you based on the choice you're pick. But then it's your choice again to care about it or not. It's all in your hand!
Me? Of course i choose to help! I already see you as one of my best friend right now!
What about if my art sucks? It's just our judgement that we think our art sucks. And then, what do you gonna do about it? Are you gonna improve? Are you gonna give up? Are you just gonna sitting there and be victim "I'm not talented and i can't do it"? Or you pick like me, which is don't care at all and drawing just for fun, like when we're still kids? I'm not thinking about improvement anymore, not even once. But i'm still drawing and i am improving eventually, and i still got that "fun" that i seek and it feels good! (and what i found it's "fun" is teasing myself, like, "MY ART SUCKS OMG" and "WHY IS THIS SO HARD OH MY LORD" and "WHAT KIND OF PIECE OF GARBAGE IS THIS" and "I FORGOT TO SAVE WHAT THE F", but without blaming myself. I know, such negativity much trashtalk xD)
Anyways, again it's your choice! I see you as kind of improvement artist but i dunno if you wanna stick with that. And when you're find what's suitable for you, keep doing in what you're doing!

Oh, i'll be safe! No worries! I think i'm good at avoiding drama sooo....

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Clannad16 In reply to Anipzis [2018-03-25 23:57:05 +0000 UTC]

Lol it's not funny    aww this took you four hours GOMEN NEEE! yes this can be an entire journal, maybe an entire book LOL but I HONESTLY don't mind long replies. Most of the world likes short replies and it limits my responses, but with you I can talk 'til my heart's content so thanks random, BUT you know there's this stigma that guys don't listen for long, right?? Get as deep with your replies as you want!!

Lol yup my place is very interesting, but i'm mostly indoors, I would like to go outdoors but ain't nobody got MONEY for that.

Welp, there's nothing we can do about teenagers using technology. Idk if you heard of Malu, but she's 15 and is because famous/successful because she belly-danced and twerked on the internet(she was doing that even when she was 14). She even twerked with her mom on the internet and her attitude is like "i'm famous, I make money!! I'm the prettiest girl! I want to fight people!!" and its sad because she is only 15, hopefully if she matures in years to come, she would probably regret acting like that online. SO basically, technology is good and bad, it just depends on how someone uses it~ I agree, people shouldn't use it as an escape every second of their lives. There was an experiment done. Experimenters took phones away from a group of people. A woman actually got SICK from not having her phone and its SAD, but again, nothing we can do. People change if they want to.

I think the line "life is ruined" is a bit dramatic. In a lot of cases, peoples lives are ruined because they let the bullies get to them and then they commit suicide..well technically their life isn't ruined, it's over. The ones who don't commit suicide have SOOO many years in ahead of them. It may be rough and seem ruined for the next couple of years, but the drama will pass and if it doesn't they need to move to a different location. CHANGE CAN HAPPEN. It is strange when kids bully TEACHERS, but its the law's fault for believing in kids who were not raised right or choose to follow the wrong crowd instead of listening to good teachers. It's not good that it's like that...nowhere is perfect~ 

I'll get around to reading some of your journals~ cause you seem wise

lol    ooooooooohhhhh you pay bills! cool lol and I see what you mean ^_^
You're smart Ani Yeah a lot of introverts are like "I need to RECHARGE!" I know what they mean, but they literally sound funny, as if they are phones or something, but yeah it's about energy, you're right again   OOH YoU'RE Analyzing MEEEee noW HUH!!! in that case I gain energy both ways~ PEWDS IS THE BEST! *BROFIST* Many Youtubers are quiet <3 LOL I LAUGHED when you said you think Ellen and Oprah are extroverts        
HMPF!!  maybe I talk about myself so I can understand myself better, but I like when other people talk about themselves too :3 it's really REALLY interesting and fun to learn/get to know people online(in person is fun too, but something about online seems better), however, when I got to DA(omg here I am talking about myself again and I used to be very self-conscious about that BY THE WAY) I tried not to talk to people, and I do have a reason I wont share, but it does feel nice talking to others so I guess this is me letting it all out. I just try not to get too close.

"You see your perspective "What they think about me" and changing it to "What i feel about myself and what i think about them"-ANI. add that to your book of quotes!! 

LOL "YOU'RE VERY RIGHT ANI, PLEASE BE MY ONII-CHAN!!!!" lol I aint that desperate LOL you are right about some of the previous things you've said. hmm what if I decide "hey I don't like you anymore and ignore you, that would hurt, maybe. And I don't want to hurt people by leaving. You actually do remind me a LITTLE about an onii-chan I had, because both of you are outspoken and say it like it is....so in that case i'll call you onii-chan too!

JOKING! i'll still call you ANIIIII *tease*

yup people just judge about anything~people even judge babies! so judgements shouldn't matter and usually when people are sad or mad they can care less about anything ^^
waah you see me as a best friend  that was fast~ Drawing as a kid is one of the BEST ways to draw honestly! I try to do both improve an have fun, but I think you can agree that trying to improve is frustrating, but I do have reasons on why I want to improve. AND IT SEEMS LIKE KIDS DONT EVEN GET ART BLOCKS, THEY JUST DRAW

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Anipzis In reply to Clannad16 [2018-04-07 19:06:03 +0000 UTC]

Aaaand guess what, just after i said that thing i lost my entire message. And it's even almost done too. The level of triggered is 39378293729329373927392738282938289495598595959489382849393849393849394849384839384839383849384928928292739292848595048282922828401019039203

Aaaaaaaaaaand i already forgot what i'm going to say, goshdangit (you can say i got "conversation block" xD)

Heheh, i don't mind too. See, we're the same kind!  

Ohh you should really, there's surely a place where it isn't cost anything, like park or beach maybe? World is such a huge place for discovery, so go outside sometimes and saw yourself the new things!

Well that's the fact. Adolescence is the phase when your emotion is the most unstable, and you might doing something very stupid while you're in that phase. Kinda hope they don't do something stupid AND sharing it to internet, because that's a dumb thing to do honestly. Well that's some people i guess, not like i can do something about it.

I won't say technology is bad, as long as you don't rely too much to it. Remember that technology (and also kaching-thingies and glittering-fame and literally everything in RL aspect) is in fact, just a tool. Your real happiness isn't coming from those "tool", because again it's what inside that really matters. Many peoples usually used these "tool" to escape from reality and pretending they be success or happy. But it isn't real it's just your mask, and you'll become more lonely and empty with it. Because it wasn't real and you know it.

Do you know what's real? Talking with each other's heart content like this- it's real! I know it's just a chitchat in Deviantart and you don't even know my face or my voice, but you can see there's something from my words and you understand that i'm telling the truth, about things that i believed and it's real. Deviantart is just a tool for me, i use it for my own purpose but i will still able to live without it. But everything inside my heart and my mind and what i tell you right now, it's real.

People isn't tool. They have their own story and their own knowledge and point of views. They are real, and you can always learn a bunch of things when you talked to them. You can't change or control people but you might able to inspire them. That's why such artist and entertainer and creator are exist, we here to inspire and be inspired!  

About Introvert and Extrovert, that's just my observation tho. But yeah i think that's the right way to say it. It's about energy we mostly taking.

Actually i don't really understand about people who Extrovert, because that doesn't make sense to me. How comes people gaining energy from talking with a lot of peoples??? That's kinda cheating i wanna have that power!  

There's nothing wrong with talking things about yourself, and nothing wrong too about keeping your privacy. Just suit yourself and tell things you wanna tell. It isn't that hard, and it's not like i'm all open to every people too. Btw that sense of insecurities you showed me is a sign that you're actually Introvert, so just admit it kheheheh.  

Btw another note, being shy isn't the same thing as Introvert. Being shy means you closing yourself from other people, although you desperately wanted to open yourself to them. Shy person doesn't get energized from being alone, they feel lonely and they actually wanted to talk but afraid of being judged or doing something wrong. They are overthinkers who feels like they can't trust themselves to do anything right and they need help but they afraid to ask for help. They afraid being judged from people the most, and they afraid they doesn't belongs anywhere in this world. That person might has depression and or anxiety inside them.

I know, because i'm also a very shy person back then. I'm scared to people who isn't familiar to me, i'm even freezing myself out in a front of cashier. My thinking was always "What if he judged me? What if i'm doing something stupid? What if?" and i ended up just staying on my home and hiding from everyone. i'm avoiding a lot of things if it's involved with people. Because i really really hate it when people see the ugly side inside of me. I had to close my door and hiding in my dark box avoiding every eyes that giving their attention to me. I hate it when people being kind to me, because i feel like it's just act out of pity. Handling shy person is really tricky, because they just reject everything and believing that they are piece of trash compared to everything. You always make assumption that people think you as "this" and "that", and always judging yourself unfairly and everything is unfair. BUT THAT'S NOT RIGHT!

You ARE the one who judging yourself harshly. It's always you who become the victim, and everything is all to blame. You blame yourself and you blame people around you. But in fact what you're assuming is not true at all, not even close. You're the one who assuming that people judge you for being shy and quiet, and it's only you who think that you're doing the wrong thing. In fact people doesn't even care, they will forgot your face and they will forgot what you're doing. People won't remember you when you silent; people might remember you when you're talk with them four times or more and that's it. It's never hurt to try, really. As long as you're stick with what you think is right and staying true and honest to yourself, there's really nothing wrong will happened at all. We need to change, we need to evolve, we need to find something. Something that we find it's important and irreplacable. We need to find ourselves, the real self.

I don't need any people to saw me. I just need to saw myself and telling him "You're doing great, keep going!" and "You're making a mistake, but that's okay. Just do what you can do and make it worth" and "Are you really that stupid? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU HONESTLY????"

I need to staying true with my feelings and understanding about things that happened, whether it's good or bad or not even relatable at all because i need to know. Again it's what inside that really matters, and i believe in a heart more than anything really.

Ooh i'm sounds really wise am i? Well that's not true i'm just a kid. Please take note on my quotes because really I CAN'T REMEMBER ANY OF IT. Also i have a lot of cool topics to say about these introvert and extrovert thingy before but i don't remember any of it anymore and that's just friggin' sucks ;-;

Just me and my memory of potato.  

HEY that's just an exampleeeee!!! (although boy it does hurts a little)

If you choose to leave that's very fine! Again it's all your choice, it doesn't matter if you hurt other people because of what you're doing. Because it's all about you!

I'll give you a mainstream example. Just imagine you're having a handsome boyfriend with an brave heart, and you loved him so much you would do anything for him. But he just seeing you as a good friend and he doesn't love you at all, not even slightly. You keep gave something to him and he eventually sees you as a special person for him, but again there's no love inside it. Doesn't it hurt? What would you do, keep chasing him althought it was hurting and hopeless, or leave him, with you might hurt his feeling because he doesn't want you to leave him, or forcing your way with him, with both of you feeling unhappy because you doesn't love each other, and maybe there's another solution that i still didn't thinking of. Such a drama, right? xD

But what will you choose?

And of course, as an extra, just remember that story above has another consequences too that make people judge. People might hate you because you leave him, or people might gossiping you because you both look suffering, or... I don't know xD i just make a lazy example here and i run out of idea already so ciao! I hope i don't make you confused

Also children are the best!!!

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DawidZdobylak [2018-02-25 11:50:24 +0000 UTC]


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Clannad16 In reply to DawidZdobylak [2018-03-04 22:08:04 +0000 UTC]


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