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| CiNiTriQs
# Statistics
Favourites: 1087; Deviations: 226; Watchers: 37
Watching: 92; Pageviews: 34149; Comments Made: 5299; Friends: 92
# Comments
Comments: 134
ivantremblac [2021-11-02 19:16:23 +0000 UTC]
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lilyrjensen [2019-01-04 12:15:11 +0000 UTC]
Hi there!
I just wanted to say thank youΒ so muchΒ for the watch! You just made myΒ day!Β Β
I'm so happy to know that you like what I do! I hope you have a wonderful day xx
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CiNiTriQs In reply to ydsed [2017-12-03 13:34:23 +0000 UTC]
Amen to that! Keep the rubber on the road and the spirit free!
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rougealizarine [2017-09-03 18:21:34 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for the watch, much appreciated
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quiltineb [2017-01-15 23:04:03 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for adding Mosaic Colin to your faves!
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CiNiTriQs In reply to Daniel-Loya-III [2016-05-17 23:06:45 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the support, looking at your own work a bit, I like what I see, lots of edgy eye-candy Keep it up!
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be-a-sin [2016-02-01 11:36:50 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fav !
You can like my facebook page if you enjoy my work ! It would be really appreciated (beasin illustrations) !
Have a nice day
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AnimeFoxKitsune [2016-01-30 15:23:18 +0000 UTC]
Hi there random deviantartist! I just want to offer you something... a hug.Β Β Β Β
You deserve it! Forget all those pansy chains that say you need (insert
number) of hugs to be truly loved, all you need is ONE person to showΒ
their appreciation for you to know that you are beautiful and of amazing
worth! I just want you to know that no matter what, you are importantΒ
to me, you deserve a smile on your face, and happiness in your heart.Β
Have a very, very splendid day/night wherever you are!Β
Β Β Β Β ~Lily, just a random friend!
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CiNiTriQs In reply to AnimeFoxKitsune [2016-01-30 16:18:29 +0000 UTC]
Well thank you very much for this random message!
All the best to you to dear .
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AnimeFoxKitsune In reply to CiNiTriQs [2016-02-02 13:26:05 +0000 UTC]
No problem!! I'm just glad I was given an opportunity to maybe brighten your day! <3
And thank you just SO much!!!! QWQ
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CiNiTriQs In reply to vvveverka [2016-01-07 16:19:45 +0000 UTC]
My pleasure. Now back to work over there! I'm hungry for more.
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vvveverka In reply to CiNiTriQs [2016-01-07 16:34:50 +0000 UTC]
Yep, that's kind of a problem... You'll have to wait till summer...
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CiNiTriQs In reply to vvveverka [2016-01-07 17:15:16 +0000 UTC]
Patience... summer is only 2 seasons away... lol, I think I'll manage .
In the meantime, take care and enjoy whatever it is you will be doing (quick glance led me to believe something about architecture and all which is pretty damn sweet).
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vvveverka In reply to CiNiTriQs [2016-01-07 17:46:52 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for your wishes! I just think you wouldn't say such nice things about architecture if you studied it...
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CiNiTriQs In reply to vvveverka [2016-01-07 19:47:32 +0000 UTC]
Look... in any sector really, especially the nitty gritty ones with lots of maths and minute details such as architecture, 90 percent of the time is just laborious mind-f'in work. The fun parts are: the initial sketches (jeeej) and the final product when you're glad you don't have to look at the building/plan/... anymore
But I like to stay positive and look at the fun stuff (that's the stuff you should remember afterwards, lol). To give me a lil bit of credit: I did have to draw technical drawings for two years (intersections of cones with dodecahedrons and whatever else they threw at us). Don't remember anything of it anymore, loooool. But I still like architecture/engineering though
So yes, you're absolutely right Still, good luck, it'll pay the bills before you break-out as an artist
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vvveverka In reply to CiNiTriQs [2016-01-07 20:47:33 +0000 UTC]
Hehehe, you're funny person, you know. With awesome point of view - I admire that! It seems we see such things the same way.
Actually, I think I might like the architecture as it is - with all the sketching and even the technical drawings - I don't mind them - the only problem is the time. I'm supposed to do everything so terribly fast and so many things - I don't have time to focus on it properly, I can't enjoy the process of creation, its still the same from morning till night, no free time, no weekends, no holidays - that's why I have no time for drawing and painting which makes me pretty frustrated... And all the troubles - it's eating my life-energy. Horrible!
Well, we shall see how it all is gonna end. Hopefully I'll pass my state exams in a month and my bacherol project next semester and maybe I'll continue studying or get a job and things get better and hopefully I won't end in employment office...
Well, well, if you wanted to see some more current stuff from me, you can follow me on facebook. There's a bit more - not pictures, but wips or sketches or small stuff which is due to my opinion not worthy being here...
Also some of my projects and sketches from trips.
If you're ineterested...
I've also seen that you create fractals - Apophysis, right? I love that thing!
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CiNiTriQs In reply to Dirk-O-Sand [2015-10-02 10:50:30 +0000 UTC]
My pleasure, some refreshing works you create over there, makes the mind tingle n my eyes dwindle
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CiNiTriQs In reply to lidiaspringer [2015-06-15 22:27:45 +0000 UTC]
My pleasure, you gots skillz so, keep honing them Hope to catch up in the future, hehe.
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CiNiTriQs In reply to Dancing-Miriam [2015-02-19 14:23:57 +0000 UTC]
Any time, my pleasure!
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