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| Cheshirefreak
# Statistics
Favourites: 282; Deviations: 54; Watchers: 58
Watching: 99; Pageviews: 13397; Comments Made: 722; Friends: 99
# Comments
Comments: 131
Rokte [2009-07-13 07:15:43 +0000 UTC]
Hey thanks for stopping by! ^_^ I love when people come to visit.
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ColinHunnicutt [2008-11-10 22:50:21 +0000 UTC]
So I've decided to start using this more. So thats exciting.
I miss you Cera Jane!
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Cheshirefreak In reply to ColinHunnicutt [2008-11-26 17:08:16 +0000 UTC]
I miss you too! Im excited to see you when you get here. hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs
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habitations [2008-05-08 03:13:00 +0000 UTC]
Funny, you live really freakin' close to me. XD
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CamaroMaro [2008-03-21 02:38:05 +0000 UTC]
Hello Thank you for adding "Bull Terrier-Tini" to your collection
Also, congradulations on getting a Bull Terrier!!! I am jealous!!! They are so adorable, gotta love those eggheads! I hope to own one some day!
Good luck!
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CamaroMaro In reply to CamaroMaro [2008-03-21 02:47:22 +0000 UTC]
I just realized that that journal is an old post but congrats anyways!!!
Hope things are going well with your bully!
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Cheshirefreak In reply to CamaroMaro [2008-03-25 19:28:50 +0000 UTC]
yes, its going great!
youhave to get one!
Shes the light of my life.
Shes so funny.
And no problem on the ad, it was adorable!
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CamaroMaro In reply to Cheshirefreak [2008-03-26 21:15:45 +0000 UTC]
That's good!
I know I want one so bad! I would get one RIGHT NOW but I have to finish college first.
When I do get one I think I am gong to adopt. I have already started looking
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SaNNaS [2008-03-15 20:38:53 +0000 UTC]
Hi there,
Thank you for adding some of my photos to your favorites!
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Cheshirefreak In reply to likeOMFGitsJONNY [2008-03-01 04:22:47 +0000 UTC]
Hows it going?
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likeOMFGitsJONNY In reply to Cheshirefreak [2008-03-01 05:34:17 +0000 UTC]
Haha, very well.
And yourself?
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Cheshirefreak In reply to likeOMFGitsJONNY [2008-03-01 10:29:40 +0000 UTC]
Kind of itchy actually.
In my left ear, and its very bothersome
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Ookami-Obsessed [2007-11-09 01:12:51 +0000 UTC]
Cute dogs and awesome sculptures
Just felt like using that emoticon.
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sarahnbartlett [2007-10-14 19:59:17 +0000 UTC]
why thank you! hope you enjoy my stuff. and you know, all the other things people put on these.[link]
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misspoho [2007-09-21 01:41:19 +0000 UTC]
haha yeah!
my dogs are whored all over the internet.
Your dogs are so pretty!
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DianaArtimis [2007-08-28 00:27:15 +0000 UTC]
I love your Seven. What a neat name. Your sculptures are lovely too. Keep the art coming!
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Cheshirefreak In reply to DianaArtimis [2007-09-11 08:16:59 +0000 UTC]
Hehehe, thank you so much!
Im working on it.
Ive got to finish this fan art for my favorite comic..so it can be in the next issue..
So, Ive been kind of busy...Though, it shouldnt be taking me this long.
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Cheshirefreak In reply to contagious-x [2007-09-11 08:14:26 +0000 UTC]
Hey!dude..Im so sorry it took me so looong!
I havnt been on here in a while.. :/
got alot going on..-bleh-
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Cheshirefreak In reply to bankrupt [2007-09-11 08:16:13 +0000 UTC]
Im so glad I actually know who you are...
I wanna do some thing for you..I just gotta get Wormy done!
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Maltiz [2007-07-15 18:00:26 +0000 UTC]
So you are getting a Bull terrier. Nice!
Im very happy for you, because I have one myself and they bring you so much joy. Im waiting to se some photos on the beautiful puppy.
You have a nice gallery.
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Cheshirefreak In reply to Maltiz [2007-07-25 01:38:32 +0000 UTC]
Woo!Got some pictures up!
Let me know what you think.
Shes a sweetie!
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Piranis [2007-05-27 02:31:36 +0000 UTC]
You're bullie work is so freaking adorableee. >3<
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JamieDMac [2007-04-04 10:45:45 +0000 UTC]
Thank you ever so much for the watch, I really appreciate it!!!
I love your gallery, it so much fun and those dogs are beyond cute. Great sculpts, keep them coming!
Thanks again.
Take care,
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Mitch-el [2007-02-23 22:09:56 +0000 UTC]
I absolutely love your avatar, and you have some nice art as well! I smell a Corgi lover.
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fazzle [2007-02-02 18:27:43 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for the watch! hope you enjoy some of my future work!
ohman, i love your scupltures the most!
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Dakanavar [2007-01-07 10:57:33 +0000 UTC]
i love your avatar! and your dog sculptures are really good too... i love this whole theme u have going
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Cheshirefreak In reply to Dakanavar [2007-01-08 14:32:53 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!
<3 made my avatar for me.
And thanks for liking my clay.
Ive been practicing, so, next time I post, they should be even better!!Oooooo!
Your avy is cute too.
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Dakanavar In reply to Cheshirefreak [2007-01-09 22:50:17 +0000 UTC]
ooh, i love her Thieves In The Courtyard (Fig and Jasper) pic
Thanks re. my avatar - it's a puppet version of Pinhead i made quite a few years ago now
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Cheshirefreak In reply to Kalamari [2007-01-08 14:31:22 +0000 UTC]
I got a job.
Thats where Im at.
I ...oh jeez...I had no idea how badly it would suck my life ..out of me.
(Does that make sense?)
How are you!?!?!
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Kalamari In reply to Cheshirefreak [2007-01-08 23:04:18 +0000 UTC]
im fine, working hard, trying to submit art when i can!...yea working does suck..i have 2 jobs working the life outta me!!!...just promise to post some clay dudes or pictures!!??
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Cheshirefreak In reply to Kalamari [2007-01-13 16:02:48 +0000 UTC]
Yesh, I hope to be uploading some new stuff soon...What about you?!
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