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# Statistics
Favourites: 1948; Deviations: 47; Watchers: 50
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# Comments
Comments: 566
Cadowin In reply to auraboo [2011-08-20 13:57:37 +0000 UTC]
Ilo oli minun puolellani. Sun kuvat on ihastuttavia. Erityisesti tuo Hemuli minua ilahdutti... oon ittekkin harrastanut herran tuunaamista bähän bishimmäksi. ^^
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auraboo In reply to Cadowin [2011-08-21 17:02:58 +0000 UTC]
Haha, kiitos! Hemuli tuntuu ilahduttaneen aika suurta joukkoa tähän mennessä, ja miksikäs ei kun hän on niin kuvauksellinen.
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Cadowin In reply to ChOcOkristi [2010-12-14 20:43:44 +0000 UTC]
No problem. You are such a talented artist, I was stunned while looking at your gallery! Keep up teh good work!
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Cadowin In reply to kiesu [2010-11-30 17:17:00 +0000 UTC]
I knooow. :'D
I drew something. But I think I'mma do something else. Muhahaha.
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kiesu In reply to Cadowin [2010-11-30 17:30:27 +0000 UTC]
You so mean, me go cry manly tears naow :[
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Cadowin In reply to kiesu [2010-11-30 17:47:28 +0000 UTC]
I know, now now, wipe your tears. I'm actually drawing at the very moment. I might even try some watercolouring on it. OMG. ^^
This machoness is just hard for me, maybe 'cause Im not very accustomed to drawing hairy manry mans.
Oi.. wai... this head is too big. Hnng. OH WELL.
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kiesu In reply to Cadowin [2010-11-30 18:08:12 +0000 UTC]
Pff then you train train train in the subway train!
He is just showing off his manliness with his big brains! Yeah!!
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Cadowin In reply to kiesu [2010-11-30 19:00:50 +0000 UTC]
YEAH! He's the smart kind of a macho. And he's even got some Badges from Pokémon Gyms. Oh la laa.
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kiesu In reply to Cadowin [2010-11-30 19:10:21 +0000 UTC]
Definitely my kind of man!! Macho Man, use HEAD (to) BUTT!
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Cadowin In reply to kiesu [2010-11-30 19:23:32 +0000 UTC]
Now...Let's see what happens with water and not-watercolour-paper. 8D
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Cadowin In reply to kiesu [2010-10-18 17:28:56 +0000 UTC]
HNGGH. I WISH I KNEW. Could always blame university, being sick, having no time and no scanner... but those would be just poor excuses. D:
UMMM. Wanna suggest me something to draw? I have no ideas... Well that's not completely true... butbutbut... D:
All my drawings have been scripples lately. or birthdaycards. Hmm.
Haha, somehow it makes me happy though that someone still cares enough to come shouting on my profile. xD Thx~
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kiesu In reply to Cadowin [2010-10-18 22:03:52 +0000 UTC]
Poor excuses. Not listening. Lalalalala!
Scribbles, bah. Humbug! I bet you have some awesome stuff hidden somewhere there!! And hey, art doesn't need to be superepiclyawesome quality work to be ART. Or if art is too big word... FUN STUFF it is.
Art request? OK DRAW ME MACHO MAN!
We need to get you FIRED UP AGAIN WOOOO o/
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Cadowin In reply to kiesu [2010-10-19 16:49:42 +0000 UTC]
(Of course I have this greatest stuff hidden under my bed... I try not to shock the world you know, one wouldn't be able to draw even the tiniest stickman if I uploaded my mindblowing masterpieces! I'm protecting everyone this way. u__u)
But yeah. I knooow. I guess, it'd be okay even if I uploaded some half-assed schoolpapers (lessons are the best place to draw, yes) clued together and all. Maybe I should. Then I'd have to find a scanner.
YOU KNOW WHAT. It's not awesome that my mouse decided to part its ways with me. Now I can't draw oekakies. Buu.
Ooh. Macho man. I'll try to come up with something. :: )
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kiesu In reply to Cadowin [2010-10-19 17:54:58 +0000 UTC]
SEE SEE?? I knew you had something epic hidden somewhere! Gee I'm so natural with these things you know!!
Yeaaaah, upload upload upload! Plus I'd say the scanning is not going to be a problem. You get really good cheap scanners these days, have one myself too(scan/copy/print) even tho I don't really use it much. Ask one from Santa!
Nooooo not awesome at all! I haven't been able to use mouse to draw in ages anymore. My good old one died of old age and my new one is ADHD laser mouse that tends to run off to all the wrong directions. Fail.
Every man wants to be a macho macho man!
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Cadowin In reply to Eyeless1703 [2010-07-29 19:58:22 +0000 UTC]
: D
Mun pitikin jotain kommentoida, mutta en ehtinyt vielä~
Minua hämmentävät nuo taistelevat hait, koska... muistan muka hämärästi nähneeni sellaisia ihan pienenä jossain. Jos en sitä sarjaa (?) nähnyt, olen ainakin jotain action figuureja päässyt hipelöimään.
Muutenkin tykkään, että sun kuvat on mahtavia. : )
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Eyeless1703 In reply to Cadowin [2010-07-30 07:18:26 +0000 UTC]
Jei. : D
Katuhait. x) Joo, ei tota sarjaa vissiin oikein suomessa oo näytetty, mut ne figuurit oli kyllä sitäkin suosittuja. Itekin muistelin niitä pari vuotta sitten ja mietin että mikähän idea niissä oli ja nyt sitten löysin muutaman jakson youtubesta. : D
Mutta kiitos kovasti!
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SecretAdmirerPlz [2010-02-10 20:19:41 +0000 UTC]
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
~Azugi has sent you a rose,
Just because you're you!
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Cadowin In reply to flynfreako [2010-02-09 13:07:20 +0000 UTC]
Yep! It has been a long time! I'm fine, I've started my studies (one day I'll hopely be a real teacher! ) and I haven't drawn much... Well, lots of scribbles and sketches but nothing proper. :/
Uh, so how are you?!
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flynfreako In reply to Cadowin [2010-02-09 15:42:15 +0000 UTC]
oh! you're going for a teaching degree? that's cool!
i've just been busy with the kids loic is almost walking and keita is pretty whiny lol
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Azugi [2009-08-31 11:00:33 +0000 UTC]
Hi thar. It's random lovins time because I feel bad I didn't chat with you the last time you and I happened to be on msn at the same time. >: <3<3 I must've been doing something else while being on msn, and thus not really even realize you logged in. How are you?
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Cadowin In reply to Azugi [2009-08-31 16:20:05 +0000 UTC]
Hi. <333
Yeah, I think I was in hurry too... or something, 'cause I saw you but didn't say anything to you. D':
I'm ill. Sick. Having a flue. :< My studies are about to start tomorrow... I'm not all that happy about it at the moment since this sickness makes everyhting hard. I am afraid that making friends will be harder because I can't attend to all those social events they hold this week.
I have also been moving my stuff to my new apartment-thingie in Jyväskylä. (Meen asumaan yhen omakotitalon yläkertaan.) We have been busy packing everything up and cleaning and putting things to new places.. and buying new stuff! My room looks already pretty nice and cute - and when I do some organizing it'll be great I think. It's just that it has this strange childish athmosphere... maybe because I have mangas and other comics (I seem to love comics even more than I had thought... I have so many of them. x'D)!!! And I have games... Pokémon games and others too... And Moomin stuff! So yeah.. it makes me definitely feel a little childish. But I like childish things. :'D
How are you? What have you been doing? Oh and be welcome to visit my place if you ever come to Jyväskylä! <3
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Azugi In reply to Cadowin [2009-09-01 12:39:25 +0000 UTC]
Aaaw, oh no. D: Don't get hurt, but your immunity system appears to be really weak. You're under the weather ever and anon! (Though, the traditional fall flue is going around again, so it's no wonder this time.) Maybe you should try drinking those...those.. Actimel yoghurt drinks that're supposed to enhance one's immunity system. And rest enough, that's important, too! Though it must be hard now that you're moving and starting at a new school and everything. : S Still, take care of yourself. ~ And about those get togethers, just pop a few aspirins and attend to them if you feel even the slightest that you can make it. (:
Haha, but childhishness is good! : D Don't feel bad about it, I'm sure your room is very lovely and cozy with all that cheering stuff in there. My room's pretty much the same if you take a look at my shelves, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Which reminds me, I must finally hang the framed picture of Spider-man I recently bought onto my wall. It's been laying on the floor for almost two weeks now. D: Our family is so slow when it comes to finishing something. I'd like to come visit you sometime! But in the mean time you must send me pictures of your room, yes? <:
I'm doing good. I started working at my dad's two months ago, and it's been ok, though sitting in front of a computer screen for numeral hours doing nothing but work and occasional weaseling doesn't do good for my already stiff neck, ouch. My working hours last from 11 AM to 6 PM, too, so I don't have that much free time in my hands any more on the working days, which has been a little tirening. But luckily I don't have work on weekends. o/
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Cadowin In reply to Azugi [2009-09-03 18:40:30 +0000 UTC]
I know! But last winter I was hardly ever sick - maybe once or twice. This summer I have had bad luck. (Homekoulussa käyminen monta vuotta varmasti vaikutti jotenkin immuunisysteemiini, haistan nykyään homeen mielestäni aika nopeasti ja mulle tulee heti pää kipeäksi siitä. Pitkäaikainen altistus sille aiheutti pikkusiskoni kavereillekin nykyäänkin jatkuvia ongelmia. :< Ja kun mulla on astma ja allergioitakin tässä taustalla. Eh, ei ihme, että joskus "vähän" sairastuu.)
xD Yes, I'll try to sleep well, eat well and do all that. (Huh, I missed all drinking parties, but that's okay, since I don't feel good in those. At least I had one drink with my tutor group like I told you. :] )
Aww, Spiderman! <3
I can't take pictures since I haven't got any kind of a camera with me. x)
Ugh, I bought too much bread! It will be old tomorrow and I haven't had time to eat all of it! x'D Well, I shall try to eat out-dated bread and hopefully it will make my immunity system better, no? :'DD
Sounds interesting. And free weekends sound perfect!
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Nuka1313 [2009-07-20 18:10:20 +0000 UTC]
Sinä osaat piirtää ihmisiä mutta kaiken päälle sinulta onnistuu myös luonto-kuvat!
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Cadowin In reply to LaZombinella [2009-04-12 13:59:06 +0000 UTC]
Ole hyvä vain.
Aattelin, että kumminkin tuun stalkkaamaan sua ja sun piirroksia (varsinkin tietyistä herroista~), joten watchaaminen on järkevämpää kuin "Search":in kautta sun teosten etsiminen. :'
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LaZombinella In reply to Cadowin [2009-04-12 14:34:06 +0000 UTC]
Tosi on. Käytännöllisyys voittaa taas.
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Azugi [2009-02-18 22:10:17 +0000 UTC]
Ahem, "brightened my day up by a knot" would be the right order. One English student I am, pshh.
P.S Your cutesy cute mysterious bunny boy needs a name D:
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Azugi [2009-02-18 22:07:32 +0000 UTC]
I got a super adorable letter today : D It really brightened up my day a knot, thanks
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Azugi [2009-02-01 12:08:52 +0000 UTC]
D'aaaaw D:
I'm sorryy ~ I, too, have lamented how I never seem to have the time for online leisure activies these days anymore ._. On working days I practically spend all my spare time with the people who live in the dorm. (I didn't have this close a gang in upper secondary school and now that I have I really want to make the most of it) and during the weekends it's the school work that eats most of my time, ugh. Especially now when the entrance exams are beginning to aproach, do not want.
I'm writing an autobiagraphy of myself as an English learner at the moment. We had two weeks to do it but I, naturally, saved the writing for the last day, ahaha. Luckily I'm almost done.
But at any rate, I'm doing fine (: Although, I must admit that the end of this school year distresses me occasionally a little. I wouldn't want it to end just yet because I'm going to miss people...
Oh, and I haven't done any progress with you know who, unfortunately. I'm going to get a grip some time soon, though, and hopefully get something done about the situation.
But how about you? How have you been? ~ <3
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Cadowin In reply to Azugi [2009-02-01 13:56:43 +0000 UTC]
Sounds like you are having fun - well... tasks can be fun too... I'm happy you have developed real tight relationships with those people, it's good to have good people near you... especially if there hasn't been that kind of people before. <3
I also have found some really sweet people here... and even though we aren't living side by side it feels really nice to have them as my friends. I haven't visited anyone this much since I was on elementary school.
That is so typical... I too am usually being stupid and lazy and do my tasks veeeeeery slowly... It's so hard to start... :' D
Oh, well, I'm cheering here for you! ; D
I haven't had any progress either with anyone... I found out that the one I talked about earlier isn't that great after all... He sure looks nice but is kinda... slow with his thinking - he seems to be a bit too different from anyone (and that is what all of us think. x'D). I mean that he is a normal person but his attitude and thoughts are a bit off. Sanoisin, että hän on vähän outo reppana. :'
I'm starting to feel that I'm never going to meet anyone in my life. :' D Well... as I hopefully get to some university... maybe I'll find someone there. *sigh* And in fact, I don't even need anyone at the moment... it is just that almost everyone seems to have someone... it's called group pressure!!! D:
I cut my hair! : D I had this bob haircut for about half a year and now it's even shorter. I try to send you a picture someday. Uh... and I did something I never would have imagined... I took some stripes on my hair. It's odd. x)
Have I told you that I have started to think about wanting to become a teacher? That's my goal - at least for now!
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PuppyPie In reply to Cadowin [2009-02-02 18:45:10 +0000 UTC]
I'm replying from Coolio's account because I'm on her computer (without a real permission, ahaha, I hope she doesn't mind) and sheäs always logged in and I'm afraid to log out in case that she doesn't remember her password by heart. But at any rate, it is me, Azugi, writing here.
Hihi, yeah ~ Although it is kind of painful at the same time, because I'm seriously going the miss them when school ends. I know it's not like I wouldn't see them after this but I also know that it won't feel quite the same after we move out and stop living with each other *sigh*
Aaaw, I'm glad to hear that you've met great people, too : D Haha, it really is wonderful to hang out when you've found people you truly like, isn't it?
Tell me about it! This week I should do one writing excersise for practical grammar, complete the audiobiography, which I didn't manage to finish on Sunday, read a few chapters in Yule's book and probably start writing a picture analysis text. Frankly, I'm too lazy to get things started in time, augh.
Thanks! <3 But it really is a lot harder than I thought. I've talked the conversation over my head several times and in the situations I've played in my head I know exactly what to say but in reality...sheesh. D'aaw, oh no :'D But he's still nice to have around as a friend?
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find someone some day! There's still plenty of time : D Besides, there's no rush, not even if everyone else has someone. But I kind of know how you feel, so I'm not the one to talk, ahaha.
OOOH. Do want see ~ I think quite short hair looks automatocally super cute on girls <3 What colour are they?
Nope, you hadn't, but now I know (: That's cool. What subject would you like to teach? I've changed my course too and am planning to become an English teacher as well. Way to go us, we can do it! o/
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