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| CReevesABudd
# Statistics
Favourites: 1815; Deviations: 1238; Watchers: 458
Watching: 557; Pageviews: 103540; Comments Made: 6347; Friends: 557
# Comments
Comments: 1236
KlementinaMoonlight [2016-05-20 09:36:21 +0000 UTC]
Hi! Go to my page and rate my illustrations! Pleasant viewing! If You're interested, I paint and sell their works.
Sincerely, Kristina.
Have a good day)
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J1Star [2015-05-22 08:56:21 +0000 UTC]
I really hope that you are doing okay, I'd love to have a catchup some time x
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CReevesABudd In reply to WuWings [2014-08-09 17:11:37 +0000 UTC]
thanks so much, i rarely like any of what I do, vision in my head is different then what I can put to paper... thanks for the kind words they are the ones that keep me inspired to keep trying... sorry btw for delayed reply, I have had a harsh life lately and trying to get back on my feet.
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CReevesABudd [2014-06-12 21:53:19 +0000 UTC]
I will be taking a break from my artwork, not sure if I want to spend any more time doing something that makes me feel invisible. After the car accident, I can't even come close to my style anymore, and I have spent so much time on it and feel like I have accomplished nothing. I guess I am coming to realize that Sometimes life isn't about "getting back on the horse", sometimes it's about accepting that "you don't have a horse." Time for me to walk on into the sunset...
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CReevesABudd In reply to PVproject [2014-05-01 20:47:40 +0000 UTC]
everyone who gets a fav from me, earns it... thank you for sharing!
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CReevesABudd [2014-04-04 20:11:35 +0000 UTC]
sorry for kinda vanishing, it's been a hard few month, really it's been a hard few years... Kinda a trickle down effect of disastrous proportions. I am not defeated, just down for the count... I will be getting back to my art one day. When my mind and body allow it. Best of wishes to all and to all a great life
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edvaard88 [2014-02-07 08:29:08 +0000 UTC]
need help whit Β newest work it don't seem right to me give me some feedback IΒ loved your opinuns
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CReevesABudd In reply to edvaard88 [2014-05-01 20:48:08 +0000 UTC]
I will do my best.. been real busy lately... overwhelmed and poor... lol
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CReevesABudd In reply to ArtByCher [2013-09-28 19:24:30 +0000 UTC]
thank you for sharing
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CReevesABudd In reply to ffleret [2013-06-26 15:43:21 +0000 UTC]
thanks and sorry for the slow reply... been a horrible month...
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ffleret In reply to CReevesABudd [2013-06-26 15:48:23 +0000 UTC]
Aww, I am sorry, I hope it eventually got better
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UnrealFox [2013-05-03 00:00:00 +0000 UTC]
Yao man. DA Says it's your Birthday... so...
Happy Birthday!
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CReevesABudd In reply to UnrealFox [2013-06-26 15:43:37 +0000 UTC]
thanks and sorry for slow reply been a rough month.
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Stranger-In-Paradise [2013-05-02 21:21:16 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday! c: I wish you the best now and always!
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CReevesABudd In reply to Stranger-In-Paradise [2013-06-26 15:44:01 +0000 UTC]
thanks so much and sorry for such a slow reply, been a rough month
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Stranger-In-Paradise In reply to CReevesABudd [2013-06-30 06:04:41 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry! c:
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CReevesABudd In reply to Tomujoki [2013-06-26 15:44:28 +0000 UTC]
thanks sorry for such a slow reply, been a bad month
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Tomujoki In reply to CReevesABudd [2013-06-28 11:48:03 +0000 UTC]
Oh, well, hopefully things will get better for you
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CReevesABudd [2013-03-28 03:38:54 +0000 UTC]
just thinking, & wanted to share.... If i never see you again, know that i loved you. Know that i cared.
hugs and kisses to all. out....
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CReevesABudd [2013-02-27 22:28:41 +0000 UTC]
My thought for the day on recent "what would you do scenario "public behavior"
"As someone who has suffered by the silence of others as well suffered violence based on prejudices, the act of ignoring someone else pain stays longer in memories then the actual act of violence. The point is by turning a blind eye, you become partly liable for causing a life time of pain in someone else. Doing nothing makes you as much the monster as the aggressor. I will NEVER feel SAFE in a public area again due to what happened to me many years ago, the fact NO ONE helped has given me years and years of pain. I have forgotten the faces of the ones who attacked me, but not the faces of those who looked away in my moment of desperation... It's hard to even type all this out now, many many years later. I wish more then anything I could forget how a crowd of people turned their back to me while i was beaten and left for dead, but I can't..."
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CReevesABudd In reply to LisaLotek [2013-02-24 22:00:11 +0000 UTC]
whew been a rough year so far, 30 some cats rescued and under my care, car totaled by a 17 year old running a red light, on disability /SSI, health issues & massive debt... but hey life is full of ups and downs. Just been busy busy trying to get back on my feet. How about you?
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LisaLotek In reply to CReevesABudd [2013-02-25 22:55:02 +0000 UTC]
Wait it's February. All that happened since the new year?
Doin' alright. Gettin' acclimated to the weather. Tryin' to finish up a painting. I haven't done any art in what seems like a year or so, so it's challenging.
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CReevesABudd In reply to LisaLotek [2013-03-04 13:00:52 +0000 UTC]
oh that stuff happened last year, just still ridding out the aftermath. this year so far hasn't been any better, one thing after the other. Not hating life or anything, just wishes i had better protection from the downpour of lame hehe...
cool, and always good to get on your art feet. ;D I look forward to seeing it. [if you share it online that is]
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LisaLotek In reply to CReevesABudd [2013-03-04 22:58:35 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I think I'll share it.
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Sugaree-33 [2013-02-09 18:55:44 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the Favorite!
You are my hero, I must dig into your sublime artwork here that shows courage and speaking your mind, can't wait!
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CReevesABudd In reply to Sugaree-33 [2013-02-09 19:28:24 +0000 UTC]
you are welcome, you earned it, and thank you for the favs as well
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CReevesABudd [2013-02-02 11:43:50 +0000 UTC]
random thoughts from last night...
a friend who always serves themselves is no friend at all, that is called a user and selfish person.
to disbelieve someone you proclaim to trust is you breaking the trust, not them. keeping truth from your friends for any reason is a lie, and makes you a lair. abandoning your friends when times get tough, makes you fair weathered and not a true friend. expecting something in return for a supposed act of kindness is not an act of kindness at all, but an attempt to relieve guilt for your own life of gluttony. doing something nice for the sake of someone else without expectations spreads more then just a temporary solution, it also inspires others to do them same. breaking promises makes you untrustworthy. flirting with someone then never following through makes you a tease and shows you have ego issues and are a cruel person. being nice does not mean you are being fair. play hate can turn into real hate faster then you think. believing yourself more intelligent denotes your own ignorance, a truly intelligent person knows how stupid we all are. hating someone else for their good fortune means you're jealous, and should follow your own dreams instead of using that energy on hating those lucky enough to have fulfilled their dreams. complaining about a curious persons questions means you don't know the answer and are lashing out, it would be easier to simply answer the question. those brave enough to question something they don't understand are also those brave enough to learn something new and accept they had it wrong. ignorance can become fear and hate. accepting others for who they are is accepting yourself. empathy equals compassion and compassion equals humanity. everyone has something truly unique and special to offer, including yourself, don't let the failures deter you, they are lessons well learned. You can do anything if you really put your mind to and never stop trying. money is not success.
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CReevesABudd In reply to psion005 [2013-01-03 01:33:13 +0000 UTC]
back at ya and thanks hopes yours is an amazing holiday
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CReevesABudd [2012-12-24 20:35:01 +0000 UTC]
why is it that people are so confused on what a good friend/person is?
honesty and companionship are not that complex a concept.
Yet today we see more and more betrayal and distrust.
... and people wonder why?...
because you allow it, You don't care enough to have honor and to do the right thing...
because your scared of losing a lie... Man up America, learn what it is to be truthful with each other. Stop assuming yourself exempt from fairness and act as though you are an agent of truth, or suffer the same fate as all the liers around you. Turning a blind eye only makes you as guilty as the creator of lies. There is a difference between pretending to be someones friend and actually being one... sometimes to be a true friend you have to stand up to the people you care about.
remember what goes around comes around, we all should know this by adulthood, yet we still allow ourselves and others to lie their way through life, leaving a wake of pain and suffering. All because you were not brave enough for the truth, or you just don't care enough about others to tell it... either way, you get what you give. So don't come crying to me when all you have left is fear of loss and distrust, you brought it on yourself.
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CReevesABudd [2012-12-23 17:33:37 +0000 UTC]
two of the many things wrong with America and the world at large: living within your means your entire life is somehow worse "credit" then someone who has lived off credit and/or not payed their bills?!?! WTF The price of gas changed between last week and this week by 15 cents a gallon!?!? <- price gouging much? WTF
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CReevesABudd [2012-12-01 21:59:21 +0000 UTC]
sorry to anyone who has missed me from DA in the last few months, I have had a hard time getting sleep with back pain from a car accident a while back. I haven't been able to draw like I used to either, so my art has stopped for a while. I have faith that it will get better, just a matter of time. I hope for the best for you all.
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Najeeb-Alnajjar [2012-09-25 15:23:46 +0000 UTC]
Hey pal, how are you, hopes you're fine
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CReevesABudd In reply to Najeeb-Alnajjar [2012-09-27 20:22:44 +0000 UTC]
getting there. thanks for the concern
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Najeeb-Alnajjar In reply to CReevesABudd [2012-09-27 21:19:08 +0000 UTC]
Not at all pal
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