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| BurntOwl
# Statistics
Favourites: 352; Deviations: 46; Watchers: 38
Watching: 86; Pageviews: 7408; Comments Made: 1190; Friends: 86
# Comments
Comments: 309
Ri-Ri-The-Weenie [2016-04-20 04:02:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for becoming a watcher~!!!
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BurntOwl In reply to Ri-Ri-The-Weenie [2016-05-29 05:01:38 +0000 UTC]
hey no problem, i love ur stuff <3
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beckanyy [2015-08-27 16:58:16 +0000 UTC]
Watched you cause we talked in school a bit.
unwatched you because of the unnecessary hate.
nothing personal my friend, I just don't care for such things. Have a good summer buddy. <3
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BurntOwl In reply to beckanyy [2015-08-27 20:35:50 +0000 UTC]
whats ur name?
also im just questioning foundations of social heirarchy, its not my personal opinion.
i only made it come across that way so i could get more respones.
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beckanyy In reply to BurntOwl [2015-08-27 21:30:30 +0000 UTC]
even so, I have seen some upsetting threads coming from you in the past and still now, and I don't care to see it. ;-;
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BurntOwl In reply to beckanyy [2015-08-27 21:33:32 +0000 UTC]
D: but its harmless foundation challenging
also yeah otafest right? B^)
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BurntOwl In reply to Paa-H [2015-08-21 17:07:45 +0000 UTC]
No problem, really realistic style :0000!!!
It would be super cool if you drew something or someone off of AKIRA the best anime cult classic movie of all time
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Paa-H In reply to BurntOwl [2015-08-21 18:59:21 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the idea! I may do that sometime! I actually watched the movie, and after being freaked out the first time, I actually found that I enjoyed it XD Haven't read the manga, though!
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BurntOwl In reply to Paa-H [2015-08-22 11:10:40 +0000 UTC]
its my fav of all time and yeah its really weird lol. the manga plot is double the length
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Paa-H In reply to BurntOwl [2015-08-23 02:20:39 +0000 UTC]
I might just pick it up to see how it is on paper
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BurntOwl In reply to Paa-H [2015-08-23 09:01:33 +0000 UTC]
the illustrator is very detailed :0
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Paa-H In reply to BurntOwl [2015-08-24 02:21:53 +0000 UTC]
I quickly took a look at some images online, and indeed!
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Soloeus [2015-08-20 10:20:56 +0000 UTC]
I like your drawings - I can see your evolution through your work. Maybe you should channel your negativity into drawing. You have good talent. I hope you keep your hands working and honing the craft.
Keep up your work and don't get too frustrated to draw - and if you do, draw that.
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BurntOwl In reply to Soloeus [2015-08-20 16:37:47 +0000 UTC]
i have multiple times become very negative but now that i have overcome that part of my life, i have missed the chance.
I can still draw it but i wont be in the moment ):
Thank you, i will
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brutalfin [2015-08-16 19:06:23 +0000 UTC]
only popular thing about you seems to be when you´re being a douchebag in public, otherwise nobody cares
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BurntOwl In reply to brutalfin [2015-08-17 00:24:12 +0000 UTC]
and suprise suprise i dont either
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CelineDGD [2015-07-26 23:33:13 +0000 UTC]
Don't listen to the bad things people say, okay? (Hide their comments and block them!) You're amazing. Keep being amazing.
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brutalfin [2015-07-25 14:23:09 +0000 UTC]
you could learn to draw? i´d wanna die too if my gallery looked like this basically your misery is your own damn fault
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BurntOwl In reply to brutalfin [2015-07-29 03:36:52 +0000 UTC]
:0 i can draw better than you bitch, ur art looks like 5th grade furry shit
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brutalfin In reply to BurntOwl [2015-07-29 07:40:50 +0000 UTC]
then fucking draw so far im doing better than you are
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BurntOwl In reply to brutalfin [2015-07-29 12:48:20 +0000 UTC]
how bout you look further into my gallery bitch. also yeah no you dont have anything in yours so how exactly is this even a valid arguement
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brutalfin In reply to BurntOwl [2015-07-29 15:59:17 +0000 UTC]
just keep those 100 dollars and kill yourself
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BurntOwl In reply to brutalfin [2015-07-29 19:46:12 +0000 UTC]
wow changing subject, adorable <3
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brutalfin In reply to BurntOwl [2015-07-29 20:35:38 +0000 UTC]
i thought it´d burn more since it was your thread and so emo content
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BurntOwl In reply to brutalfin [2015-07-30 04:03:23 +0000 UTC]
:^D thanks but im not even suicidal i just like attention
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brutalfin In reply to BurntOwl [2015-07-30 05:32:44 +0000 UTC]
just get some clingy friends then you can talk for 6 hours whenever you want and they dont mind stalking you every bit of that
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brutalfin In reply to BurntOwl [2015-07-30 20:26:54 +0000 UTC]
so? i cant see how canada´s any different from germany new york or tokyo etcetc the location doesnt matter
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BurntOwl In reply to brutalfin [2015-07-31 01:19:46 +0000 UTC]
says the person not living with an intolerant self centered culture
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brutalfin In reply to BurntOwl [2015-07-31 09:13:03 +0000 UTC]
actually sounds really familiar, everybody in the city area are cunts who do things only because they want to be better than the other guy. There´s no real reason for the to as example get friends or look good for any other means than pulling the trigger on someone less worthy than they are and it´s really disgusting. Racism is still alive in my area, school bullying still happens, women are thought as dumb whores for doing anything and generally everything ever gets so much hate its not even realistic for a first world country.
So much stuff wrong i dont even wanna think about the idiots coz its unfixable. Even my art hobby is probably thought as some shit for kids and that i should get a real job, if i mention my favourite tv shows somebody somewhere will be an asshole about it too. God it´s so annoying
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Maroonenahwho [2015-07-25 12:15:38 +0000 UTC]
The universe and all of us combined won't last forever unless we find a way to escape our boundaries.
Aren't you going to help us too?
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BurntOwl In reply to Maroonenahwho [2015-07-29 03:35:01 +0000 UTC]
travelling through a black hole is the only known "possible" way to escape the universes demise
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Happy-Wolfy [2015-07-23 19:09:25 +0000 UTC]
Dear Alpha Stranger,
"Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going."
Greetings amazing! Happy wolfy here to tell you that the world revolves around all of us in our time of need, including you!!
Never give up, howl the promise out. Okay?
Yours Dearly,
Happy-Wolfy👍: 0 ⏩: 1
BurntOwl In reply to Happy-Wolfy [2015-07-23 21:57:15 +0000 UTC]
life is still pointless though, unless we manage to escape the innevitable collapse of the universe. i cant because ill be dead before it happens
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Happy-Wolfy In reply to BurntOwl [2015-07-23 22:03:38 +0000 UTC]
Life may seem pointless that times,
as some even believe as far to say that Earth is an inescapable jail,
but life isn't pointless as it is there for you to do what you want.
The memories are truly there,
when you search hard enough,
although sometimes they come anyways.
We as singles are minority. Our reach is not to the universe, and to the stars. It is to us and ourselves and the ones around us. So what you should see is how these things are what are meaningful.
The songwriters spending nights of inspiration on pieces of paper,
friends laughing and nudging each other with giddy jokes,
heroes going through the world to save all that they can with words of inspiration,
the family people working through their jobs to watch their kids grow and develop.
These are just barely scraping into the seemingly endless list of such things.
So for you, I say you just need to find that meaning. You need to find that gear that will make you tick steady like a clock. There is a gear that fits, if you look hard enough. And if you get others to search too, it may be even easier. You'll find it, friend. I promise.
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BurntOwl In reply to Happy-Wolfy [2015-07-23 23:27:01 +0000 UTC]
There will never be meaning, but really that doesnt mean i should kill myself. but really im not happy with the current situation. So really, in order to be happy, i should deal drugs or rob banks. those things are exillerating and let me still live in reality instead of buying into an artificial reality.
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Happy-Wolfy In reply to BurntOwl [2015-07-23 23:28:46 +0000 UTC]
Or why not cause change?
Why not seek a way to assist others?
Living for yourself will lead to a life of punishment.
Living for others will get you used.
But combining the two with create the sense of a full life.
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BurntOwl In reply to Happy-Wolfy [2015-07-23 23:32:23 +0000 UTC]
but i wouldnt rob banks for myself, id be with a group of friends. you see money isnt all that important to me in the first place, its the lifestyle that gives me purpose. helping others to me, is letting them further buy into their false reality. and i dont want to do that. someone confronted with a robbery snaps back to true reality.
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Happy-Wolfy In reply to BurntOwl [2015-07-23 23:33:53 +0000 UTC]
You might want to listen to the albums by Flobots called "Fight with Tools." I think it would be an inspiration to you.
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BurntOwl In reply to Happy-Wolfy [2015-07-23 23:38:36 +0000 UTC]
death grips is insipration to me, now i write song lyrics. here's one:
bag of crack 22 guns
sacrificial mind of the first born son
voodoo fingers 1000 tons
split in the head what have you done
scraping dirt from iron flood drains
flushing tablets and bloodied piss stains
looking in the mirror with no one to blame
id blame myself but i dont know my name
black trade system constellations
calling out from something inside
corpses soul is back with her
no lie no lie bitch taking it
don't save me, please save me
killing confusion death seller execution
black snake and cocaine
five point circle enduring pain
joanna save me
joanna take me
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Happy-Wolfy In reply to BurntOwl [2015-07-23 23:40:06 +0000 UTC]
Seriously though, please check out that album. It may be of help.
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BurntOwl In reply to Happy-Wolfy [2015-07-23 23:48:09 +0000 UTC]
dont worry my dad used to have that album in his car we listened to it regularly
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CelineDGD [2015-07-23 18:41:28 +0000 UTC]
Hello there beautiful deviant.
''Once, you are told to only be a spark in the universe, but one day, you will shine brighter than the other stars.''
I just came here to tell you that your life is worth it. There will be tough times in life, but...there is never a rainbow without a little rain, now is there? Remember that everyone has a purpose and that you also are important. You make an impact on a lot of lives; Those lives are connected to yours, and the world itself would mourn your loss if you were to go. Because you have a purpose, you are loved and cared about. Please pull through, beautiful soul, shine like the stars, and others will feel your happiness, which is contagious. A good kind of contagious, too!
Hold on and don't ever give up.
If you ever need to talk, you can contact me in notes, or you can also contact members of the Happy-Squad , we will gladly help you.
Have a wonderful day. <3
Sincerely, CelineDGD
Happy Helper of the Happy-Squad
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BurntOwl In reply to CelineDGD [2015-07-23 18:47:25 +0000 UTC]
thank you being so nice but i cant hide from the reality of life. that its pointless for everyone and that everyone just pretends that there's a point when deep inside, beyond the pointless web of lies they tell themselves, everyone knows there isnt
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CelineDGD In reply to BurntOwl [2015-07-23 18:55:16 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome.
Aaaaw no don't say that. There IS a point in life. We may not know what it is, but if we are here it is for a good reason. If you are here, it's because your life means something. You have something; Like a quest, or a mission, to do, to accomplish, before going out of this world. We may not know exactly what happens after death for sure, but maybe what happens in life is to prepare us for that time. We do speculate, but that is because life and death are full of mysteries waiting to be uncovered...and many more things.
You must hold on. Because you are worth it, and everyone else is too. Death comes in time, because if we lived infinitely, then what would be the point of life? This question goes both ways, but no one will ever be able to answer this question. That's why you shouldn't waste your life trying to question yourself like that. Life is worth it. It's worth living. Just life every day and MAKE them count. Do things that you love. Make yourself happy. <3
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BurntOwl In reply to CelineDGD [2015-07-23 21:55:43 +0000 UTC]
but life is pointless and theres no proof of it being otherwise
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CelineDGD In reply to BurntOwl [2015-07-23 22:08:29 +0000 UTC]
No it's not, and there's no need of proof. If you want proof, just look at all of those happy people out there. There is a purpose to life, you just need to find yours. Come on now, don't be so negative. Live your life because it's worth being lived.
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