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| BrainCode
# Statistics
Favourites: 114; Deviations: 30; Watchers: 39
Watching: 29; Pageviews: 8118; Comments Made: 1601; Friends: 29
# Comments
Comments: 212
nonnyUK [2007-02-02 08:05:57 +0000 UTC]
You have very very original composition on your shots and I like that.
Its good, keep up the excellent work
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heeeeman [2005-10-05 04:08:40 +0000 UTC]
is a Conceptual 3D Artist
is a deviant since Jan 7, 2004, 6:43 PM
has 2,000 pageviews
Come back allready >
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vozzz [2005-01-20 22:58:58 +0000 UTC]
Ok I absolutely dig your gallery, you have something that I sort of lst a while ago, I guessI'll have to get back to it.
Your art has this bright tropical feel, I really need to learn again
Oh yeah your getting watched.
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Kawaii-Factory [2004-12-25 13:35:03 +0000 UTC]
Merry christmas for you and a happy new year ^^
note: keep smile in the 2005 ^____^
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Kawaii-Factory [2004-08-30 04:41:12 +0000 UTC]
Be happy, get your smile ^____^ (get your smile campaign)
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TDBK [2004-08-24 19:30:47 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the +fav bud! Much appreciated as always!
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SuprElekTrik [2004-08-21 22:02:30 +0000 UTC]
thank you again for all of the nice comments and the favorites on my newest peices
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DeviWarchild [2004-08-21 20:00:26 +0000 UTC]
thanks for +faving My Poster . You're the best!!!
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BrainCode In reply to DeviWarchild [2004-08-21 21:51:23 +0000 UTC]
Yes, all praise the Donut King !
Now that I have been proclaimed 'the best' and a 'king' of pastry-like stature, it has been decreed that all my female fans are to become my concubines*/
*subject to my wife's approval -I have to run the idea past her
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TuKan [2004-08-19 04:09:49 +0000 UTC]
hey amigo!!!!!
Thank you very very much for the comment and fav
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Manchld [2004-08-18 06:07:20 +0000 UTC]
Your avatar is very nice, very fluid. Is it a crown of thorns or what?
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BrainCode In reply to Manchld [2004-08-18 20:17:45 +0000 UTC]
hey Manchld!
thanks for the comments on mine avatar As to what the object is: well, it was born out of 'doodling' in 3D (if you can call it that). It's abstract, but I thought it resembled a crown of thorns at the time too. It's also a futuristic, spikey donut!
The fluidity is due to the time spent optimising the animation's frames sush that I could get a high number of frames within the 15k restriction on Avatars imposed by Deviant Art (quite rightly I might add). The most effort involved was in the preparation of the gif animation than in creating the object and the animation. I remember spending a few hours squeezing out the most bang for the bandwidth buck that I could. Anyhow, and all that... my ego must be getting the better of me cos I've gone into more detail about it than anyone would care to know.
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psychojunc [2004-08-18 02:49:16 +0000 UTC]
Hey! Thanks for the comment and favorite on my Dandelion piece. You're analysis of the piece is very accurate. I must say you have great work yourself. I have been stranded in the 2D world for far too long. I am planning to see if I have what it takes to work in 3D....you know...patience, time, determination. I'm looking into Maya. Have any advice or suggestions for me as I take my first steps into 3D?
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BrainCode In reply to psychojunc [2004-08-18 20:06:46 +0000 UTC]
Hey psychojunc!
Your 'Dandelion' illustration is superb! as is your other work, too.
In terms of 3D advice - I think it's important to find software tools you're comfortable with. I would recomend looking at Wings3D [link] which is a freeware modelling program that is simple, yet powerful. It uses subdivision modelling techniques, which fall in line with the way I work. It lacks a few traditional 3D tools but in many cases those are overcome by more ingenious tools.
In terms of modelling advice: Concentrate on simple objects to start with and increase your complexity of projects over as experience teaches you. Just set your goals to be attainable with a little challenge thrown in. Making scenes comprised of various objects will come naturally and shouldn't be your primary goal.
Finally, ignore all my advice.... and do what feels right.
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arterie [2004-08-14 01:16:14 +0000 UTC]
HI!!!,...welcome back! and thanks for all those nice words amigo. My message center's building up way too much here and it's been hard to keep up. talk to ya soon. . . .
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BrainCode In reply to arterie [2004-08-14 02:38:53 +0000 UTC]
hehe... I know exactly what you mean.... I've been trying to get through over 350 'messages' since I got back from the UK.... It's like a full time job!
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ernst [2004-08-10 21:04:21 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for favs and comments my friend Any new adventures in the musicworld?
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BrainCode In reply to ernst [2004-08-11 04:43:55 +0000 UTC]
You're most welcome, ernst!
New music? Well, nothing finished yet. I've been working on a continuation of 'Prelude To Truth', but it's a slow process for me
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ernst In reply to BrainCode [2004-08-11 06:33:38 +0000 UTC]
Yes the truth, i guess it need an prelude/suite and yes i have a feeling of slowness too.
Can't do much as sadness dominate my mind most times now, well fractal is relaxing but music is life, you know!
Thanks for share your thoughts!
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BrainCode In reply to ernst [2004-08-11 16:17:11 +0000 UTC]
Yep... music is also my true passion. It is the ultimate release of emotional vastitude (ooooOOooh! now there's a word you don't see often!)
Keep your soul open to the love that is silent but out there, my friend, and don't let the tides of fear and sadness drown you. One of the most critical things at this moment of time is to keep one's heads above the water. You are not alone.
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ernst In reply to BrainCode [2004-08-11 18:22:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for those words, made me somewhat a bit lighten Vastitude lol yep not hear it that often lol
Be well and make great music as you have my friend, thanks for the friendly as well!
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TDBK [2004-07-18 19:12:32 +0000 UTC]
Hehe!! Thanx much for the +fav! I really appreciate it!!
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giometric [2004-07-17 06:08:10 +0000 UTC]
Ah yea, right on! Got some good renders there, crazy ideas in that head of yours. I am also liken your site.
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BrainCode In reply to giometric [2004-07-17 08:25:31 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for taking a look and letting me know
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n0deal [2004-07-16 00:27:40 +0000 UTC]
Hey man, I took the opportunity to check out your music and I really liked what I heard. In fact I'd like to talk to you about helping out with Radio ArtPolitic. I'm not sure if you'd have the time or be interested in contributing but I'd like to discuss it. Please ad me to the Instant Messenger of your choice when you get a chance, all my contact details are on my user page.
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tigertial8888 [2004-07-15 06:15:08 +0000 UTC]
nice gallery i like so much of your stuff its all really original
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BrainCode In reply to tigertial8888 [2004-07-15 08:15:32 +0000 UTC]
hey, thanks for stopping by and taking a look. I appreciate it!
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BrainCode In reply to HoMaR [2004-07-14 20:30:23 +0000 UTC]
awww! thanks HoMaR! you're a good guy!
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BrainCode [2004-07-14 04:01:33 +0000 UTC]
No problem!
It's an important, strong, and good piece
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Scatropolis [2004-07-13 08:20:07 +0000 UTC]
I was kidding about the comment I made on smashmethod's journal. You've got some really nice stuff here.
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TDBK [2004-07-13 02:17:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the favorite!! Again.. much appreciated!!
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gdpr-340414 [2004-07-12 12:59:51 +0000 UTC]
tnx a l0t 4 ur comment on "eDRO - What is this???"
really appreciated.
Nice gallery. Keep Up the Good Work
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