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| BijutsuRyuu
# Statistics
Favourites: 20371; Deviations: 66; Watchers: 700
Watching: 1939; Pageviews: 48267; Comments Made: 8424; Friends: 1939
# Comments
Comments: 3718
ergione [2018-02-13 08:44:08 +0000 UTC]
your art is cool! thanks for the watch omigosh what am i deserve to be watched by you
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to ergione [2018-02-13 23:25:46 +0000 UTC]
omg donnttt saaaayy ttthhhhhaaaaattt
you deserve much more wwatchersss thooo
your art style is like reaalllllly good
I cant wait to see more of your worksss dnakslnklfsadgs//
and umpf...Icant believe you follow me back
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gh0std0lls [2017-11-02 19:42:57 +0000 UTC]
I wanted to stop by and welcome you to OC-House-Party !
Please be sure to take a look at our
before submitting!
Thank you very much for deciding to join,
And I hope very much that you enjoy your time in the group!
Have a wonderful day!
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Shikirura [2017-05-28 03:20:43 +0000 UTC]
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to reinore [2017-07-07 06:48:19 +0000 UTC]
Hello! I've been busy, so I apologize for the late comment.
And thank you for the comment <4
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Kiyo-reyn [2017-05-02 06:22:33 +0000 UTC]
Ryuu-pon T _ T)/ //flops over
It's Evan/Fuka //cries
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to Kiyo-reyn [2017-05-02 19:22:42 +0000 UTC]
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Kiyo-reyn In reply to BijutsuRyuu [2017-05-02 19:59:01 +0000 UTC]
But had a stalker Problem ;;; //rolls
Sorry for only commenting now //crais cos imma a dumb friend
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to Kiyo-reyn [2017-05-02 21:02:05 +0000 UTC]
Oh noes! I hope your okai! D:
and its okaii, take your time in stuff, i understand your going through so much, so its okai to notify me late
But im gald you let me know about your new account!! That's all it matters XD
and Yesss Im doing fine! SO many things happen. but I just graduated last month XD
I needa look for job or partime to pay back my loans @.@
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Kiyo-reyn In reply to BijutsuRyuu [2017-05-02 21:24:46 +0000 UTC]
Everything ok now! Family just stressed a lot about my adopt and art stuff T _ T;; But I keep it privat now, thats why the kinda secret account move _: 3
I wanted to let ya know earlier but internet bitched and I forgot //weeps
Hope ya find a nice Job/ Partime, Ganbatte!! T O T //cheers <33
Already an idea what to Do?!
Imma fine, rl job is just tiring and try to get my commission list done X,D
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to Kiyo-reyn [2017-05-04 04:07:10 +0000 UTC]
OHhhh yeaaa. kind of suck you gotta keep it like a secret. It's like..no support for your drawing ;___;
My family was like that in beginning,but when they say my art they just let me do what iwant XD (eventhonoonereallycommisionme-thatmeansihavetowork oreondrawing>.>)
and its okai! I know u had internet problem back then too so i kind of guessed thats wats lagging. and its okai again. we're all just born lazy and forgetful LOL
Thankk yoouu, I think im gonna just parttime since I plan to be a teacher. I still have many steps and test to do @.@
but im also doing a waiting game before i can really go into action..//criess// my student loans will be increasing as i wait dksnakjfnslka//
Ahhh how far are u in your commission D:
I know you had so many ppl..hope you have at least half done LOL
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Kiyo-reyn In reply to BijutsuRyuu [2017-05-06 10:00:22 +0000 UTC]
Yeah ;;; They liked my art but they think I waste my time with it ; 3 ;
If it is sport I get into its fine, but art nope idk X,D
But good that ya family just let ya do //butknowthefeelwithnocommish //pats ya
Just glad that I stared at ya Skype profile and thought about if I watched and poked ya on DA finally X,D
Ohh teacher Q W Q I hope ya plans gonna be a sucess, ganbatte Ryuu!! Oh man, hope this waiting dun go for too long T _ T //pet ya wallet schdhjj
I think I reach soon the half X,D Had a lot of struggle with My art lately
My rl Job keep me quite busy too T v T;;
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to Kiyo-reyn [2017-05-18 00:30:30 +0000 UTC]
aye before my family wanted me to quit dance because they believe it hinder my learning/education, but like i only have it once a week...and it was my source of stress relief
But art is very time consuming...just like being teachers, u dont earn enough based on how much time to spend...time is very consuming ;___;
Oh gosh, i rarely go on skype. I only go on whenever I;m being told to by my friends...other than that, I rarely touch it XD
Ahhh also thank you. I'm like....having seconds thoughts about being a teacher because I fear i won't be able to help students the help that they need..but im still new and stuff. We'll see ;o
Ganbatte to u too ;___;
glad u have half down, it better than nothing right XD. Also it's okai. everybody goes thru that phrase of struggle of trying to find ur own art and never satisfy with it looollol//hugsu
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shisayo [2017-02-22 13:55:19 +0000 UTC]
//GASP thank you so much for the watch senpai!!
I don't deserve this compared to your stunning masterpieces asdfk
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to shisayo [2017-04-14 23:55:19 +0000 UTC]
i know this been months, and im so sorry for that.
but PFFT.SHhhhh u're art and art style is bootiful too <3
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KittenCorpseKing [2016-11-21 03:36:23 +0000 UTC]
Hello, Sir/Ma'me can I have you animate something for me? if so add me on hangout/message my gmail, passive.agressive907@gmail.com
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shiohh [2016-10-31 19:13:30 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the watch!!
Such amazing art composition aaaaaaaaa~~
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Kiitzue [2016-10-15 22:10:13 +0000 UTC]
Wahhh thankyou so much for the watch!!!
Your art is absolutely beautiful!!!! //touches
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to Kiitzue [2016-10-16 03:00:41 +0000 UTC]
I Could say the same to you too ;___________;
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Kiitzue In reply to BijutsuRyuu [2016-12-01 22:29:16 +0000 UTC]
ahh sorry for the late reply ;; A ;;
No problem~~ luv ur artsu!!
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S-k-y-F-r-e-e [2016-10-04 21:45:18 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to QualityArtContests !! If you have any questions feel free to ask Have a lovely day!
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shibuidesu [2016-09-23 11:43:35 +0000 UTC]
may i introduce my new bae for you ;v; it's just a quick sketch but i hope you like her. She's the girl i planned for your boy
i want to draw her and your boy together when i can
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Nikomitsu [2016-09-18 01:43:55 +0000 UTC]
Your art is super beautiful~!!
How long does it usually take for you to draw something? Because everything in your gallery is like wowowowie-- ^//q//^
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to Nikomitsu [2016-09-19 05:51:52 +0000 UTC]
Hello! Thank you for the comment ;____;
Ummm it really depends + I tend to procrastinate + real life
so like for big pieces it tend to take like at most a month.
im so slow
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Nikomitsu In reply to BijutsuRyuu [2016-09-19 22:47:52 +0000 UTC]
Don't mention it huehue~
EHH, REALLY? A MONTH? WHOAA--- (I tend to procrastinate a lot too X'D)
But d/w, d/w--I'd probably take a billion years to draw something as beautiful as yours cuz you have such nice backgrounds and details and everything HNNN///
Thanking ya for the llama btw~
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no-taro [2016-07-13 01:35:18 +0000 UTC]
Psst hey! Just passing by~!
//and drooling at your gallery
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to no-taro [2016-07-17 07:33:46 +0000 UTC]
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eric-jcw [2016-06-28 07:29:11 +0000 UTC]
Hi hi. Sorry for the delay. Your prize is complete. Please see link. I hope you like it. eric-jcw.deviantart.com/art/Ar…
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to eric-jcw [2016-07-08 18:03:12 +0000 UTC]
Oh noes! there was never a dely!!
I should say sorry for my dely in comments >.<
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eric-jcw In reply to BijutsuRyuu [2016-07-11 22:16:12 +0000 UTC]
No worries. Thanks for your kind comments. I am really glad you like it!!
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Kuroshiro-Ki [2016-06-05 08:58:47 +0000 UTC]
Ahh I don't know if you saw it yet but here's your prize: fav.me/da3hs20
Congratulations again on your win! O v O
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to Kuroshiro-Ki [2016-07-08 18:02:50 +0000 UTC]
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to shibuidesu [2016-05-18 03:55:15 +0000 UTC]
dnksanjkflnaskjlfnkslankljfsnkl Sorry for the late reply but np ;3;
I should be thanking you for watching me XD
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Ponepyon [2016-05-09 11:31:14 +0000 UTC]
Whoaa look at your detailed artwork, it's so amazing~!!
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to Ponepyon [2016-05-18 03:56:18 +0000 UTC]
Omg to hear you say that... Thank you so muchh >.<
You're work is also detailed too XD
I'll be looking forward to more of your works <3<3
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XSnowRoyale [2016-04-26 21:01:35 +0000 UTC]
?!?! Ahhh oh my goodness,
Thank you so much for the +watch, Ryuu-kun!!!
<--- Accurately describes me after seeing your amazing gallery.
Your artwork is seriously awesome and your chibi style is so adorable!!
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BijutsuRyuu In reply to XSnowRoyale [2016-05-02 02:18:19 +0000 UTC]
dajkfcskjldavjklskjdavlkjsaklcjksad <333
Nuuuuuuu Thank you for watching me back
Thank you so much. and
I feel the same way about your art too//runstoyou
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O-CH [2016-02-11 04:58:09 +0000 UTC]
ahh thank you so much for the watch!! I appreciate it lots <33
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