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BabyFae [5007975] [] "Followen the crowd is for losers"

# Statistics

Favourites: 737; Deviations: 162; Watchers: 76

Watching: 58; Pageviews: 25344; Comments Made: 3745; Friends: 58

# Comments

Comments: 356

hiaamir [2014-10-01 16:01:38 +0000 UTC]

happy birthday to you... hope you have a wonderful day...ย 

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Allyntu [2012-12-22 23:56:42 +0000 UTC]

Hello!!!! I don't know if you remember me... but I do and actually I have a picture of you from 2008 [link]

So I start reading your journals and I found that you are now married and with 2 kids!

I missed a lot girl... so if you need to chat again, I'm here for you


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mektup [2012-06-15 22:12:41 +0000 UTC]

I want you to visit my galleries in facebook photos .... Thank you in advance for your interest ....

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hiaamir [2011-10-01 20:21:44 +0000 UTC]

May Your Special Day Be ...
Surrounded With Happiness,
Filled With Laughter,
Wrapped With Pleasure,
Brightend With Fun,
Blessed With Love,
Rememberd With Joy And
Enriched With Hopes,
Here's Hoping That Your
Birthday Brings To You,
What You Are Deserving Of,
....Years & Years Of Happy Days Filled With Lot's Of Joy & Love
Have A Great Day !
Happy BirthDay
To You my dear friend

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LeeVhinez [2011-10-01 09:58:26 +0000 UTC]

happy birthday!

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drumb [2011-10-01 06:00:03 +0000 UTC]


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NokchaAier [2011-04-04 21:22:12 +0000 UTC]

Hello just want to say "HI"

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BabyFae In reply to NokchaAier [2011-04-09 21:59:23 +0000 UTC]

Hey girl, hope everything is going good for u

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russiantea87 [2010-11-29 17:38:10 +0000 UTC]

It's going to sound so cornball to mention it, but your screenname reminds of that oldie pop number. 'baby face, you've got the cutest little baby face;... my poor heart is jumpin'; you sure have started somethin', baby face' [link]

thanks for watching my shit.

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BabyFae In reply to russiantea87 [2010-11-30 01:03:48 +0000 UTC]

Lol, how funny. I like your art ; )

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russiantea87 In reply to BabyFae [2010-12-01 16:27:14 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. Likewise. YOur subject emanates this very bubbly gusto, I can see why one would be so inclined to take so many pictures of it.

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TheSilverFoxx [2010-11-19 15:51:07 +0000 UTC]

Sooo what kind of artist are you? A Tattoo artist? Painter? Photographer? Tell me what your into, I love your art, i just dont know what I'm looking at haha

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BabyFae In reply to TheSilverFoxx [2010-11-19 19:09:30 +0000 UTC]

Hey Silver Foxx, Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments. Im a artist who hasn't found her median yet. I write poetry but only when my emotions are extreme so I still dont feel satisfied. Then I taught myself phototshop but lost my inspiration which really got to me. I modeled for a little bit but the photographers I worked with never shared the inspiration and emotions I wanted to capture, kinda like your amazing pics. I would rather be on the other end of the lens anyway. I love photography but the equipment is so expensive as you know so I have to wait until I'm not so poor which prob will never happen. Then I fell in love with the violin but again way expensive. My true love is dance although I was never able to take a class and I plan on taking ballet, salsa, and belly dancing one day. As far as the tattooing, that is my husbands work, Im his canvas as well as I post his work for critiquing. Sorry about rambling but you just seem very nice and I feel like you understand the aggravation of not being able to express yourself.
Again thank you so much for your kind words and I love your work as well and will be leaving comments for you ; )

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TheSilverFoxx In reply to BabyFae [2010-11-20 18:44:05 +0000 UTC]

Aw you're too kind, really. Sounds like you have a lot going on for yourself, and its really obvious your passions take your through each step each day, its very inspiring I love to dance, and a lot of the other same things you enjoy, and don't worry about rambling, I usually do it more then others, I'm tamed atm lol. And of course I understand, its completely frustrating on every level to have these huge dreams and no money to put them together. But I have a small plan. I'm focusing myself and my money. Making lists of things I want and prioritizing them. Finding deals and so on. It really goes a long way to see it all out in front of you instead of buying things at random. I have to admit I'm a fan as well, so thanks for the support, its appreciated <3_<3

P.S. You are tres gorgeous haha xoxo

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BabyFae In reply to TheSilverFoxx [2010-11-21 05:27:21 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, after I get my kiddos christmas and gets bills caught up Im gonna save up and get me a camera. Then maybe I can get some tips and pointers from you ; )

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TheSilverFoxx In reply to BabyFae [2010-11-21 14:50:07 +0000 UTC]

For some reason I doubt someone with your amazing artistic talent will need my pointers

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TheGreenZombie [2010-11-14 17:26:03 +0000 UTC]

thank you very much for the fave.

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BabyFae In reply to TheGreenZombie [2010-11-15 05:17:19 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure

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miintinq [2010-10-19 10:45:35 +0000 UTC]

`ยท.Thank you so much for the fave, hun! โ™ฅ

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BabyFae In reply to miintinq [2010-10-19 16:30:53 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure, its a great design

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WERAQS [2010-10-12 20:53:45 +0000 UTC]

I read the text under you ID and decided there is more than "The weirdest person you will ever meet, woman's activist; dont watch anything with semi-nude to nudity in it, animal activist, vegetarian, family movies make me cry, I love art weather its music, pictures, poems, sculptures. My favorite color changes with my mood, so does my eye color. I have more nightmares now then I did when I was a kid, Im afraid of the dark and silence, My tv stays on Qubo. Im addicted to tattoos and a punk at heart. Will learn how to play the drums, airbrush, and paint before I die. I believe in true love and I found mine when I was 16. Family is everything, faith requires believing, and following the crowd is for losers." this, I hope I'll learn all in time.

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BabyFae In reply to WERAQS [2010-10-12 21:10:30 +0000 UTC]

Lol, and how is that

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WERAQS In reply to BabyFae [2010-10-12 22:02:02 +0000 UTC]

I'll browse your gallery, try to understood your personality, trying to determine your color of your soul by the reflection spectrum of light wave from your art.

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BabyFae In reply to WERAQS [2010-10-12 22:09:13 +0000 UTC]

Well, tell me what you figured out when your done

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WERAQS In reply to BabyFae [2010-10-12 22:18:57 +0000 UTC]

we'll see

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jacksonmstattoo [2010-10-12 19:39:02 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the fav

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BabyFae In reply to jacksonmstattoo [2010-10-12 21:10:42 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure

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emotionaltourist777 [2010-10-12 03:48:10 +0000 UTC]

i mentioned id love to help you with a portfolio i helped a guy from photography class with one. and fire engine red LOL yes for sure...you have beautiful eyes.

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BabyFae In reply to emotionaltourist777 [2010-10-12 04:00:53 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much, to bad your not closer, we could set up a shoot

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emotionaltourist777 In reply to BabyFae [2010-10-12 06:31:23 +0000 UTC]

yes i agree. yw too!

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emotionaltourist777 [2010-10-12 00:18:31 +0000 UTC]

YW. its a great pic! i really like it. cool.

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Nashiil [2010-10-06 20:53:35 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the !

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BabyFae In reply to Nashiil [2010-10-07 01:37:41 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure

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hydrauliceye [2010-10-06 18:05:55 +0000 UTC]

thank u for tha

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BabyFae In reply to hydrauliceye [2010-10-06 19:19:54 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure

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vicber [2010-10-02 15:36:57 +0000 UTC]

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BabyFae In reply to vicber [2010-10-02 16:31:08 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure

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weirdweirdweird [2010-10-02 02:01:49 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday!

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BabyFae In reply to weirdweirdweird [2010-10-02 02:19:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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Peter-Pine [2010-10-01 21:52:26 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday kiddo

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BabyFae In reply to Peter-Pine [2010-10-01 22:25:55 +0000 UTC]


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BeehiveStudio [2010-10-01 19:03:35 +0000 UTC]

aww happy birthday sweety! we are october babies

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BabyFae In reply to BeehiveStudio [2010-10-01 20:25:04 +0000 UTC]

The best kind and Libras rock too

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jjferrit [2010-10-01 11:45:47 +0000 UTC]

happy birthday ^_^

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BabyFae In reply to jjferrit [2010-10-01 15:19:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much

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drumb [2010-10-01 05:52:15 +0000 UTC]



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BabyFae In reply to drumb [2010-10-01 15:21:48 +0000 UTC]

Lol, super cute, thanks so much

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drumb In reply to BabyFae [2010-10-01 16:43:01 +0000 UTC]


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hiaamir [2010-10-01 04:59:44 +0000 UTC]

May Your Special Day Be ...
Surrounded With Happiness,
Filled With Laughter,
Wrapped With Pleasure,
Brightend With Fun,
Blessed With Love,
Rememberd With Joy And
Enriched With Hopes,
Here's Hoping That Your
Birthday Brings To You,
What You Are Deserving Of,
....Years & Years Of Happy Days Filled With Lot's Of Joy & Love
Have A Great Day !
Happy BirthDay
To You

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BabyFae In reply to hiaamir [2010-10-01 15:22:49 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much

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