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AzzouBK [40393918] []

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# Comments

Comments: 81

Thelazy-Ed [2019-04-04 19:25:00 +0000 UTC]

Pretty cool work man, it's amazing what you cand do. Nice to meet a great artist!

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AzzouBK In reply to Thelazy-Ed [2019-04-05 17:54:44 +0000 UTC]

Thanks buddy! I really appreciate your kindness  

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Thelazy-Ed In reply to AzzouBK [2019-04-05 18:41:57 +0000 UTC]

 Duuude, you're part of the happiness of this day. I really thank you for this support your giving to me. I won't let you down!!!  

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ChrysaorIV [2019-03-10 15:46:23 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday, Azzou

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2019-03-31 22:39:38 +0000 UTC]

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2019-04-01 04:33:32 +0000 UTC]

it's cool xP

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Rolling-Potato [2019-01-21 22:24:06 +0000 UTC]

That's how I draw too! The draft is drawn with pencil and then I send it to my laptop for further coloring and stuff. I can't draw anything with a mouse.   

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AzzouBK In reply to Rolling-Potato [2019-01-22 17:09:07 +0000 UTC]

 Aaaaah Damn mouse! Thank god I got a tablet now!  Thanks for your comment buddy! have a nice day  

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Rolling-Potato In reply to AzzouBK [2019-01-23 03:57:39 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, you are lucky. See ya.  

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KaidokJ [2018-11-15 01:05:52 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the llama

I knew a llama once. At least I thought I knew him. I mean, how well can anyone really know anyone, much less a llama. With their air of mystery and thinly veiled contempt. It’s hard. But I digress.

His name was Kevin. But for reasons I will never understand, he would only ever answer to Albert. Identity issues aside, things started out okay. The usual introductory sniffing and sneezing went well, despite his allergies, but then things started going downhill during the ritual licking phase of the pleasantries. We pushed through. And had it not been for the spitting, we might have even been able to make it work, but alas, after just 3 seconds of bittersweet brotherhood, we finally decided to part ways. It’s kind of sad, when you think about it. Spitting seems like such an innocent thing to fight over, but he was pretty adamant that I should stop and that was just never going to happen. We might have overcome that issue, but Kevin, like all llamas, was very competitive. First came the stench competitions. Then it was belching contests. And lastly, a painstaking count to see which one was hairier. You can clearly see why our relationship was doomed. The poor fellow was a bit of a sore loser.

So he snuck out, taking with him a failed friendship, an obliviously optimistic dread of the future, and my sixth favorite toothbrush. Now that he is gone, I can honestly say, it's for the best. He was too much of a chick magnet anyway and who needs that drama?

Full disclaimer, as Kevin’s official biographer, a position of which he blackmailed me into (don’t ask), I’ve been instructed to inform you about his ongoing series. The journey starts here with  The Kevin Chronicles - Chapter 1, and  this gallery contains the rest. You should check it out.

*End of cue card*

And don't worry, they're pretty short.

No pressure though, only if you want.


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AzzouBK In reply to KaidokJ [2018-11-15 20:07:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!! I'll take a look  

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KaidokJ In reply to AzzouBK [2018-11-16 00:15:46 +0000 UTC]

Stop by anytime. We're always open. Nobody's home, but we're open nonetheless.  

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lilyrjensen [2018-10-31 12:02:32 +0000 UTC]

Hi there!

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the watch! You just made my day!  

I'm so happy to know that you like what I do! I hope you have a wonderful day xx

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AzzouBK In reply to lilyrjensen [2018-10-31 12:50:43 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome, U deserve it, ur Art is Amazing! please Keep Drawing and Good Luck!  

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Unreal-Forever [2018-09-20 17:43:52 +0000 UTC]

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AzzouBK In reply to Unreal-Forever [2018-09-20 18:02:16 +0000 UTC]


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Unreal-Forever In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-21 15:08:36 +0000 UTC]

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AzzouBK In reply to Unreal-Forever [2018-09-21 18:01:05 +0000 UTC]


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ChrysaorIV [2018-09-12 23:16:54 +0000 UTC]

hey azou, wanna talk about religion?

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-15 20:53:52 +0000 UTC]

Hmmmmm... Sure, but only under one condition, Respect, cuz I didn't like ur earlier attitude

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-15 20:56:40 +0000 UTC]

Sorry bud, that was me being respectful. So much for that, I guess.

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-15 21:04:49 +0000 UTC]

don't worry, I forgive you

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-15 21:06:14 +0000 UTC]


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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-15 21:12:04 +0000 UTC]


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ChrysaorIV [2018-08-15 03:05:53 +0000 UTC]

did you ever figure out that little riddle I left you?

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-08-17 21:21:14 +0000 UTC]


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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-08-18 03:03:03 +0000 UTC]

what was your answer?

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-15 20:56:02 +0000 UTC]

Mohammed didn't last for long after his marriage with his young wife + she told people a lot of what mohammed told her, so she was like his journal

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-15 20:59:48 +0000 UTC]

so in the end, even he failed?

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-15 21:02:03 +0000 UTC]

at what ?

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-15 21:03:54 +0000 UTC]

being a prophet, or did I misunderstand?

you said he didn't last long after his wife, does that mean he was killed, probably as judgement for having sexual relations with a little girl?

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-15 21:11:30 +0000 UTC]

Dafuq? He got sick and died like we all do, 
and That's his wife, Like a Proper Partner, why would anyone judge him for something like that
and He didn't live for long after his marriage So that's why he married a young wife, so she can live after him long enough to continue passing his advices and knowledge, 

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-15 21:16:09 +0000 UTC]

Well, I mean, a small percentage of us die by divine judgement I'm sure.

But the bottom line is, he was fine with marrying a young female child, is that correct?

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-15 21:57:36 +0000 UTC]

I guess so, Yeah for a good reason, It's not like he wanted a child wife

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-15 22:02:21 +0000 UTC]

you know what an alibi is, right?

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-15 22:09:13 +0000 UTC]

Nope but I googled it, Sort of Lying to avoid ur sentence in the court ??  

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-15 22:13:07 +0000 UTC]

an alibi is basically a premade excuse.

I suspect that Mohammed might have been a pedophile and used the excuse/alibi of needing a young successor so he could get her in bed with him.

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-15 22:19:27 +0000 UTC]

well that's what you think, No wonder why all prophits been sent to your people were slaughterd and murdered, cuz u people don't even respect your own God, how would you respect his messengers Calling the best of mankind a pedophile, well done buddy, Heavens is wide opened for you   

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-15 22:31:16 +0000 UTC]

don't get me started man, we Israelites are absolute shit in terms of our track record. Some days I just ask God why he doesn't nuke us already, but then I remember he's got a promise to keep and a reputation to maintain.

But you know what happens when you quit scrutinizing prophets? When you quit trying to tell the false from the true? You get lost. And there's only one way to tell if a prophet is legitimate or not. Does he keep the law? Did Mohamed keep the law?

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-16 08:19:03 +0000 UTC]

u serious ? name one false prophit 
I've never heard of such a thing as a false prophit, where did u hear it from, Islamophobics R us 
Dude, if u say he's prophit then ur acknowledging that he's as equal as any other prophit legitimacy wise

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-16 15:08:23 +0000 UTC]

You guys dont believe in false prophets? You just, just listen to anybody who comes along and says "God told me to pillage the countryside" without asking about their motives? Without wondering if they're spinning some story to work in their favor? You don't test your religious leaders, you just do what they say?

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-16 20:26:21 +0000 UTC]

u think people at his time just did what you've said? There are Liars who are so obvious and no where near the 

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-16 20:32:13 +0000 UTC]

of course they did! look at what humanity has done since the beginning of time! Do I need to list all the cultures that burned or buried their own children? Do I need to remind you of how wretched humanity is and always has been? Of course there were liars around Mohammed's time. And if he didn't follow the commands he gave to others, he is a hypocrite, and if he is a hypocrite, he cannot be trusted, especially with something as precious as your salvation.

So, the question is, did he follow the law?

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-17 16:58:26 +0000 UTC]

What Law you're talking about?

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-18 01:51:00 +0000 UTC]

The one he presented. The Quran. Does he do as it commands? Thou shalt nots and otherwise?

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-18 10:31:04 +0000 UTC]

Hahahahaha, Dude you're serious?   Anyway, Let's assume that my religion is wrong and false and made up and ....
Try to convince me that your beliefs has more truth than mine

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-18 15:12:28 +0000 UTC]

You're avoiding my question, but as you wish.

Let's start at the beginning. The greatest evidence I can present for the existence of God is first and foremost, the fact that it simply isn't possible to explain the existence of our world without him.

Archeological and ecological evidence has been found indicating that there was indeed a worldwide flood, meaning that the bible has a certain degree of credibility.

I have studied the torah for years, and I have applied it to my life, and it has never lead me into dysfunction. The perfection of this law is further evidence.

We have found a field covered in sulpher, I believe, exactly where Sodom and Gomorrah would have been located according to the description given in genesis.

The real mount Sinai has been discovered, covered in markings depicting the scene of the golden calf, and with a massive split rock, like that which genesis said God used to bring forth water by Moses.

Numerous prophecies in the bible have come true. One of them even described the events of 911 if memory serves.

Another bit of evidence to consider is the fact that the Jews, said to be the remnant of God's chosen people, is one of the most hated and despised people on the planet, and yet they been exterminated. 

Something else to think of is the hyperlinked consistency of the Bible. I spent five years learning Torah. Every discrepancy, every "mistake" was resolved in a matter of minutes as I learned more and more about who and what God is. Go ahead, try to give me an example of one time the Bible was hypocritical.

Ah, there's so much more I could say and show, but the trouble with verifying your beliefs is that sometimes you forget the verification! You know what you believe is true now, that's all that matters, so you forget how you proved to yourself it was the truth. But fret not, for I POSSESS THE POWER OF GOOGLE AND I AM WELL VERSED IN HOW TO EMPLOY IT TO REDISCOVER MY FURTHER EVIDENCE

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-18 16:45:51 +0000 UTC]

Interesting, but these things does exist in my religion too, they are facts that I'm aware of, 
the difference between me and you is that I believe in everything of the Past and the present cuz I have the latest version of Allah's words. meanwhile you're stuck in the past with it's wrongs and Denying to take in what you don't know.
Quran has Signs too as what you've stated, Just look for the Water barrier that don't let salty water to mix up with the sweet one, Plus the Mosquito miracle too and so many more
You're not looking for answers as you said, you're trying to get people to believe of what you believe, but they know more than what you do, and what proofs you're giving? accusing their prohpet with things like pedohpilya?
And Don't you think that the answer is clear enough? do you think the whole Islamic world just believes in someone who's a liar and don't follow God's path?
Anyway, I lost intrest in this subject and I'm quite happy of my spiritual statue, So if you still wanna chat, please go ahead and talk about something else, buddy

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ChrysaorIV In reply to AzzouBK [2018-09-19 04:52:13 +0000 UTC]

To the contrary, one of the strongest supporting pillars of my faith is what I myself can see in the present. Dysfunction. Dysfunction running rampant in a world without Torah, and a few bright spots where it's principles are still held in high regard. And of course I deny. Why would I not deny what I have no reason to believe? I have already explained to you why I believe what I believe, and I still retain a very compelling reason not to believe what you believe.

I'm sure that Mohamed and his ilk were able to perform miracles. It outright states many times in the bible that there are dark powers who can work miracles signs and wonders. It also says that power is only power, and far more important than power, is the intent of those who use it. We should always be looking for hypocrasy, for lies, for perversion in those who claim to be messengers from above.

Am I wrong? Is Mohamed not a pedophile? Did he not marry a young girl?

There is nothing wrong with accusations, they have their place, a very important place. That place is in the search for truth, the quest for answers, the journey which I have taken on and sworn to myself that I will never abandon. "I have truth," You may say. And you are free to say that. But I am likewise free to accuse and to test and to try to understand.

Why not? How much of the world is atheistic? How much of it is full of "blasphemers" like myself? Wasn't the entire world once so corrupt it was flooded to near extinction? Or does Islam record it differently? Whether it was an entire world or an entire nation or an entire city, numbers are no assurance of truth. Of course I believe the entire Islamic world is wrong. I believe 95% of the people on this planet are wrong, maybe more! You may think me a fool for saying so many can be wrong, but I daresay I would be more foolish to say that so many, with such differing viewpoints, in a world that is quite frankly falling apart, are right, is far more foolish indeed.

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AzzouBK In reply to ChrysaorIV [2018-09-21 11:00:42 +0000 UTC]

Nice words, Well then I guess we're waiting for the judgement day to decide who ever was wrong or right

So... u come up with a topic or I should suggest one ?

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