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| AskHetaHazardJapan
# Statistics
Favourites: 11; Deviations: 6; Watchers: 51
Watching: 6; Pageviews: 2583; Comments Made: 201; Friends: 6
# Comments
Comments: 117
Agmx3 [2014-02-11 23:46:06 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday!!! I even got you this yummy cake icon ^u^
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hetaliafangirl143 [2013-07-25 17:23:55 +0000 UTC]
japan if you saw a girl you liked what would you say to her?
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codenaam666 [2013-03-05 14:35:35 +0000 UTC]
Hey japan! ((still dare to say hi to a random Japan... in a chat one was like "are you from The Netherlands?" I said "yes I am, I am dutch :3" and he was like..."LET ME LOVE YOU" then I got terrified...))
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AskHetaoniEngland [2013-02-13 06:36:13 +0000 UTC]
"I know that this is a little late - sorry about that - but happy belated birthday. I hope that your, er, situation gets better."
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AskHetaHazardEngland [2013-02-11 19:25:06 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday, Japan! I baked you some cake!
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Askhetahazardprussia [2013-02-10 14:15:39 +0000 UTC]
Hey Japan .. Happy EARLY Birthday.
((not sure time zone but is Japan's Birthday ..))
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AskHetaHazard-Canada [2012-08-19 01:20:24 +0000 UTC]
((I have a question. Japan, why did it take so long to get the cart moving? You were all ready to go but kept talking for a whole five minutes...!))
America was endangering our l-lives....
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Dreamer-3k-Me [2012-08-18 01:06:45 +0000 UTC]
It realy seem as if you don't smile often.Could you do one,very pleasant smile for a fan girl?
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APHnation-Nihon [2012-08-18 00:57:03 +0000 UTC]
Konnichiwa, other me. *muses and bows politely* It is most unfortunate to hear that you and the other nations are stuck in such a troubresome predicament. If you knew about the situation beforehand, what wourd have you done differentry to avoid arr of this?
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Dreamer-3k-Me [2012-08-16 02:36:07 +0000 UTC]
I hope I can become your friend((plz plz plz plz plz))
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Dreamer-3k-Me [2012-08-15 19:22:52 +0000 UTC]
Hello japan(just here because i must welcome nekobaka's japan ask account)
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AskHetaHazardJapan In reply to Dreamer-3k-Me [2012-08-15 19:57:12 +0000 UTC]
Hello to you as well..
((Hi there 8D))
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Dreamer-3k-Me In reply to AskHetaHazardJapan [2012-08-15 20:45:15 +0000 UTC]
((I don't know what to say))
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AskHetaHazardJapan In reply to Dreamer-3k-Me [2012-08-15 21:23:24 +0000 UTC]
((That's alright XD))
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Dreamer-3k-Me In reply to AskHetaHazardJapan [2012-08-16 01:25:30 +0000 UTC]
Bannana peel!(( wonder what jappy would say to that,Nothing probably))
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AskHetaHazardJapan In reply to BlizzardCaster [2012-08-15 04:55:23 +0000 UTC]
Ah, yes, thank you very much for the warm welcome.
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BlizzardCaster In reply to AskHetaHazardJapan [2012-08-15 05:39:36 +0000 UTC]
The pleasure is mine, good sir.
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kwolfdemonk [2012-08-15 02:43:15 +0000 UTC]
hello~~ welcome to deviantart. And now, here's my question:
why are you so calm? I mean, you and your friends are trapped in an underground lab- aren't you the least bit panicky?!!! ((<-- worrier ))
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Askhetahazardprussia [2012-08-15 00:53:05 +0000 UTC]
(( hi , Japan currently Prussia can't talk to you because his no where near you so I'll try to see when his available ))
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AskHetaHazardJapan In reply to Askhetahazardprussia [2012-08-15 05:03:22 +0000 UTC]
(( Ah, I see... alrighty then! Nice to meet you~ ))
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AskHetaHazardEngland [2012-08-14 17:30:35 +0000 UTC]
Hello, Japan...
I was wondering... do you think that Russia is keeping Italy and Kumajirou safe? I also fear for Romano and Prussia.
((Figured I might as well say hi on your profile too .))
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AskHetaHazardJapan In reply to AskHetaHazardEngland [2012-08-18 01:00:49 +0000 UTC]
((^ I'm going to draw England's reply to the original question because my gallery is very lonely ;w; ))
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AskHetaHazardEngland In reply to AskHetaHazardJapan [2012-08-18 01:03:34 +0000 UTC]
((Silly sod, it was always open for that option anyway . Go ahead!))
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AskHetaHazardJapan In reply to AskHetaHazardEngland [2012-08-14 17:35:24 +0000 UTC]
Ah, hello England-san.
-chuckle- Well, if they are both with Russia-san, I think they will be safe. And do not forget, Italy-kun is very fast on his feet, so if they do run into trouble I'm sure they will get away safely. -smile-
((How nice of you~ It's kind of bland because no one has asked me anything yet 8'D unless I'm supposed to draw a reply for this
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AskHetaHazardEngland In reply to AskHetaHazardJapan [2012-08-14 17:46:41 +0000 UTC]
Ah, yes. I suppose you are right.
((You're welcome!
"Joined today"... Are you really surprised that no one's asked you anything yet xD? You've only just created the account, give it time.
No one's asked me anything yet anyway. Which is fine because I don't have my scanner right now. The pictures in my gallery are only there because I was able to pass off images I had already scanned in way before I created this account as something that would fit the theme for HetaHazard.
Once I'm able to access my scanner again, though, you'll be seeing lots of new content .))
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AskHetaHazardJapan In reply to AskHetaHazardEngland [2012-08-14 17:52:34 +0000 UTC]
Of course. I'm one hell of a nation VwV //shot
((XD I know, I'm just really bored right now As of now I must sit here patiently... =w=
Ah, I see. Well, hopefully you get your scanner back! I'm planning on doing all of my questions digitally, so I have no need for a scanner plus, my scanner sucks As of now I wish my profile didn't look so bland.. that picture I made was supposed to be bigger but it came out to look very tiny... ;-; And full view is only for premium members... >.>
Wow, I can't wait! ))
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AskHetaHazardEngland In reply to AskHetaHazardJapan [2012-08-14 18:31:24 +0000 UTC]
So... what should we do now?
((Yes, be patient like Japan xD.
Sorry I disappeared, I went for dinner.
I'll get it back soon enough . By then I'll have plenty of stuff to upload for my various accounts.
I can't draw digitally. I can colour digitally but I can't get a decent drawing done on that kind of software so I stick to traditional art .
Just work on other content for your account then whilst you wait for people to ask you stuff. That's what I do.))
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AskHetaHazardJapan In reply to AskHetaHazardEngland [2012-08-14 18:39:28 +0000 UTC]
Hmmm.. perhaps I shall go in and start preparing some food. I can imagine that America will be rather hungry once he comes back..
Eto.. w-would you like to.. come? -sweat drop-
((Hah, it's alright! Wow, dinner already? Must be different time zones XD
Various accounts, hm? That must be hard XD I have a hard time just keeping up with my main account!
Ah, I see~ Well, I can't get lineart straight on there so I have to draw it traditionally, take a photo with my phone and re-trace on my laptop It comes out fairly good
Hmm... I guess I'll start with a new ID picture or something. Maybe I'll do something similar to what you have on your profile, with injury status or something.. -sigh- I will be patient! =3= )
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AskHetaHazardEngland In reply to AskHetaHazardJapan [2012-08-14 18:49:55 +0000 UTC]
Ah yes! I'll start making something healthy. Well... assuming there is anything healthy America brought to the meeting.
((I'm from England .
I'm always multitasking so I can handle managing different accounts. Plus I have such an active imagination I'm never short on content xD.
I think my sister does that type of thing. She's technically the artist of the family, it's only very recently that I got into drawing, primarily I'm a writer .
Try and think of something unique for Japan's character when you're designing your profile. Everything I've included on England's pertains to his personality, right down to the formatting.
Like how HetaHazard America's profile is quite bright and cluttered, it fits his ego xD.
England's is smart and detailed because he's very well-ordered.
Romano's has curse words on it because he's a grump .
Think about Japan's personality when you make your profile, right down to the wording and the formatting.))
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AskHetaHazardJapan In reply to AskHetaHazardEngland [2012-08-14 18:56:11 +0000 UTC]
-sweat drop- Eto... no, I don't think you should do that-- I mean, er, p-perhaps you would like to... go set up the table? I remember last time you did, it looks rather stunning!
((W-woah, England?! Wow, that's so cool! Well, no wonder you've had dinner already then! I'm from America, actually That's really cool!
I see XD Lucky lucky, I can't multitask at all! If I don't stay focused on one thing I'll never get it done! XD;
Oh, I see! I bet your stories are awesome, I'm not very good at writing >w>; I've had a lot of ideas for fanfictions, but when I start writing them they don't turn out good =3="
I see... Well, you could say Japan's profile should be very organized as well, I think I'll think about that. I've also implemented his way of speech into his profile description and such, but it still looks bland :T I bet when I actually get questions it'll look better >n> ))
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AskHetaHazardEngland In reply to AskHetaHazardJapan [2012-08-14 19:14:33 +0000 UTC]
... Um, are you sure? I would quite like to make some scones. It's no trouble, honestly.
((Heehee, thanks . I guess there's about a 5 hour difference between our countries then, although that depends where in America you are.
Weather's been crazy as usual here. Last night we had a thunderstorm of all things and then today it's been sunny as if nothing happened. It's daft.
I multitask or I'll never get my ideas out of my head, which is a bad thing because all of those thoughts can't stay locked away forever, it'd drive me mad.
Thanks again! Most of my stories are on my main account, *Chicky-the-Dragon . I love writing , but I'm even happier that I've got the motivation to draw now because that way I can get the visuals out of my head too.
Maybe you could style Japan's a bit like a newspaper? He's always depicted with a camera, so it could be themed a bit like that?))
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