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| AsTearsFall
# Statistics
Favourites: 30; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 5
Watching: 6; Pageviews: 1529; Comments Made: 226; Friends: 6
# Comments
Comments: 104
ObsessedNerdGirl [2012-06-14 01:02:56 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav!!!!!! I really appreciate it!!!!!
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AsTearsFall In reply to ObsessedNerdGirl [2012-06-15 18:38:26 +0000 UTC]
Anytime keep up the good work ^^
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ObsessedNerdGirl In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-16 13:50:03 +0000 UTC]
I'll try to, thanks!!!
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-13 22:28:47 +0000 UTC]
Thanks you ^^ and anytime, keep on writing ^^
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 18:48:11 +0000 UTC]
is this about to turn into a smiley war? .... BAM ->
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 18:51:16 +0000 UTC]
The amount of those I have had it's rediculous. I will win this war!
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 18:55:54 +0000 UTC]
NUUUUUUUU Time for the...SEXY SMILE? < that had better work or i cry T.T
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 19:02:21 +0000 UTC]
I can go one better than that!
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 19:09:28 +0000 UTC]
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 19:16:38 +0000 UTC]
LOL that looks like a drugged out pony xD AND NO I WILL not be defeated T.T uhhhhmmmmm *smiles uber wide* I WIN
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 19:22:45 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I think Pinkie is on drugs.
NOOOO! HA! Well can you be cute and smile?!
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 19:24:49 +0000 UTC]
Pinkie? xD DRUG FREE PINKIE DRUG FREE T.T and WHY yes..yes i can... BAM! >[link] its so cute >~<
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 19:28:21 +0000 UTC]
Pinkie Pie is awesome! But I still love Dashie as well.
The cuteness, it's almost too much!
Go Fluttershy! Send the cuteness back! Submit to the cutness!
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 19:31:48 +0000 UTC]
LOL PSHHH its like a pokemon battle now .... *pokemon music plays* * turns hat to the side like ash* Your fluttershy was pretty cute but can it handle my UHH *google images time* BABY CHARMANDER? [link]
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 19:38:19 +0000 UTC]
Gah! Too cute! But the ponies might still be able to win! Help me win Dashie!
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 19:42:58 +0000 UTC]
PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 19:51:53 +0000 UTC]
LOL! OBJECTION! I should call cheat that you are using google images and not emoticons! *Throws muffins at you*
DARN YOU! Right you win, I can't beat Pinkie hugging Dashie! (And I now have a new desktop wallpaper. Hahaha)
Yeah it does! Hahaha
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 19:59:38 +0000 UTC]
LOLOLOL XDD *matrixs and eats the muffin* YUMMY! tanks you! xD and PSHH OFC I WIN! yay! i won and got u a new wallpaper score! that'll be 5 bucks..xD hehe omg this is funny xD
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 20:08:03 +0000 UTC]
X333 LOL! I love muffins, and pie.
Sorry I only have pounds and bits, I don't carry American money. Hehehe. XD
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 20:13:59 +0000 UTC]
OH RIGHT UR FROM UK! xD pshh fiiine ill make an exception xD and WAIT! does that mean touve got an accent?! CHEERIO MATE XD well i think thats austrailian buuuuttt x3 i love doing accents its so fun! xD and ong i had to write tht 4 times cuz da kept kicking meh off T.T
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 20:22:28 +0000 UTC]
YUP! Good ol' cold UK!
Erm...no I don't, I have a mixture of the posh accent and the Mancunian accent.
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 20:32:57 +0000 UTC]
xD ive never heard that before sure its cool! xD and this is random but i just encountered this HUUUUUUUGGE moth >~<
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 20:38:30 +0000 UTC]
XD COOL! Are you sure it wasn't a plane? Hahahaha.
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 20:43:06 +0000 UTC]
NOT COOL THAT SCARED ME LOL XDD see i dont kill bugs and stuff im like prolife for them so i had to catch it in my hand and it was all fluttery and i didnt want to hurt or injure its wing and omg SCARY T.T
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 20:48:31 +0000 UTC]
Yeah apparently you can't stroke a moth because it gets rid of the dust on their wings and they can't fly. Or somethinf like that.
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 20:53:09 +0000 UTC]
yea xD i learned that the hard way >~< tried to do that as a kid like id catch butterflies and moths but like the moth i caugh was white and it came on my finger and it like cudnt fly after i started to cry like crazy, felt so bad the poor lil guy >~<
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 20:57:20 +0000 UTC]
Yeah poor animals. I love butterflies.
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 21:31:38 +0000 UTC]
yea they're really pretty ^^ when i have my own house im gona try to have like a butterfly garden ^^ like im gona plant the kinds of flowers that attact different butterflies
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 21:40:02 +0000 UTC]
They are. When I have my own house I want a big fluffy dog! Dogs are adorable!
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 21:48:41 +0000 UTC]
xD LIKE CLIFFORD! dogs are cute kittens are cuter :3 lol well actually they're like tied but ima cat person xD and ong WHY CANT DA HAVE LIKE AN IM THINGIE T.T it keeps not sending! >~<
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 22:06:38 +0000 UTC]
YEAH! I used to love that. I love kittens as well, I have three cats, used to be 4 but one of them died recently. I also used to have 2 dogs but they also died, one of them about a year ago and the other about three years ago.
I'm a dat person. (Dog and cat)
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 22:19:56 +0000 UTC]
xD omg ur so lucky >~< my moms not an animal person cuz she claims 4 kids are enough "pets" in the house xD it sucks T.T i always wanted a kitty >~< and aww im sorry bout your animals T.T well dont worry! they're in a good place now ^^ OH WAIT! i did have a pet alooong time ago and its kinda a weird one xD i had a baby chicken cuz my uncle has a farm and like we got to take two of em xD
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 22:26:19 +0000 UTC]
Yeah my family loves animals. 4! That's a lot of children! Well not really, my aunt has 5, but yeah I only have one sister, which to be honest is quite enough hahahaha. Yeah they are. Okay, well...I've never had a chicken before LOL. XD
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 22:36:31 +0000 UTC]
i wish my mom loved animals T.T and yea it's kinda pretty awsome having alot well sorta if they're younger its somewhat annoying cuz you gota do stuff for them and like they can be pretty evil > cuz they do the whole puppy dog thing and ugh just evil xD older is pretty cool cuz you have someone to kinda use as a role model
as for the chicken..yeaaa not alot of ppl have had chickens xD well it was a chick baby one i never saw it grow cuz it kinda uhm died >~<
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 22:40:20 +0000 UTC]
We've had a lot of animals like rabbits and things but they were a tad crazy, by which I mean they were completely bonkers and so are all of the animals we still have. You know what they say, animals take after their owners. Hahaha. Siblings can be fun but annoying at the same time, my sister is older than me and is alright most of the time, but she isn't very sympathetic really, funny thing is she works with kids. XD
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 22:53:31 +0000 UTC]
xD really?? aww xD see i have an older bro okay like we dont have any clahes much he only gets pissed if i ask him something while hes playing xD and what does she do is she like a teacher or something?
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 22:57:08 +0000 UTC]
Well I don't fight much with her but when it's err...her time of the month she gets VERY grouchy.
She's actually studying at uni at the moment but she goes to placements in school so she's like a teaching assistant but when she graduates she is going to be a teacher.
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 23:11:06 +0000 UTC]
ROFLRODL her time of month XD yea i just like died with laughter just now xDD it reminded me of this convo i had with my friend..WAS SO WEIRD AND HILARIOUS XD but yeaaaa that time of month you should avoid the femal species ANYTHING you say will like set em off xD guys have it easy im telling ya haha. and OMG I WANNA BE A TEACHER TOO! im actually starting college this year so yay! 4 mores years till i can teach! welll sorta xD whats do you wanna be?
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 23:24:41 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha. Yeah she's especially unpleasant. *Shudder* 8 years of her kicking and shouting at me every month, I've learned to AVOID arguments. Hahaha. And to make sure you buy some chocolate for them, but then again it's the issue of them complaining at you because they are on a diet. Men can never win!
I'm in college now but it's a different schooling system. So how old are you by the way?
I want to be a scientist! Specifically something to do with the brain like neurology, or psycology.
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-15 23:41:37 +0000 UTC]
LOLOLOLOL thats soo true xD men cant win cuz women are all I WANT IT MY WAY RAWR lol well not all but most xD YOUR IN COLLEGE TOO?!!?? oh wait yea XD dif. schooling im actually 17 ;D i feel..old..T.T and whats bout you? and REALLY?! thats so cool! i actually am debating with double majoring in psychology
i love helping ppl ^^ so i might do both teaching and psych.
btw do you have like a messenger or something? DA keeps kicking me off XD
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-15 23:51:02 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I'm almost 17, I'll be 17 in 2 months and 10 days! YAY! And this is what I'm going to buy with the money that I'm asking for [link]
I love psycology, especially criminal psycology I like the behavoiral thing it's really interesting!
I have MSN but I don't remember my login stuff. XD
I have skype though!
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AsTearsFall In reply to PhoenFox [2012-06-16 00:04:10 +0000 UTC]
knew u and u lived here i cudve asked my friend to make you that shirt XD shes like uberrr great artist! she made me nd my friend a shirt xD and wait 2 months that wud be errrrr august 25 ish? THATS LIKE ALMOST EXACTLY A MONTH AWAY FROM MINE! xD And NUUUU I DONT HAVE A SKYPE T.T i only have yahoo which wudve worked with msging msn T.T CURSES *cries in corner*
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PhoenFox In reply to AsTearsFall [2012-06-16 00:14:12 +0000 UTC]
Aww, that would be awesome!
Sorry I forgot to account for the time difference if I were in America it would be 2 months and 11 days but here it's about 1 AM and I'm going to bed now because I'm really really tired. But yeah it's the 26th of August. YAY!
I have Yahoo as well.
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