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| Arrluk-wolven
# Statistics
Favourites: 87; Deviations: 231; Watchers: 29
Watching: 86; Pageviews: 14665; Comments Made: 1324; Friends: 86
# Comments
Comments: 181
Undead-ART-ACEO [2010-03-02 04:25:18 +0000 UTC]
Hi, new ACEO ATC group
Hope to see you there! Your ACEO's are great!
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to Undead-ART-ACEO [2010-03-02 05:23:53 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much! I'm actually new to these things, so it makes me happy to know I'm doing something right!
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SophieReicher [2010-02-02 22:48:15 +0000 UTC]
Hey! whats up ?
what did ya think about last game ?
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to SophieReicher [2010-02-03 15:43:44 +0000 UTC]
I cheered for Crosbear's hat trick But when Miller tripped him, I cheered for millsy.
It was a really really good game overall! I just wish talbo wasn't hurt!
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SophieReicher In reply to Arrluk-wolven [2010-02-03 16:41:17 +0000 UTC]
yay! I loved that game. Now I think both teams have 71 points if i'm right.
It looks like Talbot will be back soon [link] but last night, my dream was about him ... having a cancer ! That was terrible. as sad as the dream you did with ovechkin XD
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to SophieReicher [2010-02-06 20:01:48 +0000 UTC]
Awwww! No cancer for Talbo! NOOOO
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SophieReicher In reply to Arrluk-wolven [2010-02-06 20:03:32 +0000 UTC]
that was such a bad nightmare
he is not playing today though
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Lokitty-of-Lies [2010-01-18 21:58:46 +0000 UTC]
ITs been a long time since we last spoke.(besides the comment on your picture). How are you?
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to Lokitty-of-Lies [2010-01-18 22:06:13 +0000 UTC]
I'm doing very well. I'm in college now, working on things, going to all too many sabres games and getting in the friendly with them yourself?
it has been a very long time without correspondence, I agree!
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Lokitty-of-Lies In reply to Arrluk-wolven [2010-01-18 22:10:39 +0000 UTC]
I'm a junior in highschool, as well as a freshmen of sort in college(taking a college course at Bryant and Stratton). I have yet to go to a sabres game, which is sad, but I did go to a bandits game saturday.
Yes way to long, I miss talking to you. What reminded me that I been meaning to comment and talk to you was when Gen showed me that picture you did for her.
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to Lokitty-of-Lies [2010-01-18 22:46:09 +0000 UTC]
Go To a sabres game! They're so much fun! And you can meet the players after, depending on who comes out. Me and Ryan miller are nearly on speaking terms because since I've come here I've met him around 12-15 times (yes...I see him a lot around HSBC...I give him things...and I show up at a lot of Sabres Practices considering they practice almost on my college campus).
I need to go to a bandits game! I love lacrosse, I usually root for college teams (UMass MinuteMen!) but having the bandits available so close for so cheep is something I'm definitely interested in
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Lokitty-of-Lies In reply to Arrluk-wolven [2010-01-19 00:29:57 +0000 UTC]
I have a friend who is the niece of Rob Ray in my school. I've met Kaleta before. I go to school with his cousin. but I want to go to one, I really do. but they are just so expensive its not funny.
and lucky I've been wanting to meet Ryan. but never got the chance.
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to Lokitty-of-Lies [2010-01-19 00:51:54 +0000 UTC]
I suggest trying to get to a weekday game. Value games are really well priced, and really, even though they're not the best teams...they're a joy to go to. I'm going to quite a few games come the end of the olympic break, all during the week.
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Lokitty-of-Lies In reply to Arrluk-wolven [2010-01-19 01:27:12 +0000 UTC]
Nice, I just don't have the money, my aunt bought my ticket last time cause it was a christmas gift. And I'm not allowed to go alone since i'm only 16.
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to Lokitty-of-Lies [2010-01-19 20:40:29 +0000 UTC]
yeah, that's a big of a bummer. I go to a lot of games by myself...because I just enjoy them, whether I'm with someone or not. My first regular season game, the home opener, I went to by myself...and I had more fun than I have at some games when I bring friends
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Lokitty-of-Lies In reply to Arrluk-wolven [2010-01-19 21:44:43 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, sometimes they are more fun. I had to watch my mouth when I went with my aunt...she's very anti-swearing for young people.
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to Lokitty-of-Lies [2010-01-19 22:10:04 +0000 UTC]
haha, that's a problem. When I go, I don't really curse, as much as make real funny noises. I start 'cursing' in an Irish accent when I really get into it. But most of the time. you'll just hear me say "AUUUUGHGHHHHHHHHHHHH" I find it gets my point across better than curses ever could.
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Lokitty-of-Lies In reply to Arrluk-wolven [2010-01-19 22:32:27 +0000 UTC]
Ha thats what I was doing, and listening to others yell at Paille that game to pick up his stick. I felt bad for the guy, he looked so confused for being yelled at, while at the same time trying to keep an eye on the puck.
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to Lokitty-of-Lies [2010-01-20 00:09:16 +0000 UTC]
there are too many people who don't understand how to actually play the fame, and criticize it, It drives me absolutely crazy. As a player, there's tons of aspects that are easy to judge, telling a player to shoot all the time...there's really no time to shoot. I find actually playing makes me a more sympathetic person to the players >>
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Lokitty-of-Lies In reply to Arrluk-wolven [2010-01-20 00:18:32 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, like I don't play hockey as much as others. Only in school and when I can. I can feel for the goalie when they let in a goal or when they do something stupid. Because I've done that as a goalie in my gym class.
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to Lokitty-of-Lies [2010-01-20 16:35:33 +0000 UTC]
when you play you get much more appreciation for what they do. It's easy to say "They shoulda shot that" or "He should have made that save.' Since starting to play, and bonding tightly with my goalies, I've learned that...sometimes, "they shoulda made that save" generally means that save was impossible, and they never could have made it, no matter how good they are. That usually...shooting the puck can't happen because of a strong backcheck, and you have no time. Hockey is a head game as much as it is a physical game...and when you see a hesitation, you see someone looking for options to make a good play. You can criticize the pretty plays...but a pretty play is usually a play that works...
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Lokitty-of-Lies In reply to Arrluk-wolven [2010-01-20 20:07:58 +0000 UTC]
Yeah it is, I have a couple friends that play hockey. So I know how they feel, cause they always talk to me about it. Saying how they feel bad for letting such and such a goal in. It happens theres nothing they can do, and for the others they say how they should of shot the puck. But like before thers nothing they can do about it. I just wished more people understood that.
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to SophieReicher [2010-01-15 00:17:35 +0000 UTC]
nothing much, I've been sick a long time, just getting over it now. I had a really high fever and stuff..
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SophieReicher In reply to Arrluk-wolven [2010-01-15 00:19:51 +0000 UTC]
Aww that sounds bad. I hope you're getting better now ...
do you have final exams or something ? cuz I do. It would sucks more if you have them now and you were sick :/
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to SophieReicher [2010-01-15 04:15:39 +0000 UTC]
My semester just started Final exams were back in the middle of December before winter break!
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SophieReicher In reply to Arrluk-wolven [2010-01-15 15:18:25 +0000 UTC]
Uhw that's a good point for you. Mine just began ... !
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to SophieReicher [2010-01-16 20:08:42 +0000 UTC]
Good luck! I hope you do well! What classes do you have finals in?
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SophieReicher In reply to Arrluk-wolven [2010-01-16 23:07:07 +0000 UTC]
well ESOL, Biology, Algebra and US History :/
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to SophieReicher [2010-01-17 02:57:58 +0000 UTC]
That's not too bad. Biology is fun! (that's my major in college) you speak English wonderfully here, so I don't see you having much trouble there either
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SophieReicher In reply to Arrluk-wolven [2010-01-17 03:53:56 +0000 UTC]
Thank you !
Oh, I was wandering something about NHL centerice. By example, if you missed a whole game, can you see it the next day ?
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to SophieReicher [2010-01-17 19:36:20 +0000 UTC]
there's a 48 hour waiting period, but after that time passes, you can watch it, That's on the internet version (which I have) the cable version, I'm not sure. You might be able to record or set a DVR function to watch it later?
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naiveorleans [2010-01-01 01:16:44 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the favorite on "history starts now"! I actually took that photo on February 14th, when the pens were in the lowest point of their season. I had no expectations for them to win the cup at that point, but then things really did start to turn around. I guess history really did start at that point.
haha, thanks again. Happy New Year!
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to naiveorleans [2010-01-01 01:48:10 +0000 UTC]
I love that picture. I read your comment about it and started chuckling I think they actually credited that game as a turning point in the season opening video
Happy New year! The photograph is beautiful!
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Arrluk-wolven In reply to MoonsongWolf [2009-08-29 13:30:56 +0000 UTC]
no worries! I was happy to do so! I enjoy your art immensely!
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