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| AngelTrish
# Statistics
Favourites: 654; Deviations: 35; Watchers: 124
Watching: 71; Pageviews: 16439; Comments Made: 1280; Friends: 71
# Comments
Comments: 181
YugoTokusatsu [2018-11-24 15:09:24 +0000 UTC]
Hey just wanted to say that I'm sorry about being rude over your Dante X Trish art.
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church-boy-solitary [2017-12-27 17:45:47 +0000 UTC]
Hello, angeltrish
This is a little story about solitarylaptoptvlove and ryuaensland, some alternative accounts of sspd077 aka faytrobertson aka wade but not only to him. In my opinion on that gay who can't stand a real threesome with lightning x vergil x bayonetta (because he lies to like but the only threesome with dante x trish x lady) got a whole lot better now that I recently found out that you have blocked both of them but they still could see and cry about your renders. He likes to spy on you with his jc-star wars fay aka solitarylaptoptvlove account
Thank you for plagiarizing 3 of his dxt's mature renders.
Mature Content
Mature Content
Mature Content
Thank you that you didn't even bother to thank him as you clearly didn't use the same poses as he claimed you did. Damn, he really does hate vergil x bayonetta, dante x trish being together. How pathetic can they get?
Sorry taitiii, demonleon3d, sovietmentality, galactic-reptile,dantevergilloverar but both lightning and bayonetta love Vergil. Deal with it.
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AngelTrish In reply to church-boy-solitary [2018-01-06 09:00:26 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, church-boy-solitary, for telling me this.
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WhiteKnightDante [2017-07-26 17:15:55 +0000 UTC]
Hello! welcome to ! Thanks for joining our new group where you can submit/add as many devs as you want per day. You are free to browse galleries, submit art and never be worried about spam art in our galleries or if you have the same picture with the same angle or the picture looks almost the same as others from your gallery! All of your art is welcome to our group!
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terumi-hazama [2017-06-28 11:03:39 +0000 UTC]
Check the links. They are deleted because of too much hate. The screenshots were took while the links worked.
PLEASE READ: THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK OF ANY KIND. THIS COMMENTARY IS PROTECTED UNDER FAIR USE. I do not advocate anyone to go to these people’s channels and spam or flame them just because they get criticized here.
Here read the truth
Gone with my future husband in Japani won't be able to enter dA for sometime because me and my future husband :iconx-lord-x: are going to visit my sick brother :iconwhiteknightdante: in Japan who is at the hospital... he had a big shock when a woman from the internet harassed him with his dead mother and promised that she will make funny comics about his real life dead mother. he feels very sick and shaking and has not slept well...
i don't know when i will return. please take care!
She claims that Dante is crazy, insane and he was speaking about Eva, but lol, the mother was speaking about it's not Eva from DMC. It's about his real dead mother. is hospitalized because of this girl! Pray for him to survive!
Devil May Cry fangirl doesn't respect dead peopleFirst read here
PLEASE READ: THIS JOURNAL IS NOT AN ATTACK OF ANY KIND. THIS COMMENTARY IS PROTECTED UNDER FAIR USE. I do not advocate anyone to go to these people’s channels and spam or flame them just because they get criticized here.
We know you are reading this and that you will make a journal to this journal. We love SARCASM HAHAHAHAHA
Funniest thing i ever read:
this insane girl said that :iconx-lord-x: :iconwhiteladymary: :icontrishgloria: :iconwhiteknightdante: they are the same account
but I am really happy about her reaction seems she is really angry and get nice fuck from that guy's picture
*screenshots below from :
Foreign girl insults Japan cuz of DMC and couples
PLEASE READ: THIS JOURNAL IS NOT AN ATTACK OF ANY KIND. THIS COMMENTARY IS PROTECTED UNDER FAIR USE. I do not advocate anyone to go to these people’s channels and spam or flame them just because they get criticized here.
Thanks :iconterumi-hazama: for bringing this to my attention
First of all, if you want to debate something about the history of Japan and the issues it had with China or Korea, you have to watch about the problems from your own country.
I feel really sorry because of Syria's problem there. I support them and I hope they can survive there. If you want to deal and make the drama about what happened, please go and say this to the to the Japanese government. I have friends from both China and Korea and we don't care about our politicians. If he decides to add Lord into the game, many people would be happy and buy t
Devil May Cry Oc thief and Blasphemy against GodPLEASE READ: THIS JOURNAL IS NOT AN ATTACK OF ANY KIND. THIS COMMENTARY IS PROTECTED UNDER FAIR USE. I do not advocate anyone to go to these people’s channels and spam or flame them just because they get criticized here.
I would like to talk today about a friend of mine who is a passionate Japanese man of the game called Devil May Cry. His :icondantedevilknight: favorite couple is Dante and Trish. For this only reason he is permanently harassed by a romanian woman :iconLivia25: Niculae Livia Christina and an english/american woman named Adele Marie Ruli :iconDanteVergilLoverAR: who runs a group called
my friend witnessed many attacks adressed to his favorite character Trish and why these women don't agree that Dante loves Trish only, why do they wish death to this fictional character so much?
the link
Devil May Cry Romanian girl harasses Italian manPLEASE READ: THIS JOURNAL IS NOT AN ATTACK OF ANY KIND. THIS COMMENTARY IS PROTECTED UNDER FAIR USE. I do not advocate anyone to go to these people’s channels and spam or flame them just because they get criticized here.
i would like to talk about a romanian girl called Livia 25 who uses multiple accounts she has over 500+ to harass,stalk,bully innocent users who promote love, anime ships or talk about religion or God.
this is about a woman who started to harass this man :iconx-lord-x: (who she doesn't even know) since the day he joined dA
first sign of hate started when his best friend edited the first picture with Lord and Lady
and then she sends death threads to the poor man using his own model as revenge weapon, please check the comments in this picture and judge for yourself what kind of person she is:
is that how romanian girls are taught to respec
Aria by VVeda
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Ruki-Nozaka [2017-06-15 07:30:24 +0000 UTC]
Salut! Et merci pour le favori! Vous êtes invités à consulter plus de mes arts si vous êtes intéressé! ^o^
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AngeloVergil In reply to AngelTrish [2017-06-05 14:11:31 +0000 UTC]
Comment avez-vous dormi?)))
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AngeloVergil In reply to AngelTrish [2017-06-09 09:25:21 +0000 UTC]
Je rêve rarement, il est généralement juste un vide)
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AngeloVergil In reply to AngelTrish [2017-06-11 20:53:23 +0000 UTC]
Что то мне редко удается тебя поймать,
Ты летаешь на скоростях света?)
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AngeloVergil In reply to AngeloVergil [2017-06-11 10:45:46 +0000 UTC]
Angel Trish^^
Выглядит красиво))
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AngeloVergil [2017-06-03 08:55:05 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for favouriting Yamato texture, Welcome Trish, i'm name Alex or can Vergil (my nickname)))
So your like a Trish and Dante? how to a Vergil and Trish?)
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AngelTrish In reply to AngeloVergil [2017-06-04 14:43:37 +0000 UTC]
Salut! Je m'appelle Trish. Je suis Française. tu parles français? Do you like Dante and Trish? Everyone tastes about couples. I don't mind any. What about Vergil and random gir from devil may cry 4 special edition and their son Nero?
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AngeloVergil In reply to AngelTrish [2017-06-04 14:58:45 +0000 UTC]
Oh, non, je ne dis pas en français, à moins d'un interprète)))
I like the original "Devil may Cry")), But I prefer Vergil, because we are alike (although I am more merciful), in general, I think that Trish Vergil would have approached more, because he is like a daddy to fall in love with her))
It turns out that you are an AngelTrish, and I'm an AngelVergil)))
I'm from Russia, if that)
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AngelTrish In reply to AngeloVergil [2017-06-04 15:15:05 +0000 UTC]
Спасибо, что написано немного по-французски.
Don't you like dmc4se? It's the same to dmc4. I want a new devil may cry game. Я понимаю, почему ты их любишь.
yes 2 angels. do you like white angels?
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AngeloVergil In reply to AngelTrish [2017-06-04 15:19:20 +0000 UTC]
Оо, ты тоже переводишь)))
Yeah a love so much DMC4SE, i play on steam)
O yeah, i love angels, do want to my fav and you see any more))
how old you?)
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AngelTrish In reply to AngeloVergil [2017-06-04 15:24:56 +0000 UTC]
I don't understand.
I don't want to say . How old are you?
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AngeloVergil In reply to AngelTrish [2017-06-04 15:26:20 +0000 UTC]
wow, sorry for my bad english)
yeah, i want to say)
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AngelTrish In reply to AngeloVergil [2017-06-04 15:29:13 +0000 UTC]
no problem my english bad too! ok, say
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AngeloVergil In reply to AngelTrish [2017-06-04 15:31:24 +0000 UTC]
Then we are even))
I wrote you a message in private messages
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AngeloVergil In reply to AngelTrish [2017-06-04 15:34:48 +0000 UTC]
Хорошо, only dont cry please...
well, how are you old?)
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AngelTrish In reply to AngeloVergil [2017-06-04 15:41:18 +0000 UTC]
sorry i don't want to say how old i am. you can say if want how old are you?
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AngeloVergil In reply to AngelTrish [2017-06-04 15:43:43 +0000 UTC]
Off course, I'm 24, and you?)
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AngelTrish In reply to AngeloVergil [2017-06-04 15:52:07 +0000 UTC]
don't ask please, i don't want to tell ok?
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AngeloVergil In reply to AngelTrish [2017-06-04 15:56:07 +0000 UTC]
I want to show you something, that's my motivation)))
Here is a look that's me: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuctI4…
No, this is not cosplay, and the katana is not wooden, but a 1.6 kg souvenir ...
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AngelTrish In reply to AngeloVergil [2017-06-04 16:03:59 +0000 UTC]
wow! you really look like him
you are the real Vergil!
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AngeloVergil In reply to AngelTrish [2017-06-04 16:06:17 +0000 UTC]
no, I'm just a simple man)))
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AngelTrish In reply to AngeloVergil [2017-06-04 16:09:01 +0000 UTC]
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AngeloVergil In reply to AngelTrish [2017-06-04 16:13:08 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I could, but not now, but I have an amulet of Vergil from the reboot, but there is no costume, I beg to forgive my lady, I'm going to eat away
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AngelTrish In reply to AngeloVergil [2017-06-04 16:18:14 +0000 UTC]
nice, no problem, bon appétit!
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TrishSparda87 [2017-05-13 08:19:05 +0000 UTC]
I liked your page and watching you Angel Trish
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AngelTrish In reply to Sparda-Trish [2017-05-10 17:40:24 +0000 UTC]
Je te remercie pour ton fav !
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MasterCyclonis1 [2017-04-27 01:53:17 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for favouriting my cosplay picture! If you like my work be sure to check out my Facebook page too!
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