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| Amphy
# Statistics
Favourites: 1272; Deviations: 144; Watchers: 115
Watching: 91; Pageviews: 33103; Comments Made: 8468; Friends: 91
# Comments
Comments: 740
Amphy In reply to sambees [2013-12-04 17:33:45 +0000 UTC]
Long time no talk! How have you been, Stephan? =]
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Amphy In reply to sambees [2014-01-16 22:16:46 +0000 UTC]
=[ Sorry to hear it. Hope you're feeling better by now
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AlessiaC [2012-06-11 17:40:45 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for your support
Really appreciate it
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April-A [2012-05-22 21:34:16 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the
Nice gallery, you've got some cool projects.
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Amphy In reply to April-A [2012-05-22 21:55:29 +0000 UTC]
You're certainly welcome
And thank you =] I'm flattered that you think so
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GuardienOfThePyre [2012-05-21 21:44:38 +0000 UTC]
fascinating concepts you've got there, and an eye for detail
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Amphy In reply to GuardienOfThePyre [2012-05-21 22:58:25 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! I appreciate your taking the time to look through my gallery!
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Amphy In reply to Soren-Love [2012-05-17 17:01:37 +0000 UTC]
Thank you. I think you just made my day
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steampunkered [2010-05-31 06:40:17 +0000 UTC]
p.s. lovely gallery
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Amphy In reply to ChaosMillzyTheory [2010-04-02 23:59:50 +0000 UTC]
=3 sure if you want to, i'd be flattered. Granted I have dyed ahri and a few more piercings than my gallery pictures... but yes you totally may I'd love to see when you're done!
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ChaosMillzyTheory In reply to Amphy [2010-04-03 19:30:30 +0000 UTC]
then can i see a new picture f u then?
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Amphy In reply to ChaosMillzyTheory [2010-04-04 09:06:39 +0000 UTC]
they're in order, the last being the most recent. My hair is now (on the highlights) green faded to blue. I'd take a picture but I have the flu, unfortunately. Hopefully that gives you some sense of what I look like now. The lip piercing is pretty new, my 9th of 11 piercings. Yikes. haha. Let me know if you need anything else but otherwise i'd love to see it when you're done ^-^
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ChaosMillzyTheory In reply to Amphy [2010-04-05 06:44:43 +0000 UTC]
honestly i want 2 draw all three, would u ever do a full body??
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Amphy In reply to ChaosMillzyTheory [2010-04-05 22:06:54 +0000 UTC]
I can if you would like.
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Amphy In reply to ChaosMillzyTheory [2010-04-05 23:09:13 +0000 UTC]
possibly. It depends on what you're going for and if I like/agree with your vision i'd suppose. (As long as you don't have bad intentions, i'd consider).
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ChaosMillzyTheory In reply to Amphy [2010-04-06 18:56:09 +0000 UTC]
it would be good intentions its for art, and u can choose the pose and everything and u dont have 2 post it on deviantart just send it 2 me threw email gabemiller69@yahoo.com
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FireBoar [2010-02-16 18:38:20 +0000 UTC]
My deepest appreciation for viewing and ing my work!
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Amphy In reply to FireBoar [2010-02-17 03:24:05 +0000 UTC]
Absolutely my pleasure! I've recently gotten into sculpting and your piece is absolutely breathtaking! I wish I could have commented at the time but I was actually in class. Beautiful all the same and can't wait to see more of your sculptures. Thanks for the watch
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FireBoar In reply to Amphy [2010-02-18 00:22:33 +0000 UTC]
I am pleased you like my art there is more at www.tuttibuonofinearts.com I do appreciate you kind and thoughtful words.
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Amphy In reply to FireBoar [2010-02-18 09:49:00 +0000 UTC]
Absolutely! I checked out your website. To me, as an outside viewer, I find it a bit hard to navigate. I thought it was a collective artists' website which would not make sense since the name seems like a personal website. Anyways perhaps better organization would help but I did find it. I'm most interested in the sculptures as I've just begun doing sculpture myself last semester and i'm absolutely addicted. Your figures are absolutely beautiful. I would die for a Nicole piece! And to be able to produce one myself, even more so.
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FireBoar In reply to Amphy [2010-02-18 16:22:02 +0000 UTC]
There is a story with Nicol it is posted on this site. I would teache you if I was still teaching but the story will give you good info. Yes the navigation is receiving a lot of bad rap. but I do not know how to change it. My site is 15 yers old and was designed by a webmaster using PHP Nuke I bought a book but I do not understand that book ether.
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Amphy In reply to FireBoar [2010-02-19 00:33:40 +0000 UTC]
Understandable. I mean we do have forging at our school with metal pours including bronze but i'm just so excited on the technicalities of your piece and how beautiful it is. I would suggest you hire another webmaster, possibly, or even go into dreamweaver and make the page yourself. It may not be as sophisticated however it will work and it's probably worth it. I've used it myself and it's ok. I used some HTML in it as well but it worked out pretty well and I only had a day to finish that one. Hope that helps.
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FireBoar In reply to Amphy [2010-03-21 14:24:28 +0000 UTC]
I loved the working of a forge and foundry I do not know much about the internet I do now even have a good isp at home. I do have other sites that I made myself. I would spend more time then I wish doing a site rehab. Yes it is old and the truth is I have not made a sale through it. I keep it only now that it saves me sending out slides and press ect ...
I went you your page to see wich school you do attend I thought for a long time and thought I could offer you advice but I do not find that info. I did see this > Favorite movie: Illusionist, Red Violin, and will say I do know these 2 and you may like this Cinema Paradiso, {old 1987 or so} get it from the library. Others I like Labyrinth, The Man From Snowy River, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Sixteen Candles, Lost In Translation, The Never Ending Story. Dark Crystal, Field of Dreams, .
Robert Buono
& blog
If you ever come north stop and say Hi
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Amphy In reply to FireBoar [2010-03-24 01:19:06 +0000 UTC]
I go to Virginia Commonwealth University in Virginia. It's a good school, number 1 for sculpture in the country to boot. We have some amazing work coming out of here. Also, I sent you a facebook request (hope you don't mind). I too love field of dreams! Wonderful movie. Will do my best to check out those others, especially the one you recommended. Most certainly! I actually almost went to school in Michigan but some complications occurred which made that change. Oh well.
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FireBoar In reply to Amphy [2010-03-24 15:49:01 +0000 UTC]
I see that it is a good school = the better the school the better the tools. You chose well I was the only student that did any thing with glass and I was self taught. I welcome you as a friend on FB you can see from the 3 of friends I have I seldom do that. I have art, family, and personal friends only. I am happy to meet you.
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Amphy In reply to FireBoar [2010-03-26 06:21:07 +0000 UTC]
Yea we have some good tools. In fact we have a $250k machine that no other school in the US has. Definitely a good environment with a very unique and diverse student body and choice of art medias. That's very cool that you're self taught. I was before college and now i'm feeling all but too overwhelmed because of it. Well I rarely do it as well (I have one other), but i'm glad you accepted. I like to keep in touch with certain artist I admire and keep up with their work.
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FireBoar In reply to Amphy [2010-03-30 01:53:39 +0000 UTC]
I do have a Masters from a art school. my Father was a tool and die maker I worked with tools as a small boy and my mother was a beauty operator. Born January 31, 1947, the last and "change of life" son of Sicilian immigrants in East Chicago Harbor, Indiana. Received MFA from School of the Art Institute, Chicago. Numerous other academic credentials.
Divorced father of two children. Studio in pristine setting in the Northwoods near Lake Superior.
PHD School of Life and Death, Southeast Asia, 1966-1968.
Numerous national exhibitions and international exposure.
Work frequently covered by major media--newspaper, television, magazine, and radio.
Creator of the Veterans War Memorial, Lansing, Illinois.
Artist/designer for the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial Stoney Run County Park, Indiana.
Author of Murphy's Dream Vision--a work of significant social impact, it created a media event that changed the way people perceived Vietnam vets.
Creator of Sin Loi/Desidario
I am also wishing to stay in touch.
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Amphy In reply to FireBoar [2010-04-04 09:13:23 +0000 UTC]
wow! I'm very impressed. My grandma was an Italian immigrant and my grandfather a German immigrant. My dad and his brothers/sisters grew up all over, but he graduated high school in Germany where he went to school for many years. My mom went to school in Egypt (of a military family, as well). Very cool! Aside from my grandpa being a Bavarian woodcarver my family mostly picked up little tidbits of skill as a "hobby". It's unfortunate. It took quite a bit for them to be excited about me being an artist, as they originally were not too happy about it (because it doesn't make money). Your family background and credentials are so impressive! You're very lucky, you realize, to have such a background. Hopefully one day i'll have as nice of a resume as well!
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FireBoar In reply to Amphy [2010-04-13 16:12:02 +0000 UTC]
Yes the are correct about the $ at least it is true for me. But I have had a interesting life and think if I were a different man I would have had the $$$ also. I am happy to know you and wish you a fun life art = life play and make art. Stay in touch I would enjoy seeing your art.
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Amphy In reply to FireBoar [2010-04-14 05:48:26 +0000 UTC]
Definitely will! Hopefully it at least supports me enough to keep making it, because I honestly can't imagine doing anything else.
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