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| Akuryou-chan
# Statistics
Favourites: 363; Deviations: 85; Watchers: 32
Watching: 52; Pageviews: 9454; Comments Made: 1640; Friends: 52
# Comments
Comments: 415
szjJhpixjy [2008-07-26 12:16:21 +0000 UTC]
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👍: 0 ⏩: 0
nonnyUK [2007-01-31 08:37:16 +0000 UTC]
You have very very original composition on your shots and I like that.
Its good, keep up the excellent work
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Lyra-chan [2005-12-16 19:27:13 +0000 UTC]
Heya bebeh! Just wanted to stop by and say your art pwnz and ilu~!
And now, random lyrics courtesy of Neil Young~
Don't let it bring you down
It's only castles burning
Find someone who's turning
And you will come around
I'm always here for you. ^^
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Dae-Han [2005-10-15 20:46:41 +0000 UTC]
I try to add to the paranoia as much as I can, and hey don't make me beat your ass for calling my gf cute j/k
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MrHuggles [2005-10-14 16:33:14 +0000 UTC]
ya i know allen... he is in my us history class (bushy) he always hits me but he always talks about u and i always hear how much he loves you etc. well allens a good dude lata
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Akuryou-chan In reply to MrHuggles [2005-10-14 22:39:14 +0000 UTC]
aw, does he? that's awesome. makes me smile. he hits you though? i'll tell him to stop. sorry 'bout that. unless you don' mind.
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MrHuggles In reply to Akuryou-chan [2005-10-15 13:33:51 +0000 UTC]
its nuthin compared to when murph hits me allens ok he doesn't hurt me he scares me sumtimes but i am a jumpy person soo who doesn't
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Akuryou-chan In reply to MrHuggles [2005-10-15 17:58:05 +0000 UTC]
ahh. he's really jumpy too. he flinches a lot. probably 'cause i hit harder than him. sorry if he makes you paranoid. he scares me a good amount of times too.
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MrHuggles In reply to Akuryou-chan [2005-10-15 18:53:50 +0000 UTC]
no he doesn't make me paranoid murph does he just adds to the paranoia
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Akuryou-chan In reply to MrHuggles [2005-10-17 17:57:17 +0000 UTC]
aahhh. i get you. he makes me paranoid. he always sneeks up behind me while i'm reading in walden books. scares me everytime.
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MrHuggles [2005-10-11 14:42:35 +0000 UTC]
hey wtas up i'm a friend of allens..or at least i think i am he does make fun of me alot but hey at least he has a cute girlfriend or fiance or sumthing along the lines of that
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Satanic-kiss [2005-09-27 00:45:40 +0000 UTC]
I got a hat like the one your wearing in your ID, sept mine is aqua, and like... felt
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Akuryou-chan In reply to Satanic-kiss [2005-09-27 21:24:56 +0000 UTC]
erm... which hat? my fedora or my army brat one?
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Akuryou-chan In reply to Satanic-kiss [2005-09-28 23:42:04 +0000 UTC]
ah. i <3 that hat most. i want my !$@^%# tie though. your hat sounds kickarse too.
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Satanic-kiss In reply to Akuryou-chan [2005-09-29 00:03:02 +0000 UTC]
oh it is. I got it for $5!~!!! I was like.. OMFG!!!!
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Akuryou-chan In reply to Satanic-kiss [2005-09-29 22:07:49 +0000 UTC]
argh. i got mine for $18. oh well. it's still spiffeh.
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Satanic-kiss [2005-09-27 00:43:46 +0000 UTC]
I got a hat like the one your wearing in your ID, sept mine is aqua, and like... felt
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Satanic-kiss [2005-09-26 00:51:13 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for checking my page. And your art style is so cute. ^_^
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Akuryou-chan In reply to severedflesh [2005-09-17 13:43:42 +0000 UTC]
No problem. You do a wonderful job.
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Kathithner [2005-09-15 19:46:36 +0000 UTC]
hey joo, kaywa, >_> im drawing you/allen a picture ^_^
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Akuryou-chan In reply to Kathithner [2005-09-15 20:03:24 +0000 UTC]
Yay! Spiffeh. I can't wait to see it.
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mcr-raven [2005-09-15 11:31:57 +0000 UTC]
and thanx so much for the fav!!!
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Akuryou-chan In reply to mcr-raven [2005-09-15 20:03:04 +0000 UTC]
Yay! I shall be adored! And no problem. I love your MCR art. ^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Dae-Han [2005-09-14 18:47:33 +0000 UTC]
has 3,999 pageviews < NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dae-Han [2005-08-31 00:22:23 +0000 UTC]
'Ello hun figured I'd stop by, I love you and I'm so proud of joo ^^
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xbabygurl15 [2005-08-01 06:54:37 +0000 UTC]
hey we never talk anymore what the fig is up with that ?!
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Akuryou-chan In reply to xbabygurl15 [2005-08-04 23:22:28 +0000 UTC]
Sorry. I haven't seen you and I'm not on the computer a lot.
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SilentMog In reply to SilentMog [2005-07-29 04:46:11 +0000 UTC]
I actually do have sum muffins....
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Akuryou-chan In reply to SilentMog [2005-07-28 20:38:03 +0000 UTC]
Muffins? o.o Where? And no problem for the fave. I just love ninjas too much.
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Teoi [2005-07-15 18:36:47 +0000 UTC]
Nice new way to make an Id thingy...
If u tast blood i realy hope that it isnt youre own...
Blood tast like metal...
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Akuryou-chan In reply to Teoi [2005-07-28 20:36:33 +0000 UTC]
The blood I've tasted doesn't taste like metal. But yes, the blood I've tasted is my own. I'm not aloud anyone else's. I'd be thrown in an asylum. I'm aiming for my boyfriend's blood though. ;D
I'll probably be thrown in an asylum for just replying to this... >>;;
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Teoi In reply to Akuryou-chan [2005-07-28 21:20:19 +0000 UTC]
I have tasted blood many times... and as fare as i can taste its like having metal in my mouth... and so does the blood from my enemies when iam licking it from my hands... Asylums is just so boring as fare i rember from my last visit...
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Akuryou-chan In reply to handicappedx [2005-07-09 19:57:16 +0000 UTC]
Thank ya kindly. I'll have to go look at your art.
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