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| AkLeMo

AkLeMo [6461123] [] "ใ‚ฏใƒฌใƒ "

# Statistics

Favourites: 49; Deviations: 64; Watchers: 48

Watching: 32; Pageviews: 11225; Comments Made: 345; Friends: 32

# Comments

Comments: 63

zwolfsburg [2014-02-04 16:20:39 +0000 UTC]

You still alive AK?

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AkLeMo In reply to zwolfsburg [2014-02-07 08:34:24 +0000 UTC]

Of course I am! Give me your Skype, Now!

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Captainalien72 [2013-11-28 06:27:30 +0000 UTC]

I'm done with exams. Make yourself an official RHG bro if you want to join my collab. It's not out yet but still.

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AkLeMo In reply to Captainalien72 [2013-11-28 12:51:42 +0000 UTC]

Can't now for a while. Thanks for the invite though. :]

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CynicalMADNESS [2013-11-18 03:16:47 +0000 UTC]


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PizzaNerik [2012-11-13 17:17:38 +0000 UTC]

thanks for watching! btw, how are you? :3 incase you dont remember me, i'm Dark Hunter from CO. i kinda quit since my account there got screwed.

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AkLeMo In reply to PizzaNerik [2012-11-13 17:20:59 +0000 UTC]

OH. DARK. Damn, long time man! I'm good everything's good, how about you? Still on CO? xD

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PizzaNerik In reply to AkLeMo [2012-11-13 17:37:03 +0000 UTC]

i'm good. but CO deleted my account. tired to make a new one but the character creation was #ยค%&/ up to me. so, i belive i'm off CO until i atleast get a new computer or theres a patch coming up that fixes it :/

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AkLeMo In reply to PizzaNerik [2012-11-13 18:47:13 +0000 UTC]

CO Deleted it? Strange o.o Oh I see lol. I'm off CO, bored of it now. Miss it a bit, might get back but most probably won't. xD
Miss BR though. Heard there were aerial vehicles in it now? o.O

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PizzaNerik In reply to AkLeMo [2012-11-13 18:53:15 +0000 UTC]

ah, i see. yeah, i aint so amazed by the vehicles that came on CO. anyway... any other games you play nowdays, since you are off CO?

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AkLeMo In reply to PizzaNerik [2012-11-13 18:54:55 +0000 UTC]

Only top sellers now, NFS Most Wanted, Dishonored, Assassins Creed III etc. nothing online so far. CO was the only game I played online actually. xD
What about you mate?

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PizzaNerik In reply to AkLeMo [2012-11-13 19:07:57 +0000 UTC]

meh, i'm low on money so i play TF2, or other online games i can find. tough i mostly stick with TF2 since i quit most online games because they stop amusing me. i also play on DS and N64 emulators.

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AkLeMo In reply to PizzaNerik [2012-11-13 19:15:27 +0000 UTC]

TF2's gotta be the best one to have anyway xD Oh nice, N64 games on PC, sounds fun.

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PizzaNerik In reply to AkLeMo [2012-11-13 19:31:42 +0000 UTC]

yeah, the emulators are fun when you learn the frikkin' controls xD remember when i first time played Starfox on it xD "HOW THE HELL DO I DO A BARRELROLL? SHUT UP SLIPPY, I'M TRYING TO DO A BARRELROLL!" xD

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AkLeMo In reply to PizzaNerik [2012-11-13 19:46:19 +0000 UTC]

xDDD Haha

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EvilTie [2012-05-14 07:44:21 +0000 UTC]

Holy shizzle! Aklemo is back. Remember you since 2007-08 from SPP, dude. Your cinematics used to be very decent. It's nice to see your animations again, I hope to see more from you.
Good luck! ^^

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AkLeMo In reply to EvilTie [2012-05-15 03:22:43 +0000 UTC]

Oh my, I remember you I think man. And wow you remember xD Thanks a lot for watching. I appreciate it a lot. And yeah, hopefully I can get some more current paced animations up soon. ^^

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KryMaster [2012-05-09 23:19:48 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the fave <3

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AkLeMo In reply to KryMaster [2012-05-09 23:35:01 +0000 UTC]

oh pleasee x3

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KryMaster In reply to AkLeMo [2012-05-09 23:53:59 +0000 UTC]

oh wheeze jeeze cheese

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AkLeMo In reply to KryMaster [2012-05-09 23:56:33 +0000 UTC]

ask loueeese about the breeeze o:

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AkLeMo In reply to AkLeMo [2012-05-10 16:25:42 +0000 UTC]

the trees have no fees , so jeeze , i need some chinese *O*

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KryMaster In reply to AkLeMo [2012-05-10 03:25:41 +0000 UTC]

he's gunna freeze the knees of the bees, OH hes such a tease!

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AkLeMo In reply to KryMaster [2012-05-10 03:38:57 +0000 UTC]

she's got the keys ready to leave going to run over keanu reeves D:

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KryMaster In reply to AkLeMo [2012-05-10 10:17:58 +0000 UTC]

i sneeze on the leaves oh please look at the trees!

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KryMaster [2012-05-07 16:51:31 +0000 UTC]

OH HEY its me APPLE!!!

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AkLeMo [2011-02-21 22:13:43 +0000 UTC]


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Caeldom [2010-11-11 00:44:07 +0000 UTC]

New account thingy, getting pissed off at having to add everyone again. Ha. Sup dude.

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Ssjbryando [2009-03-11 07:40:55 +0000 UTC]



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Wrathful-Psalms [2008-10-31 02:02:17 +0000 UTC]

Oi! This is Kitsune from stickpage! I just got a fucking deviant art! *watching*

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PlainShifter [2008-09-19 02:56:24 +0000 UTC]

OMFG! I just noticed, YOUR 13?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!????!?!??!111?!?!??!
I turn 13 October 6th XD

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PlainShifter [2008-09-19 02:54:56 +0000 UTC]

Akeh, its Dragonhawk, gotzded a name changy I also signed up for DA Yay for us! Question: Did you ever finish the Akmania Remake?

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mitsofdoom [2008-06-10 10:56:12 +0000 UTC]

Though art tag'd

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AkLeMo [2008-04-22 16:52:14 +0000 UTC]


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Tabion-X [2008-04-21 20:57:41 +0000 UTC]

Hai Akeh

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AkLeMo [2008-04-03 07:26:07 +0000 UTC]


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mitsofdoom [2008-03-29 15:31:53 +0000 UTC]

Cut that out please 'A'klemo XP

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AkLeMo [2008-03-28 14:31:29 +0000 UTC]

Hai 'm'its <3

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mitsofdoom [2008-03-25 18:24:28 +0000 UTC]

hai akeh!

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ByondRAGE [2008-03-15 22:15:20 +0000 UTC]

Helloz AkLeMo!

I'm wacthin you

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AkLeMo In reply to ByondRAGE [2008-03-16 06:45:33 +0000 UTC]

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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AkLeMo [2008-03-07 13:48:50 +0000 UTC]

Talk To Me! >

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AkLeMo [2008-03-02 17:06:35 +0000 UTC]


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Chunkkeh [2008-03-02 15:31:22 +0000 UTC]

Yo, Chunky gotta Deviant Art!

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AkLeMo [2008-03-01 07:31:38 +0000 UTC]

I wonder why i can't upload anything..

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AkLeMo [2008-02-24 15:58:57 +0000 UTC]

Hey neon. =3

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neon-drane [2008-02-24 03:11:12 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch !

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AkLeMo [2008-02-22 11:25:08 +0000 UTC]


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zwolfsburg [2008-02-21 17:05:08 +0000 UTC]

hai akeh. I'm alo a deviant.

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AkLeMo [2008-02-15 14:12:29 +0000 UTC]


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