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| AdaStreet

# Statistics
Favourites: 328; Deviations: 121; Watchers: 87
Watching: 68; Pageviews: 10995; Comments Made: 1126; Friends: 68
# Comments
Comments: 46
AdaStreet In reply to MakaAlbarn-chan [2014-05-10 21:17:24 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome!
Thank you for being friendly and for having faved some of my stuff!
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audse [2014-03-06 14:56:00 +0000 UTC]
Your plushies are just so cute! Do you happen to do plush trades?
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AdaStreet In reply to audse [2014-03-06 19:09:53 +0000 UTC]
Sometimes I do. I actually haven't completed any yet, but I have one on my waiting list to trade with someone. I have to put trades on a lower priority than paid commissions, but I am willing to do trades. Kinda depends on what I'm trading for and what you would be asking me to make. And if it's something I don't already have fabric for, it might take a long time for me to get around to buying materials for it. (kind of really really broke and most of what I make from commissions goes towards medical expenses and things I need, instead of things I want)
So anyway, what kind of plush would you be wanting me to make for you? And I see two plushes in your gallery that are pokemon, do you only do pokemon, or do you do other kinds of plush as well? (it's okay if you only do pokemon, I'm just asking)
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audse In reply to AdaStreet [2014-03-06 21:31:59 +0000 UTC]
Oh cool! (Ooh sorry about being broke, that sucks.)
Well, the plush I'd be most wanting is the pokemon Goodra, but if you'd prefer, Vulpix, Starly, Throh, or Ho-oh are all awesome ^^
I have more in the plushies folder in my gallery. I would be willing to make and pokemon, pony, or animal, pretty much anything but humans ^^
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AdaStreet In reply to audse [2014-03-07 00:53:04 +0000 UTC]
Hm. I could make you a goodra. Might take me a long time before I got to it, though. I'd say if we trade, don't send me a plush until I have yours ready to send to you, okay? For trade, how would you like to make me a Cyndaquil? That was my first pokemon ever.
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audse In reply to AdaStreet [2014-03-07 01:21:13 +0000 UTC]
All that sounds great! I'll work on it soon, and keep it safe until yours is done! You don't have any cat allergies, do you? I have five of them, and they like to sit on everything, but I'll try to clean it off.
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AdaStreet In reply to audse [2014-03-07 02:03:11 +0000 UTC]
No allergies! In fact, where I currently live has cats. They don't get in to where I keep my fabric, but still the fur does get in the air so I try to get it all cleaned off before I ship things out also. So, no worries!
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audse In reply to AdaStreet [2014-03-07 15:14:59 +0000 UTC]
Oh, that's great ^^ I'll try to get it done soon!
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AdaStreet In reply to audse [2014-03-08 17:12:57 +0000 UTC]
Oh, don't hurry with it at all! I can't even afford to buy fabric for your plush yet. ;
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RainyBreath [2013-12-15 16:03:26 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for faving my Baptism of fire. ^^ Feel free to see my other dragons, of course.
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AdaStreet In reply to YemaYema [2013-12-07 21:28:24 +0000 UTC]
Oh sure! Not really sure why I hadn't done it already, actually.
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AdaStreet In reply to Sovriin [2013-11-14 19:24:19 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! You have some really awesome stuff!
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AdaStreet In reply to CrazyMangaka99 [2013-10-14 22:36:20 +0000 UTC]
Sure! You've got some nifty creatures.
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DamaiMikaz [2013-10-14 20:01:33 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot for the watch. I'm glad you're taking interest in my artwork
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AdaStreet In reply to DamaiMikaz [2013-10-14 21:39:05 +0000 UTC]
You've got some beautiful stuff. :3
I'm curious, are you a writer as well?
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AdaStreet In reply to DamaiMikaz [2013-10-15 23:10:41 +0000 UTC]
That is cool. Are all the captions under the artwork on your profile excerpts from the same novel?
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DamaiMikaz In reply to AdaStreet [2013-10-16 06:10:13 +0000 UTC]
Not all from the same novel. But they do all take place in the same universe
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AdaStreet In reply to DamaiMikaz [2013-10-16 18:43:10 +0000 UTC]
I love it when people both write and illustrate.
Seems to me it always ends up in creation of an entire world or universe with so many cool stories!
(I've been doing that, but it's been very slow progress for me; I'm all over the place with it.)
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DamaiMikaz In reply to AdaStreet [2013-10-17 10:44:23 +0000 UTC]
Yeah. I like doing both as well. It feels like it gets me more involved with that world
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AdaStreet In reply to DamaiMikaz [2013-10-19 23:30:42 +0000 UTC]
I find that if I'm stuck in writing, sometimes drawing an illustration that has to do with the world or the characters can help me think of more new scenes to write, or that if I'm stuck on what to draw, writing more gives me material that I want to draw. It is fun.
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Lord-of-All-Monsters [2013-10-12 01:58:21 +0000 UTC]
SO MANY THANKS FOR THE FAVE!! Do you wish to be friends?
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AdaStreet In reply to Lord-of-All-Monsters [2013-10-12 02:10:06 +0000 UTC]
Sure! Let's see, did I put you on my watch list yet?
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AdaStreet In reply to Lord-of-All-Monsters [2013-10-12 04:03:12 +0000 UTC]
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeep. XD
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Pencil-Dragon [2013-10-05 04:06:27 +0000 UTC]
Your discord plushies are amazing! I would like to commission you for one if you are open for commissions.
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AdaStreet In reply to Pencil-Dragon [2013-10-09 00:22:16 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I am accepting commissions!
I have some of the fabric already for another Discord, but would need to get some more stuffing and a couple different fabrics I don't currently have. (including I'm out of the fabric I used for the green lizard/dragon back leg, I have to find something scaly-green to replace it with)
I have to ask for part of the payment in advance so I can put it towards buying fabric, and then the rest is due before I'll ship the finished plushie.
I add $10 shipping to the price if you're in the main continental/lower USA, and $20 shipping for international.
I always put a lot of time and effort into anything I make, so for as much detail as I put into my Discords I'm currently asking $150 for the larger size ones. A small one like the first one I made, I would actually have to ask more for because making him free-standing with that much detail on a smaller scale actually means more work and time put into it.
See note for continuing this conversation-
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Iponim [2013-09-29 20:33:23 +0000 UTC]
Do you take plushie commissions? And if you do how much would a plushie Fluttershy cost?
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AdaStreet In reply to Iponim [2013-09-30 00:29:44 +0000 UTC]
I do take commissions!
But though I'm not new to sewing, I am still new to sewing for commission work. The first ones I did, I charged way less than I should have, and the hourly rates they came out to be were really cheap, and I can't still justify spending that kind of time on sewing something and getting paid so little per hour.
I always do good work, and I tend to obsess over details and do the best I can on every job. But there are things which make a big difference in how much I have to charge, like size of the plush and how complicated you want it to be.
For now, while I'm still working out prices on an individual basis, I'm discussing pricing with each customer via notes, partly because of how much discussion I get into with figuring out details of each plush, and partly for each customer to be confidential about what kind of budget they have to keep under so we can negotiate something that will work for you.
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Lord-of-All-Monsters In reply to AdaStreet [2013-01-04 10:15:33 +0000 UTC]
a delight amazing drawer!
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