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| AStepIntoOblivion
# Statistics
Favourites: 390; Deviations: 94; Watchers: 374
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# Comments
Comments: 167
DominiqueVanVelsen [2013-11-19 19:11:07 +0000 UTC]
your ship concepts are awesome! really cool stuff, sir!
P.S i wish you all the luck in the world @ the Star Citizen contest!
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DeviBrigard [2011-07-09 11:24:30 +0000 UTC]
...having just caught on that the voting had finished...
well done
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DeviBrigard In reply to AStepIntoOblivion [2011-08-06 21:52:09 +0000 UTC]
and today I finally have access to a sufficient amount of internet to install EVE... perhaps I will see you around sometime
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rik2110 [2011-04-15 08:33:28 +0000 UTC]
Competition results out - two mentions & lots of favourable comments in the thread. Nice one
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AStepIntoOblivion In reply to rik2110 [2011-04-15 16:17:57 +0000 UTC]
Reeling at the moment. LOL. I didn't expect to place, considering the number of other Amarrian entries, much less place two of them?! o_O
Some health problems at the moment, the $ might come in handy. But yeah, no email yet, so not taking anything for granted. *faints*
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DeviBrigard [2011-01-06 05:24:13 +0000 UTC]
just so you know, I've featured one of your pics in my journal, with a link to your page of course
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AlexanderVenturi [2010-11-08 07:08:00 +0000 UTC]
Saw your work on a space station model - can't remember what it was called but I remember seeing your name linked at the bottom. Pure excellence!
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AStepIntoOblivion In reply to AlexanderVenturi [2010-11-17 12:04:36 +0000 UTC]
Which? The Darsalaam one or the NASA one? Anyway, thank you.
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AlexanderVenturi In reply to AStepIntoOblivion [2010-11-19 08:09:32 +0000 UTC]
The Darsalaam one. That was freakin' excellent - cultural and technological at the same time. If they ever resurrect the Homeworld franchise (they just might) make sure to send them a sample!
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AStepIntoOblivion In reply to AlexanderVenturi [2010-12-21 11:43:33 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. That was made years ago when I was still quite new to 3d, heh. And hope so LOL. Dream job for sure.
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rik2110 [2010-10-26 20:52:18 +0000 UTC]
It would be great if your next labour of love was a redesigned rupture, it so badly needs it. Go on, you know you want to!
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AStepIntoOblivion In reply to rik2110 [2010-10-27 00:47:25 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I actually LIKE the rupture as it is. XD Always reminded me of a galleon. (Have they upgraded it like they did the Scorpion already?)
The only minnie ship I dislike would be the bellicose hull, but even then, not that much.
As much as I enjoyed making the EVE ships tho, DA's handling of the contest kinda soured me on it somewhat. I haz workload too for our little indie team. :6
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rik2110 In reply to AStepIntoOblivion [2010-10-27 07:54:23 +0000 UTC]
They haven't upgraded it yet so it'll need to be done with care, there are aspects to it that I like too, just not the whole package. I didn't like the Bellicose until I recognised it as a mounted sniper rifle! (T2 variants work much better)
The contest was a royal F* up, true. Lets hope lessons have been learned. We gain as much from other peoples' mistakes as we do our successes!
Thanks for your efforts and for sharing textures etc. It's great to see how the serval came together & it's an outstanding piece of design.
Best of luck with your work and your little indie team o7
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rik2110 In reply to AStepIntoOblivion [2010-11-09 19:52:40 +0000 UTC]
Any better ?
This better reflects the silhouette of the Rupture & has some of the elements I think it needs. I can see that this 3D stuff takes lots of time..
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AStepIntoOblivion In reply to rik2110 [2010-11-17 12:09:49 +0000 UTC]
Too many engines, heh, but other than that I like it better. Especially the distinct 'bridge' section. Might be too caldari tho, but prolly just because it's untextured.
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rik2110 In reply to AStepIntoOblivion [2010-10-28 10:05:15 +0000 UTC]
I posted a couple of shots of a rupture concept. The shape has lots of potential. Next I need to learn texturing so I can try buildings etc.
This art stuff is very time consuming
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AStepIntoOblivion In reply to rik2110 [2010-10-31 09:10:24 +0000 UTC]
Saw them. I like the bottom fins, but it doesn't look very rupture-y to be honest, heh. Looks more like a baby brother of the maelstrom.
As for buildings, depending on what software you use there are a lot of very good tutorials online. If you're doing it for a game, the main skill would really be texturing and optimization, but if you just want something a bit more... architectural, that's a bit easier, but you still need to learn advanced modeling techniques. Try googling 'edge loop modeling'.
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rik2110 In reply to AStepIntoOblivion [2010-10-31 19:53:05 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the feedback. I have a sketch that's much more Rupture and less Maelstrom like so I know what I'm after! Just need the skills to do it in 3D. Thanks for the tip
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MoonredStarblack [2010-10-21 00:49:59 +0000 UTC]
To be honest I was so tired that I even do not finish Omega before deadline. That ship, togather with moonhawk (wchich, with ripper were my favourites) were made at the beggining of that contest (spent about 1,5-2max days on modeling) but I was about to do not finish Omega, lol. It was all bcuz of layout complatly made in ms paint. Zoom in 8 and correcting pixels. ITs bcuz I can have wings 3d and paint launched in the same time. Gimp + wings 3D are lagging. After all those models who I choose to participate in this contest some time left and I launched gimp and added that funny net+ metal like effect. But bcuz of to much paint i have a rly bad meeting with extreamly pain bcuz of overusing my eyes. (sleeping every 2-3 days) Half of night I was rolling on the floor bcuz of pain. The funniest thing was that I saw (with closed eyes) colourfull pixels appearing and disappearing and I was not able to do not "see" them (If you can see somthing with closed eyes in dark room under the blanket)
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AStepIntoOblivion In reply to MoonredStarblack [2010-10-21 02:32:36 +0000 UTC]
Haha, serious kudos for that. A year and a half ago I was in the same boat. My computer was so old I crashed every 2 hours or so, guaranteed. Even lost a space station I spent a month making because of a crash and then mistakenly overwriting it. It still is kinda low-end that I crashed often making these ships, especially the Serval which had ~500,000 polygons in its meshsmoothed version with something like ~20 2048x texture maps applied to it.
I work with GIMP for my textures too. If you want I can send you my masterfile for one of my ships, so you can see how it was textured.
And yeah, I spent 3 weeks staying up for my ships. :[ I had 2 other ships as well which I didn't bother finishing (A gallente and caldari one) because there simply was no time. Just goes to show how badly I wanted that tablet. XD heh. And just how insulting it felt to be apparently disqualified in the end. *sigh* Anyway, letting go. On to more productive stuff... like finishing my portfolio site. Hehe.
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MoonredStarblack [2010-10-20 23:34:57 +0000 UTC]
When I noticed Your 2 ships for EVE online contests I thought I was doomed. I almost fallen into depression. With act of anger I made Ripper with some kind of counter attack thought (but without proper textures it rly do not look like such badass)
I rly do not understand judging made in that contest, but Im rly sad You were not choosen for top 15. My apologize.
I must say I rly like the way you made that ships and I would fly serval with true plessure.
Moonred Starblack
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AStepIntoOblivion In reply to MoonredStarblack [2010-10-21 00:38:07 +0000 UTC]
LOL Dude, why me?
I felt exactly the same way a few hours after I submitted mine that I simply stopped viewing newer entries, haha. Too depressing with ships like Akiman's Megalodon. That's why I missed on a lot of the newer ships.
And no, I don't blame any of the winners (even the much hated LA battlecruiser, heh), it's not your fault. And it's unfair that people are now shit-talking your entries.
I really didn't expect to win. I'm actually more angry at the implication that the reason why a lot of the other entries were simply treated like they didn't exist was because they broke one rule or the other. Rules they never bothered to clarify in the first place.
It also seems evident that the judges really have no idea how EVE gameplay or history or even factions are like.
They should have also stuck to the criteria for judging. As it is I really don't see why the LA entry is there. No offense to the artist, but if we go by the judging critera set by the rules, it honestly doesn't hold a candle to 99% of the other entries. And I think even the artist realizes that. To some of us who really labored on our work (including those who drew their ships by hand as well)... to be defeated by a very simple line drawings and design is insulting, to say the least. But it's too late now and it would make it a thousand times worse if they suddenly decide to change the results and you guys are left hanging. If there's anyone to blame for this it really is the DA judges.
Oh well, at least I know by now not to join any more contests here, heh.
And I have to say, I love the shape of the Ripper (honestly a lot more than your winning entry, sorry, heh). I'm Minmatar through and through and I like my ships lean and mean. And I'd have happily flew it as well. Minmatar capitals need more horizontal-ness, sidewise. Though yeah, I'd agree. It'd look absolutely badass if you had textured it.
Anyway, thanks a lot for the kind words. Even if totally unexpected. Good luck with your entry and grats!
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Xanatos4 [2010-10-19 15:27:23 +0000 UTC]
Hey! Thanks a lot for the watch and fav!!
Your other ship is Great! Didnt see it before =O
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AStepIntoOblivion In reply to Xanatos4 [2010-10-20 17:53:17 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. I actually like it more than the other one... but everyone seems to disagree with me. LOL. yw
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maxxdamage01 [2010-10-12 18:07:49 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the watch and fav man! you have an amazing gallery. and the Serval Battlecruiser.. i have it on my computer..and I'll probably make a wallpaper out of it because I can't stop staring at it. keep it up
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AStepIntoOblivion In reply to maxxdamage01 [2010-10-12 18:52:26 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I nearly killed my computer making and rendering that one. Lost count of how many times I crashed. XD Thanks. I'll prolly up cleaner versions of that once the contest is over. I probably won't win anyway *shrugs* So I'll have to strip the logos and stuff from it so I can use it for my folio.
I just realized you had an entry as well. Also Minnie!
"I'm not very good at texturing but I did my best"
LOL, definitely not true. Very nice texture actually. And very nice ships in your gallery as well! ^-^ Homeworld ftw!
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