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ARTandWORK [8403664] [] "Julie Robertson's Works"

# Statistics

Favourites: 27; Deviations: 9; Watchers: 26

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# Comments

Comments: 134

Kenshins-Soul [2015-04-18 18:05:46 +0000 UTC]


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Kenshins-Soul [2014-04-12 03:25:41 +0000 UTC]

HAPPY early BIRTHDAY! I hope it's a good one!

I miss talking to you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kenshins-Soul [2013-04-15 00:45:01 +0000 UTC]


I hope it's a happy one, Julie!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

VideoGameStupid [2013-02-04 22:08:06 +0000 UTC]

Thx for fave!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

brandy422 [2012-09-04 04:43:38 +0000 UTC]

hey! you're Ed from Cos and Effect!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kenshins-Soul [2012-07-14 01:39:54 +0000 UTC]

You've been hugged!!!!
Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their profile!)

1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You -MUST- hug 6 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their user page!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay!
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!

Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1, On Second thought, Please give one back.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kenshins-Soul [2012-04-17 01:13:06 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear ARTandWORK!
Happy birthday to yoooooou!

Here's some ! And maybe some sake?

I hope it's a great one!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ARTandWORK In reply to Kenshins-Soul [2012-04-18 21:34:11 +0000 UTC]

LOL! Thanks! Oh, cake and sake, that would be an interesting combo!

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Kenshins-Soul In reply to ARTandWORK [2012-04-20 02:00:20 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome. *hugs*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RomaiLee [2012-04-14 09:36:10 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for your comment on my battousai Cosplay


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RomaiLee [2012-04-02 06:11:21 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for you comment on my Battousai cosplay ^^


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jijikero [2012-02-24 22:55:18 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the comment on "A Good Morning Kiss"! If you like yaoi, check out the rest of my yaoi fanart requests: [link]

Or my yaoi manga: [link]

Or the yaoi manga's gallery: [link]

Thanks again!

PS: Awesome cosplaying!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kenshins-Soul [2012-01-28 08:17:04 +0000 UTC]

You have been featured in my journal. [link]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kenshins-Soul [2011-10-14 16:05:00 +0000 UTC]

Sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. I asked why: ... The angel said:"angels dont watch over angels!"

Twenty angels are IN your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine are playing, One is reading this message. Send this to ten friends including me if I dont get it back then I guess I'm not one of them... as soon as you get five replies someone you love will quietly surprise you...

^^ ♥

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CrimsonFringe [2011-04-26 05:27:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the fav!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kenshins-Soul [2011-04-19 04:43:50 +0000 UTC]

You got a birthday present from me and I hope you like it. ^^

You're missing some Sano goodness. XP


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kenshins-Soul [2011-04-13 03:36:12 +0000 UTC]

I want to wish you an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

I want to get out of the way because I hate to forget.

I hope it's a good one!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ARTandWORK In reply to Kenshins-Soul [2011-04-13 05:18:46 +0000 UTC]

Aw, thank you so much! You're such a sweety! -hugs-

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kenshins-Soul In reply to ARTandWORK [2011-04-14 02:14:27 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome. *hugs*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Hoam [2011-04-06 16:50:56 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shinigami-no-Miko [2010-11-26 03:57:35 +0000 UTC]

Hey there! It's the nut-job you met in Sakura Media tonight! I thought I would swing by and give you a heads up! I had a quick brwose through your gallery before my mom booted me off her computer and I have to say that your art and cosplays are AMAZING. I am embarrassed to show you my shit work now. At any rate, you are going on my watch list ASAP, and I hope to be in touch with you soon when I get home. Keep up the awesome work ^_~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ARTandWORK In reply to Shinigami-no-Miko [2010-11-26 05:55:58 +0000 UTC]

Hi there! I feel kinda embarased, I never got your name! I'm Julie. Thanks about my art and cosplays. I'm still a beginner, so I've got a lot of room to improve! I took a boo through your art, I love your photos and your cosplays! The art is cool too! You'll be on my watch list!

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Shinigami-no-Miko In reply to ARTandWORK [2010-11-26 21:42:45 +0000 UTC]

Gah! I am sorry! I could have sworn that I wrote it down on that little slip of paper that I gave you in Sakura Media. At any rate, my name is Rebecca, Becky for short, and it was a pleasure to meet you the other day Julie I hope my over exuberance didn't freak you out. I find it hard to believe you are still a beginner artist, because I find your stuff very impressive. Thank you for the compliment on my photos, I learn a lot from my dad, he's an amateur photographer. Thank you for the compliment on my Cosplay as well... sadly though the only cosplay on my DA right now that is 100% my work is my Kuronue cosplay (the one in the black pleather). I've needed help from seamstresses on the others, because although I love cosplayning I can't sew worth beans. That's another reason I was so embarrassed to let you see my stuff, because YOU have some incredible work up! Before I sign off, I'll leave you the link to the painting I did for Vic, [link] I did it in 2006 so it's not that great and I want to re-do it soon. Anyway though, I'll stop spamming up your page. Feel free to drop me a PM when you have the time!

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ARTandWORK In reply to Shinigami-no-Miko [2010-11-27 02:28:02 +0000 UTC]

That's okay, you were in a rush so I can understand how it didn't get written down. Nice to meet you as well! Don't worry about being excited, I'm just starting to wonder how many other people remember "the Ed in the tiny black miniskirt from AE09." I've already found myself on YouTube three times. I have been drawing since I could pick up a pencil, but I stepped away from it for about 7 years and came back to it. I'm still learning though. Cosplay is somewhat newer to me. Does your dad shoot professionally on occasion? I ask because my boyfriend is studying to be a digital photographer professionally. I really like the Kuronue cosplay! It took a long time to make my cosplays, the easiest being my Kenshin ones (and the comfiest!) My movie Ed cosplay made me cry several times (my poor little Singer machine doesn't do leather!) I have seen the work you did on mediaminer.org, I jawdropped when I saw it. Don't worry about spamming up my page, no one reads it anyway! LOL! Great to hear from you again!

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Shinigami-no-Miko In reply to ARTandWORK [2010-11-28 06:34:08 +0000 UTC]

Lol, You've found yourself on Youtube? Oh, now I am going to have to go looking for that little vid, I think it would be so amusing to see again. You've been drawing for quite a long time (even with the 7 year hiatus)... for me I've only seriously been drawing since I've gotten into anime and manga, which has been for perhaps around 12 years now. Sadly though, I've only been trying to perfect the cartooning aspect of things and have ignored all of the basics like portait work, perspective, and the like. You know... REAL art. It's something I regret to this day, and something I plan to rectify. Also, my dad hasn't shot professionally he only ever does photography as a hobby, but he has some good advice on uses for lighting and what works for perspective and whatnot. The images of my Sophie, Soushi cosplay, and all of the Kurama cosplay shots (before I added the blood) were all taken by him) if that helps. I am glad you liked the Kuronue cosplay... when I wore it the first time back in 2005 before it was pleather and before it was perfected it was a real hit. Then when I did it again in 2007 and I thought I had done some amazing work with it NO ONE cared, I was crushed. I am going to shamelessly plug you to the only other costumes I've done myself because it makes me feel slightly better about the fact that I wear cosplay now, but am not really a cosplayer. I don't know if you've ever seen Kiddy Grade, but I was Eclair in 2007 before I wore Kuronue on the second day: [link] not a shining moment because I was too overweight to pull off the costume well... but, I did it myself... I've also cosplayed Seguchi Tohma of Gravitation: [link] I never got a full shot of it, and I am disappointed, but what can you do... finally Kurama, and the only reason I add this (because I did have help with the base of the tunic) is because I did the detailing and styled the wig, if that counts for anything at all [link] People got a kick out of this back in 2008 because I actually found a Hiei to hang out with and we did a couple of mock battles and sang karaoke together to Linkin Park's "In the End" with an added "lover's spat" conventions can be so fun. The easiest cosplay I've made has been my Seguchi Tohma cosplay, because that was just a trip to the thrift store... but that was my most UNCOMFORTABLE one, because it was a size too small and the lining in the pants ripped out on the second day :sweat: Your Kenshin cosplays looked like they would have been insanely comfy though, although I find it hard to believe they would be easy, wouldn't finding a pattern for those be death? Also, with your movie Ed cosplay, why would you need leather? I thought he wore mostly cloth in that? *Needs to re-watch The Conqueror of Shambala.* Finally before I end yet another long-ass ramble, where did you find my mediaminer.org address? and how did you find my author name? Because if you looked up Shinigami-no-Miko that's not me I go by R_Winner on that website and I've actually taken down all but two fan fics. I am going through a hell of a revising stage because well, I have had a really bad writer's block that I am coming out of and my writing style has changed, much of my work hasn't been updated or worked on in 2 or more years.

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ARTandWORK In reply to Shinigami-no-Miko [2010-11-29 06:44:20 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, it was pretty funny! I've found someone filming me going "OMG, it's Ed in a miniskirt!" Then in the same cosplay someone filmed me getting glomped by a Near and I was so scared that my butt would show (It was MINIskirt!). There's one I did myself, with the happy birthday dance on Skytrain. It's been a while I guess. I don't really think about it since I've been doing it all my life. (By 7 year hiatus I mean I wasn't commisioning). I've only just started cartooning, I mostly do portrait art. It sounds like we're opposites! The easiest way to learn portrait and perspective art is so just start drawing still life, then move to life portraits, then work from your imagination. Your dad is pretty good. Your cosplay shots by him are very nice! I love your Eclair and your Kurama cosplays! You are an adorable Eclair and your Kurama looks like he could kick my ass! They are both well done! My most comfortable cosplay to date is my Alphonse cosplay! Sweatpants and a sweatshirt, so unbelievably comfy! My most comfortable and uncomfortable cosplay is my Kenshin cosplay. It can be really comfortable in that it is baggy and like wearing pajamas, but it holds in a lot of heat. I actually found the hakama pattern really easily, I found it on a martial arts distributer's website. Finding the pattern for tabi (socks) was hard, I ended up winging it. Okay, my movie Ed cosplay had leather as part of the overcoat, which was insanely hot! I made it with leather because I wanted to go all out on this cosplay, I love Ed (Especially movie Ed) so much. It is a real wool coat, lined with leather as the rain slicker collar. That on top of the shirt and vest and I was boiling. I was somewhat disappointed because I worked really hard on this cosplay and a lot of people didn't know who I was, thought I was from Hetalia or went "movie Ed, huh? The movie sucked." I loved the movie, I thought that they used the Beer Hall Putsch well. Speaking of weird instances, while I was dressed as movie Ed, I had a Riza Hawkeye come over to me and ask if she could sing to me. I was a little confused but said yes. There's a Youtube video of her singing "My Heart Will Go On" to me, I'm sorta just going with it. I managed to find you simply by scrolling through the FMA fanart. I saw the picture, thought "That's like what Becky was talking about" and when I read the summary I realized "that's because it is Becky!" I know what you mean about writer's block. I have two different Fullmetal Alchemist stories that need to be finished, one Rurouni Kenshin that needs updating and a bunch of fictions I haven't posted but need to be finished.

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Shinigami-no-Miko In reply to ARTandWORK [2010-11-29 08:47:56 +0000 UTC]

You were scared your butt would show? I thought you said that you were wearing shorts underneath the skirt because when you did the Happy Birthday song to the Fuher you flipped it up at the end. At least I remember you telling me that at the store, I could have heard you wrong. Lol, we must be opposites indeed, but I think that's pretty cool, the world would be a boring place if we were all the same. So far I have been trying to teach myself by doing stuff through still life, I just don't practice as often as I should is all. I am surprised you like my Eclair cosplay, truth be told, if I were to pick a least favourite, she would be it. I don't know what I was thinking picking one showing that much flesh when I was so overweight >.< and when I am so self-conscious to boot. Thanks for not holding it against me that Kurama is not 100% mine either, I know some cosplayers who would have my head on a spit for that. I'd love to see your Alphonse cosplay sometime, but I haven't been able to find it on your DA page yet, how come? I find it hard to believe that people didn't recognize a movie Edward O.o what year did you wear the cosplay? Had the Conqueror of Shambala come out yet? >> << I'd have kicked anyone who said that the movie sucked as well. I mean sure everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but don't diss the cosplayer just because you didn't like the anime, that's just rude! I have to say though, it is interesting that a Hawkeye and not a Winry would want to sing "My Heart Will Go On" to Edward... I am not sure I get that Where were you scrolling through FMA fan art, and what picture did you see? It was of me? Now I am completely lost... sadly you'll find that can happen a lot with me >.<

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ARTandWORK In reply to Shinigami-no-Miko [2010-11-30 01:05:33 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes, I was wearing shorts, but they were kind of small because of how small the skirt was. I was okay with my friends and Scott seeing my butt because I knew the shorts were fitting right at the time, but I didn't want people to film because they would slide up to look like panties. Not cool. I should really be drawing more, but I find I have to be in a mood and usually that happens when I'm procrastinating working on a big paper or something! LOL, I'm the worst for that. I think that you make a very cute Eclair! You're willing to pose, which is a huge part of cosplay. If you're not going to play out the character, the cosplay just won't be the same! I think you look great in that cosplay! I hate how people get all freaked out about cosplays not being 100% made. If I had made my red coat for Ed, I wouldn't have it done in time and it would have cost me twice what it did to make it. My Alphonse cosplay is under "clothing prints." It's just the one picture, the rest are on my cosplay.com account. It was also a joke costume done at 2AM the last day of the con. I went as movie Edward in 2009. I found that people didn't know who I was or just weren't interested. I agree with you about insulting the cosplayer because you don't like the anime. I was thinking "okay, I didn't write the movie, I just cosplay it." I thought it was hilarious, and I was pretty happy that it wasn't Winry. Truth be told, I'm not an EdWin fan at all. I think it's too much like snogging his sister, as they grew up together. I like Ed as a solo character, not tied down, or with weird pairings. I found your canvas painting on mediaminor.ord and knew it was yours based on what you told me in the store.

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Shinigami-no-Miko In reply to ARTandWORK [2010-11-30 08:50:26 +0000 UTC]

Ah okay, well I suppose it makes sense then that you would be nervous about your butt showing then. I know what you mean about needing to be drawing more as well, I find that I should be drawing more too, but I have never been a fast artist. I date everything I do in my sketchbook, and there are gaps in there that are weeks and months apart; it's sad. It's funny that you say you're usually in the mood to draw when you're procrastinating on working on a big paper or something because that's EXACTLY what I was like in high school. Before I had to take medical leave from college I was doing my darndest not to let that happen with it too, because I wanted to do better in it and not let myself down. With cosplay I tend to go one of two ways, completely in character, or FREAKISHLY out of character lol. With Eclair, she tends to pose a lot in the anime anyway, and one of her main lines is, "Ta-DA!" so it was just a given that I would be really "pose-y" when I took pictures as her. I will admit, she was a lot of fun, and when I lose a little more weight I would like to give another shot at cosplaying her again. I finally saw your Alphonse cosplay, most original idea for an armor Al I have EVER seen! That is so cool! I went to your cosplay.com account to see all the photos and it's awesome. I can't believe you just came up with that at 2am on the last day of the convention. Heh, about the whole Edward an Winry thing though, it's interesting, you're not the first person I have heard say that... although, most people I know don't like Edward and Winry together because they want an excuse to put Ed with Roy I mean I and at one time I TRIED to get into that pairing, I even bought some doujinshi for it when I was first getting into the series... but FMA is one anime I never could get into slash with. With that series I've been partial to Roy and Riza myself... and I have to admit, I do like Ed and Winry, even if they did grow up together, I've always thought she had a bit of a crush on him, although Ed's never seemed to have much feelings for her, if anything, Al's been the one who's seemed to have the crush on Winry... which is why I think so many fans of Roy/Ed will often pair Al and Winry together when they write their slash fiction. The more I consider it the more logical it is that Ed would be a solo character not tied down to anyone or anything. It's cool that you found my painting on mediamine.org, but I am kind of embarrassed that you found some of my fan fiction... I find it easier to post NC/17 work like that when I haven't met the person face to face. I hope none of it offended you or anything like that ^///^;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ARTandWORK In reply to Shinigami-no-Miko [2010-11-30 23:32:06 +0000 UTC]

I don't remember the last time I put a pencil to paper. I think the last time I drew something it was a map for someone. I'm not sure. You look great playing cheery characters! I like characters who have a really odd personality. Like Ed, super hyper with a broody aspect. Or Kenshin, who is silly but can kick epic ass. I hate playing characters who just stand there with no reaction. Boring! Hehe, yeah, I was tired of walking around in high heels for my Misa costume and I wanted to be warm since it was going to rain the next day. I had bought an Al hat and the most logical thing to me to do was to make the costume out of my old sweats. It made it comfy when I got glomped. I can understand well written RoyEd, though it isn't my favorite pairing. I like the odd pairings like EdSciezska or EdNoa. And I really like AlWinry, even by themselves. I had written a fanfiction for that pairing, but ended up taking it off fanfiction.net. I haven't found any of your fanfictions, though I will go back and look agian.

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Shinigami-no-Miko In reply to ARTandWORK [2010-12-01 01:30:00 +0000 UTC]

Well that's a shame... have you just been unmotivated to draw, or have you simply lacked the time lately? I tend to cosplay characters that are cheery or characters that are hard to peg personality wise so I can put my own spin on them (like Kuronue). My only exceptions to those were Trowa Barton, my first cosplay back in 2003 and Kurama in 2008 and 2009. Soushi Minashiro is another character you could consider to be rather stoic and serious, but well, I loved him so I had to cosplay him, I was just OOC the whole time. It helped that NO ONE knew who I was though, or what Fafner in the Azure: Dead Aggressor was, so no one could get on my case for the OOCness. Uhg, I wish I had your creativity when I was walking around in my heels as Eclair or Sophie. The boots for those costumes were horrible. I can imagine being glomped in a cosplay like Al's would be insanely comfortable though odd pairings can be a lot of fun, I will say though, that I have never seen EdSciezska, and I am struggling to remember who Noa is >.< Honestly as well, you don't have to look up my fan fiction, I don't have anything written for FMA... actually all I have up right now are two fan fics for Yu Yu Hakusho, and one for Black Cat, and I am a little embarrassed by both I've been meaning to ask you, aside from Fullmetal Alchemist and Ruroni Kenshin, what other anime/manga do you like? For that matter as well, what else are you into? I have to learn how to listen rather than prattling on and on *tapes fingers together to prevent further typing.*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ARTandWORK In reply to Shinigami-no-Miko [2010-12-01 08:01:33 +0000 UTC]

Kind of both. I don't really have time as I have a full time job and I'm a full time student. Although I am about to go into winter vacation. Those characters do sound rather interesting. I unfortunatly have a hard time doing really serious characters, so when I was Kenshin or Ed I found it really hard when people asked me to look pissed off or depressed. Hehe, Al was totally a joke costume, though I still bring out the costume and lounge around the house in it! I wrote a fanfiction for it on fanfiction.net, I'm debating whether or not to end it or not as it's a multi chappy. It's also not Sciezska from Amestris, but from Munich. Noa is from the movie, the gypsy girl. I know a lot of people don't like her because she ratted Ed out to the Nazis, but I think that besides Al, she is the only comfort Ed has in Munich. Other than FMA and RK, I like Peacemaker (I love anything historical, except Hetalia), House of Five Leaves, Vampire Knight as the politics remind me of Anne Rice. I think Ouran is cute, though I cannot stand watching the English version. AzuManga Daioh, Haruhi Suzumiya, RomeoxJuliet (actually squeeled like a girl at AE when they cut it off at ep.5, even though I was dressed as Kenshin. Sorta embarassing)... I actually haven't found a recent series that I could REALLY get into.

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Shinigami-no-Miko In reply to ARTandWORK [2010-12-02 01:18:07 +0000 UTC]

School and work full time? Now that is dedication! I really admire people like you. I died doing school full time and work part time. I actually discovered a medical condition just before Halloween and wound up withdrawing from college. I hope to go back next year though when I get myself back into sorts because I DO want my education. I just hope that I get enough hours at work now to be able to put enough money away to be able to quit my job and focus solely on school when I return in September. It's never easy to pull off serious characters, sometimes you just have to just dig deep and like think of something angry or painful. It's okay if Al was a joke, he wound up totally working out in the end. It's even better if you get to wear him around the house now to lounge in I always have problems with multi-chapter fan fictions and where to end them... I think you just have to feel it out. Ah, now Noa comes back to me, and I agree, she does seem to be one of the only other comforts that Ed has in Munich aside from Al. I never really hated Noa myself, in fact I pitted her more than anything, even if she did rat out Ed. My anime and manga preferences are all over the map really... so far I've enjoyed FMA, Yu Yu Hakusho, Black Cat, Trinity Blood, and Spiral. As for manga I really enjoyed Hana Kimi, Gravitation, Fake, and Junjou Romantica. I've been wanting to look into RomeoXJuliet and Haruhi Suzumiya for a while though, I was just waiting for a lot of the hype on Haruhi to die down fan girls make me insane.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ARTandWORK In reply to Shinigami-no-Miko [2010-12-02 03:06:46 +0000 UTC]

I have to do school full time to get my medical and I have to work full time to pay for school. I also discovered I had a medical condition during my first term of college and the medication and test regiment to keep it under control is expensive. I don't do it out of want, I do it out of necessity. May I ask what program you're taking? I'm working towards BA of Psychology for addictions. Taking my serious photos of Kenshin and Ed were like pulling teeth. I was all like 'your wife is dead, your brother is a suit of armor, bad things!' I like Noa simply because she's a realistic character and she can relate to Ed on so many levels. My fictions are either with her or Sciezska. My multi chapter ones always die simply because I don't have the time. I also put all my FMA fictions on hiatus because I want the hype over Brotherhood to calm down before I continue. I kept getting reviews saying 'it didn't happen like that!' 'No, you fail, this is based on the original series, leave me alone!' I've heard a lot about Trinity Blood and Yu Yu Hakusho, so I'm going to stay away from them until the hype dies down a little more. I find that the hype over Haruhi Suzumiya isn't as bad as it was two years ago! I agree with you about the fangirls. I had this one fangirl follow me around at JFest the entire time because I was dressed as Ed, she even tried to sit in my lap. Finally I got fed up and said 'I'm not really Ed, I'm not going to snog or hug you, leave me alone!'

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shinigami-no-Miko In reply to ARTandWORK [2010-12-02 03:38:37 +0000 UTC]

Shit, it sounds like you have a really full plate in front of you. You discovered your medical condition about the same time I did actually, quite a coincidence. Although from the sounds of it, yours is worse than mine, especially if you constantly have to go in for tests, luckily I am only on medication. I was taking a Legal Administrative Assistance course (fancy dancey way of saying legal secretary) but the only reason I was doing that, and this is a little embarrassing... is because I wanted to have a solid career option as a back up so I could go to school for what I really wanted to do, and that's acting. Now I know what could be going through your head right now, "Oh god, another anime fan that wants to be an actor!" Actually though, I was avoiding that dream, as it were, like the plague because I WAS an anime fan, until I joined Toastmasters International. I'm a talker (no shit rite?) so when I would give my speeches and get reviewed for them everyone in my Toastmasters group asked why I hadn't thought of acting before. I told them I thought I had no talent for one thing... and then of course there was the fan-girl aspect, but as I went on, I decided I couldn't deny that I loved it, but I wanted a safety net, so it's the long way around, but at least I will have something I can moderately enjoy even if acting doesn't pan out. A BA in Pshychology for addictions sounds like it could be very rewarding! What kind of people are you looking to work with? Youth? Adults? Heh, at least there were bad things to refer to for the characters and you weren't working blind with the photo shoots... It's interesting, my multi-chapter fictions die because I get writer's block. Uhg... your reviews sound like the stuff I got hit with on my facebook page when I updated my status with "re-watching FMA, the FIRST series thank you." I sparked a debate over it and Brotherhood. I find it interesting that you've heard a lot about Trinity Blood, because I have found next to no Fandom for it O.o, although I can understand with Yu Yu Hakusho, but it's fandom is slowly dying away. Heh, your fan girl at JFest sounds like the one I had at Anime Evolution back in 2005 when I was Tohma. She was so obsessed with me all I would hear was this loud squealing of Tohma's name, and then she would be attached at my waist. She knocked the wind out of me on more than one occasion. Although I didn't have the heart to tell her to screw off.

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ARTandWORK In reply to Shinigami-no-Miko [2010-12-02 07:39:48 +0000 UTC]

I'm starting to kick myself for it, truth be told. My medical condition involves the brain and heart, that's why I have to do tests, to make sure that nothing goes wrong. That's interesting that you were doing Legal Administrative, a friend of mine just finished the same thing! It's cool that you want to do acting. I'm in a psych program because I know that I wouldn't be able to make money doing what I really want, which is to write for a career. I actually didn't associate acting with anime. I used to be in a few theatre companies myself, so I didn't really think anything of it. In fact, the other night I went to see Harry Potter and acted out the first song of Very Potter Musical just cuz I could. If you want to act and have fun, career or not, then do it, especially if people think you could. I'm hoping to work with youth, get them early and keep them clean so they can get on with their lives. I have a few novel ideas involving the field, so I'll probably start writing once I'm working. Like I said before with Brotherhood, too much info too fast and I like the initial plot involving the Stone in series 1. Nice, a debate on facebook. I hate fangirls like that. It's like "I'm not them, go away!" I remember when I was Kenshin I was so sick, I didn't want to hug people because I didn't want to spread what I had. This girl shouted "Kenshin is another word for sexy" and ran over to me, hugged me and snuggled her face into mine. I was like "back off or I'll give you the plague." Sean said he'd never seen me so b*tchy in the five years of our relationship. He was scared! LOL!

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Shinigami-no-Miko In reply to ARTandWORK [2010-12-03 08:16:49 +0000 UTC]

Well, I can tell you one thing, you certainly don't lack in spunk, at least not that I can see. I know it's going to seem ass backwards coming from someone who just took a hiatus from college, but I say keep on pushing forward, I think you can do some real good. I especially think you could do good working with children like you're planning, it sounds super rewarding. Getting while they're young is a great idea and hopefully a good way of keeping them on the right track. I like that you were thinking of writing on the side and that you thought you might be able to gain inspiration from the kids you might work with. Keeping a positive attitude like that helps heaps, and it's something I need to keep working on for myself. Whenever I keep saying that I am just going to fold, and sit behind some desk in a lawyer's office for the rest of my life and forget acting my friends tend to bash me in the head, and are like, "RAWR, you're 23 years old, stop acting like your life is over!" I am relieved to hear you say that you didn't roll your eyes at the other side of the computer monitor when you read about the acting thing though, because so many anime fans I've met at conventions have come up to me and bragged about how they're going to be they next big voice actor and that they're taking private lessons with so-and-so, it get's very tiring and irritating so I just keep my mouth shut. Never mind that almost every other fan I have run into seems to want to be an actor uhg. I wouldn't mind getting into any kind of acting, and actually live work would be great because it's nice to have feed back right away. The interesting thing with my little debate on facebook, it wasn't girls that were bitching me out, it was boys XD. I had two of my friends from high school giving me a hard time about not watching Brotherhood. Although when I made a comment on Gaia Online I had some irritating pieces of crap manga obsessees jumping down my throat -_-. Lol, yeah, fan girls who think you're the character are irritating to the max, it's only flattering to be considered enough like the character when you cosplay to an extent. A girl snuggled her face into yours O.o Dude, I am a huggy person, but there's STILL a thing called personal space. Sick or not, I would STILL be bitchy, I can't say that I blame you, AT ALL. I am glad your boyfriend still loved you, scared or not though, lol ^_^

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Rekkiem [2010-10-15 12:18:54 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave. ^^

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Tristiahna [2010-09-22 13:49:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the watch

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damselle-xo [2010-09-22 04:53:10 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday Edward xD
(P.s. I hope this is really your bday today xD)

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ARTandWORK In reply to damselle-xo [2010-09-22 06:15:15 +0000 UTC]

Uh... It's not my birthay... I'm confused! But thanks for the well wishes anyway?

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damselle-xo In reply to ARTandWORK [2010-09-22 20:56:59 +0000 UTC]

What the heck? Haha it must be your 2nd year on here then haha I think that's what it meant on the notification thing for DA haha

Well uh, yea, Happy Birthday in advance/ belated??? hahahhaha

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ARTandWORK In reply to damselle-xo [2010-09-22 23:11:00 +0000 UTC]

LOL! Probably!

Thank you, it's in April, so I'll say you're very early!

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damselle-xo In reply to ARTandWORK [2010-09-24 02:25:15 +0000 UTC]

Haha you're welcome! xD

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Kenshins-Soul [2010-09-22 01:47:51 +0000 UTC]

Happy 2nd Deviant Birthday! XD

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ARTandWORK In reply to Kenshins-Soul [2010-09-22 06:15:26 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the deviant birthday!

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Kenshins-Soul In reply to ARTandWORK [2010-09-23 01:56:05 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome. :3

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telrunya [2010-08-18 00:20:05 +0000 UTC]

hey Vic`s picture is up now i found it
if you want i can email you a copy without the watermark on it

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ECH-ZTX [2010-07-12 14:24:16 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ARTandWORK In reply to ECH-ZTX [2010-07-13 03:42:29 +0000 UTC]

Most certainly welcome!

Nice bouncy emoticon thingies.

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