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# Statistics
Favourites: 89; Deviations: 336; Watchers: 106
Watching: 50; Pageviews: 59210; Comments Made: 831; Friends: 50
# Comments
Comments: 45
Stormkat1 [2017-05-13 03:17:43 +0000 UTC]
I've been trying to download the space 1995 eagle(the white model). Would it be possible that you could email me a working link to the model? Thank you for your time.
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ARMORMAN In reply to Stormkat1 [2017-05-14 02:53:03 +0000 UTC]
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RedDevilUK [2017-03-09 12:03:13 +0000 UTC]
Hey dude, i really love your papercraft work its really inspiring. Im currently trying to work on my own eldar 28mm figure.
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ARMORMAN In reply to RedDevilUK [2017-03-27 05:40:16 +0000 UTC]
If you want a base fig, I just posted one by Tirick over at 4chan/po a week or so ago...
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Halo--Cat [2016-07-13 19:13:19 +0000 UTC]
ย there random deviant.ย ย *clicked the random deviant button* Just want to spread the love.ย
You are beautiful and worth it, no matter what people say. <3
Have a hug too.ย
Don't be afraid to pass this on if you want.
And have a nice day/evening/night. :3
ย ย
Sincerely,ย halothekittycat ย
Happy Helper of theย Happy-Squad
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ionmedia [2014-10-07 05:46:17 +0000 UTC]
Send one to all your friends who you think deserve a hug (which, hopefully includes the person who sent it to you)!! You might send it to your enemies as well! It'll really make them stop and think!!! If you don't receive this back, nobody likes you, and they wish you'd stop bugging them! If you receive this back 1 time, open up! Find more friends, enemies, or enemies pretending to be friends If you receive this back 2 times, you're off to a good start! (Unless you sent it to yourself! That's cheating!) If you receive this back 3 times, you're a good friend. If you receive this back 4 times, you're truly loved as a friend!!
__888888822222228888_______________ _
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8888822222222222222882222222228 88___
88888222222222LUV22222222222222 288__
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YOU'VE BEEN HUGGED! Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!) RULES: 1- You can hug the person who hugged you! 2- You -MUST- hug 6 other people, at least! 3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their user page! 4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet) 5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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jmozynski [2013-06-23 00:57:31 +0000 UTC]
your welcome i am big bear on the papar modeling site
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ARMORMAN In reply to RocketmanTan [2012-01-07 03:29:57 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, my friend.
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ARMORMAN In reply to RocketmanTan [2011-05-05 02:22:50 +0000 UTC]
Going crazy....trying to get my models done...sleep....need sleep
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RocketmanTan In reply to ARMORMAN [2011-05-06 01:47:47 +0000 UTC]
same here. Get up at 5:30 each morning, go to bed at one. Basically my time is devoted to paper after paper after paper. Can't help but walk around like a drunken zombie, heheh. If you can, try to get as much sleep as you can, just don't feck up your sleep schedule!
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ARMORMAN In reply to RocketmanTan [2011-05-06 11:21:35 +0000 UTC]
Sleep? That's something you catch up on when you die....
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RocketmanTan In reply to ARMORMAN [2011-06-05 19:19:27 +0000 UTC]
hah, this is me when I'm sleep deprived: [link]
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Destro2k [2011-04-15 14:02:39 +0000 UTC]
hey hey
thank you so much for adding me in your watchlist
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ARMORMAN In reply to Destro2k [2011-04-16 15:00:14 +0000 UTC]
no prob. You have some really nice models!
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ARMORMAN In reply to shalonpalmer [2011-02-12 00:36:08 +0000 UTC]
you are more than welcome! I love your work!
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rurounitriv [2010-10-28 02:56:32 +0000 UTC]
Hey - Trivia from Ranger-L here. Good to see someone else to share the love on DA!
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Wooden-Flashlight [2010-09-16 03:29:04 +0000 UTC]
Hey buddy! I know I moved away an' all but we can still talk :C Don't you have any messengers?
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ARMORMAN In reply to Wooden-Flashlight [2010-09-29 21:48:54 +0000 UTC]
I don't have any messengers. Sorry, But my email has changed to perry001@frontier.com. And our phone is still the same.
I would always like to hear from you.
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Wooden-Flashlight In reply to ARMORMAN [2010-09-29 21:51:58 +0000 UTC]
That's too bad. I can't really talk on the phone much 'cause my grandmother is a crazy psycho.
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ARMORMAN In reply to Wooden-Flashlight [2010-10-02 21:14:27 +0000 UTC]
I thought you were staying at the other grandmother's house.
I do have a facebook page.
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Wooden-Flashlight In reply to ARMORMAN [2010-10-02 22:14:12 +0000 UTC]
They're both psycho okay? XD
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ARMORMAN In reply to Wooden-Flashlight [2010-10-03 20:22:34 +0000 UTC]
what can I do to help push them over the edge and free you?
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Wooden-Flashlight In reply to ARMORMAN [2010-10-03 20:27:27 +0000 UTC]
There's nothin' you can do they've got their claws into me until my dad gets a job .-.
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ARMORMAN In reply to Wooden-Flashlight [2010-10-09 15:07:48 +0000 UTC]
how about some sort of mind control ray?
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Spiritdanzer [2010-06-23 08:47:56 +0000 UTC]
Hi how are you? We are at mid year break. Yay!!!!
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ARMORMAN In reply to Spiritdanzer [2010-06-23 17:15:02 +0000 UTC]
Busy working and trying to get projects done. Hoping to see Toy Story 3 today. How's the art coming?
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Spiritdanzer In reply to ARMORMAN [2010-06-24 09:10:30 +0000 UTC]
Have been very busy. I got a distinction for my two web designs and a Touch screen design done in Flash. I have had to work every day and late into the night to understand it, but I finally get it!!! I have been learning film editing and after effects. Very cool. 3dMax is giving me strife, but I'm determined to get it too! It's been a huge learning curve but I hope to get a loan and do my diploma next year. I am never board!
Cheers Chezz.
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ARMORMAN In reply to Spiritdanzer [2010-06-25 01:29:09 +0000 UTC]
You'll make it. I am quite sure of it.
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ARMORMAN [2010-06-14 20:05:10 +0000 UTC]
Love watching people's eyes bug out and say "That's PAPER?!!?"
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Spiritdanzer [2009-12-07 01:09:10 +0000 UTC]
Wow you've been busy. What are the models made of? I was trained as a potter many moons ago, I hadn't thought of modeling characters. Food for thought.I will be learning film, 3d and animation next year in my Multimedia course at Bendigo TAFE. I was wrapped when I found I could finally learn how to do these things. A young graffiti artist introduced me to Photoshop and agraphics tablets last year while I was doing Dip Vis Arts, I only have a Genious Pen but it's better than using a mouse. I bought an IMAC a month ago and love it. I look forward to seeing more of your work. Very inspirational. Cheers.
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Spiritdanzer In reply to ARMORMAN [2009-12-09 06:32:28 +0000 UTC]
Sorry I did thank you.
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ARMORMAN In reply to Spiritdanzer [2009-12-07 02:59:23 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the compliments! I have been with the macs since the 128k boxes. I primarily use Aves Apoxiesculpt for sculpting it's an air hardening apoxie that works like clay and dries rock hard in 24 hours or less.
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