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| 407blackblossom
# Statistics
Favourites: 84; Deviations: 29; Watchers: 36
Watching: 14; Pageviews: 6849; Comments Made: 213; Friends: 14
# Comments
Comments: 41
ExtraordinaryxGirl9 [2010-12-05 03:05:49 +0000 UTC]
you got it! your artwork is beautiful
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Trihaly [2010-03-29 01:51:10 +0000 UTC]
No problem ! I love your drawings! You've got great tallent! I hope to one day be able to draw as well as you
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catarinamzfernandes [2009-08-10 12:18:15 +0000 UTC]
i really love your work =o can you use some of my stock and draw me?
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407blackblossom In reply to catarinamzfernandes [2009-08-12 04:22:11 +0000 UTC]
i checked you're gallery and it's grat...you're beautiful and i would really like to draw you
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catarinamzfernandes In reply to 407blackblossom [2009-08-12 09:33:06 +0000 UTC]
yeahhh thanks a lot
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hellapnoy94 [2008-04-20 02:22:20 +0000 UTC]
Hello Random Deviant! Was bored and your gallery is pretty cool! So realistic!
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mimulux [2007-05-08 08:15:56 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much for the fav on
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mimulux [2007-05-08 08:15:30 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much for the fav on
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randomstarlight [2007-04-25 12:36:57 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much for supporting my art!
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Heather-Briana [2007-02-23 18:33:52 +0000 UTC]
Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends who you think don't get much lovin' (or maybe they do!) and, SEX THEM! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!) This is for any one you think is hot!
1- You can sex the person who sexed you, of course.
2- You can sex the same person as many times as you can (c'mon, ENDURANCE)! Be creative!*
3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy!
4- You should sex in public! Be adventurous, damnit. Paste it on their user page so they feel slutty!
5- Random sex is perfectly okay!
6- Please, don't worry about same gender sexing, it's HOT.
7- You should most definitly get started fuckin' right away!
This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOW BAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (and roughed up!). Please donβt take this too seriously, BUT I JUST FUCKED YOU
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deafbat [2006-12-05 17:05:02 +0000 UTC]
cool works
may i want you to give more information about them?
...like materials you used, how much time they take...
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Remirez [2006-09-29 02:35:20 +0000 UTC]
you're quite the boondock saints lover arent you. You're portraits are really good. Great characters, those Mcmanus brothers.
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FayeMarcik [2006-09-27 08:38:42 +0000 UTC]
Great galery!! I love it! And your avatar..;D
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gdpr-2044864 [2006-07-25 20:07:05 +0000 UTC]
Estaba viendo tu galeria y la encontre muy linda, me gusto bastante^^
Te agrego al watch, ojala visites mi galeria y me agregues tambien^^
Un saludo y se me cuida*
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guitargurl88 [2006-06-14 03:38:00 +0000 UTC]
I love Bjork, so I wanted to say how much I like your portraits of her, awesome job <3.
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407blackblossom In reply to SandraHultsved [2006-04-16 08:53:02 +0000 UTC]
thank you
and your gallery is AWESOME!
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SandraHultsved In reply to 407blackblossom [2006-04-16 10:23:57 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome
aw, thank you
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waterphonixfire [2006-04-10 03:28:54 +0000 UTC]
Such beautiful work! You are a wonderful artist. I envy your work, as I do with many wonderful artists. But your art... there is something about it that makes it better than most I've seen. Pure beauty... though I have no clue who those people are that those pictures are of. I reconize your most recent though... not sure from where. Anyway... wonderful work!
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407blackblossom In reply to waterphonixfire [2006-04-12 02:31:58 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much!
i would say more, but my english is very limited
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birdalie [2006-04-08 08:45:33 +0000 UTC]
Hi! So I sorta stumbled on you gallery that I really like, not just because I am a BIG boondock saints fan, you have real drawing skills!
I'l be watching!
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407blackblossom In reply to birdalie [2006-04-08 09:53:52 +0000 UTC]
i have a few more drawings already done (some more Norman) so, i'll be posting that , i'm lazy though
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birdalie In reply to 407blackblossom [2006-04-08 15:39:06 +0000 UTC]
Cool! cant wait to see!
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