ElementalSpirits — Mistletoe Kisses

Published: 2009-12-29 18:11:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 2601; Favourites: 147; Downloads: 38
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Description All together now… “daww…”

Ok, so this might be a little late since Christmas is over but I still wanted to finish it. But since Christmas is the First day of Christmas technically it’s still over the Christmas period! (Let’s just change the second day of Christmas to “two cubs a kissing” and we’ll be alright? …ignoring of course that it’s actually the forth day!)

There’s no real story behind it, just an idea that popped into my head. Both Zi and Blade are of an indeterminate age between 0-1 years, though I think Zi is probably older otherwise Blade I’m sure would be much bigger. Oh an Zi’s spots were an experiment, I’ve wanted to try Zi with spots for a while now, and since her markings seem to disappear with age, a cub form seemed ideal.

I really need to practice more at babies, I tried using Thea as a model for Zi, but her she still didn’t come our right.

Zi (cat) Blade (dog) © Me, ElementalSpirits

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Comments: 24

Desstile [2011-10-08 03:17:44 +0000 UTC]

DAWW indeed! Your characters are so cute

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Shade-of-the-Night [2009-12-30 08:17:20 +0000 UTC]

Haha that's cute.

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Nat-sama [2009-12-30 05:10:36 +0000 UTC]

DAAAAAWWWW. *clicks tung*

I think you did fine. Zi's spots only add more to the babyness. But i relay do like the spots in general.
The pars are realy nice to look at, and reminds me of the example you showed me the other day.

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ElementalSpirits In reply to Nat-sama [2010-01-04 22:57:17 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, I'll pobably keep them on the young version, then her markings gradually dissapear over her life/death.

Oh what example was that? I don't recall any Zi and Blade pics. xDD

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Nat-sama In reply to ElementalSpirits [2010-01-05 14:12:05 +0000 UTC]

the cat paw example on the messenger.

Thats what genraly happens in lions and such.

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ElementalSpirits In reply to Nat-sama [2010-01-07 18:17:53 +0000 UTC]

Oh that one. xD I hope you are remebering your claws now.

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rosiesinner [2009-12-30 00:09:28 +0000 UTC]


That's just too cute, I love their facial expressions and body language. The colors are great too :3

I just can't stop going "awww." xD

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ElementalSpirits In reply to rosiesinner [2009-12-30 10:18:53 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. That was the intended responce.

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Filippa-e [2009-12-29 23:04:22 +0000 UTC]

I think they're very cute!! Not sure but I think I preffer Zi without spots, looks more white and pure but you know me.. as the simple, plain, undetailed & boring artist I am
Love blade as puppy And Zi is starting to become one of the favs too! After Blade ofcourse

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ElementalSpirits In reply to Filippa-e [2009-12-29 23:20:40 +0000 UTC]

xD You aren't any of those things Filippa but I agree she's nicer plain. I just wanted to try it because I have this Zi look-a-like plush (well a white lynx, which is close enough for me ) and it has these cool fading spots that I wanted to try on Zi. I might keep them on cub Zi though, (but just on a really young cub version) because it sort of fits with the pattern of young animals. She's actually quite a complicated character though because she now has three forms: small, large and cub. I should try to explian it sometime.
Hehe, Blade is always a favorite, but Zi is a close second for me so I love making nosense pictures where they are together. ^^

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dyrn00b [2009-12-29 20:11:03 +0000 UTC]

"Daww" indeed!

And Zi's paws are adorably big. I love seeing cubs and their paws.

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ElementalSpirits In reply to dyrn00b [2009-12-30 10:19:44 +0000 UTC]

Thanks xD Ah! but now I'm looking at them and realising that Blade's paws look way too small.

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dyrn00b In reply to ElementalSpirits [2009-12-30 16:37:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh, hush. Only Zi gets to look cute and young. Blade can just be awkward. :]

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ElementalSpirits In reply to dyrn00b [2010-01-04 22:43:29 +0000 UTC]

That's something at least Blade always can be.

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dyrn00b In reply to ElementalSpirits [2010-01-05 12:27:11 +0000 UTC]

Your little blade. < 3 xD

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SilverNoia [2009-12-29 18:49:03 +0000 UTC]

Aww, very cute! I really like the design of the dog
However, great job!

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ElementalSpirits In reply to SilverNoia [2009-12-29 19:00:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, he's based on dingo's mainly. (Dingos are adorable xDD)

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SilverNoia In reply to ElementalSpirits [2009-12-29 19:03:39 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!
I love Dingo's, they are very cute

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ArtemisA-wolf [2009-12-29 18:18:42 +0000 UTC]


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Valhalrion [2009-12-29 18:13:07 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful work!!!! I really enjoy the background, the characters are adorable aswell! awesome work!

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ElementalSpirits In reply to Valhalrion [2009-12-29 18:17:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. ^^ Though I personally I don't like the background on this.

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Valhalrion In reply to ElementalSpirits [2009-12-29 18:19:03 +0000 UTC]

hahaha it figures!!! though I always like your backgrounds! XD

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ElementalSpirits In reply to Valhalrion [2009-12-29 18:39:38 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, well I think I'm improving on them at least.

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Valhalrion In reply to ElementalSpirits [2009-12-30 22:20:11 +0000 UTC]

you are for sure!

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