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yumedelia [16084157] [] "Psycho-woman"

# Statistics

Favourites: 597; Deviations: 22; Watchers: 9

Watching: 107; Pageviews: 5321; Comments Made: 733; Friends: 107

# Comments

Comments: 185

Racuch [2012-12-30 12:28:32 +0000 UTC]

Dziękuję *:

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xXxWOLFRAMxXx [2011-11-28 20:26:42 +0000 UTC]

Jestem absolutnie onieśmielona

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yumedelia In reply to xXxWOLFRAMxXx [2011-11-29 20:46:48 +0000 UTC]

omo, trololo a ja sie zdziwiłam, co tak dużo feedbacku mam :3 Dziena za wszystkei favy XD Cośże ty sie tak nagle obudziła,co? Subujemy sie nawzajem od 10000 lat XDD

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xXxWOLFRAMxXx In reply to yumedelia [2011-11-30 09:15:45 +0000 UTC]

Tak, wiem, jestem cieciem i wreszcie się obudziłam hahhaha

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yumedelia In reply to xXxWOLFRAMxXx [2011-11-30 19:42:22 +0000 UTC]

trolololo XD co u ciebie? :3

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xXxWOLFRAMxXx In reply to yumedelia [2011-11-30 20:45:48 +0000 UTC]

ha. Hhahahahha.
Zajebiście można by rzec. Znalazło się ukochaną osobę, plany na przyszłość już się ma, zerwało się kontakt ze wszystkimi zarazami, no i jest git Poza tym kiedy jest się zakochanym wszystko jest piękniejsze i bardziej bolesne, skreślić.
Reasumując: Zaje.
A u cb?

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yumedelia In reply to xXxWOLFRAMxXx [2011-12-01 20:10:22 +0000 UTC]

u mnie nie wiem. Jest w porządku. Jakoś sobie żyje :3 od 100000 lat nie gadałam z nikim z forum (oprócz kinola, ale to co innego) ale jakos mi to nie przeszkadza. jeez, to juz wieki minęły ^^ czuje sie jakos staro XD

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xXxWOLFRAMxXx In reply to yumedelia [2011-12-03 17:07:20 +0000 UTC]

Ja za to nawet z nią nie pisałam >>". Łe, obie czujemy się staro XD. Kiedyś było tak fajnie, nie? LOL.
Czyli co, nic specjalnego się nie dzieje, po prostu żyjesz sobie z dnia na dzień, cu?

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yumedelia In reply to xXxWOLFRAMxXx [2011-12-04 11:21:01 +0000 UTC]

nie wiem co miałoby sie dziac ._. nigdzie nie wyjeżdżam, zbieram kase na kamere, ucze sie wielu rzeczy, czuje sie staro i dobrze mi z tym X D trudno byłoby mi tez opowiadac ci o czymkolwiek, bo jednak nie gadanie z kims przez wiele miesiecy, skutkuje tym, ze raczej o takich drobiazgach sie nie mówi XD
no niby było fajnie, ale jednak ciesze sie, ze sie skończyło. Dobrze ze w takich rzeczach juz nie siedze ;3 byłam zbyt nerdowata lol i jakoś nie wiem. x];;

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xXxWOLFRAMxXx In reply to yumedelia [2011-12-08 11:07:07 +0000 UTC]

Lol ikr. A ja od wczoraj mam egzaminy gimnazjalne próbne X_x umieram

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Heksagon [2011-11-13 21:52:28 +0000 UTC]

Cześć : ) Dzięki za fava

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yumedelia In reply to Heksagon [2011-11-14 16:03:20 +0000 UTC]


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whitefoxbuns [2011-11-05 21:11:10 +0000 UTC]

it's me lien! and i love your art~ :3

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yumedelia In reply to whitefoxbuns [2011-11-05 21:56:05 +0000 UTC]

omoo ! Hahah thanks for the watch :3 ! I'm not really using dev right now, but sometimes i check what's going on here.

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Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-29 12:32:39 +0000 UTC]

Heeeey^^ are you still alive?? O_O
I hope you liked the day with me^^

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yumedelia In reply to Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-30 14:05:34 +0000 UTC]

heeeyy i am xD ! I loved it *u* Can't wait to see you next time X3 I miss you already. Because i'm so busy with school etc etc : < Even now it'd friday i have to buy boots for fall, meet with friends and buy paints. Meh x_x; I will chill out for one hour and then, go xP And my weekend is so busy >.<; But i miss you, so i will try write to you as often as i can :3 <3

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Nuna-Haebaragi In reply to yumedelia [2011-09-30 14:36:24 +0000 UTC]

EOMMO!!!! I have to tell you something but I cant write it here! Its so important!!!!!!!!!!! I will call you when I can XDDD Its so great!!! YOU WILL DIE when you hear this!!!!

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yumedelia In reply to Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-30 15:10:57 +0000 UTC]

jhnsdnajisnja I CANT WAIT.n akjsn kajnkjanjaknsa
OK XD ~!

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Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-23 12:47:59 +0000 UTC]

i just wanted to know when exactely you will arrive...?
so i know when I should be ready...

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yumedelia In reply to Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-23 21:22:06 +0000 UTC]

look at your phone all the time xD My parents said that we have to wake up early, so... I guessed good with 10 - 12 am. But ill call you so chill out : >>

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korniszon655 [2011-09-13 21:06:01 +0000 UTC]

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yumedelia In reply to korniszon655 [2011-09-13 21:30:18 +0000 UTC]



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Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-01 21:31:42 +0000 UTC]

Im homyyyyyyyyyyyyyy <333 XDD

OMO THIS GUY!!! >////<

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yumedelia In reply to Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-02 15:09:39 +0000 UTC]

Omg finallly !!!!! XD ! wtgaslmaskmka
Tell me more about him Did you do something?!

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Nuna-Haebaragi In reply to yumedelia [2011-09-03 12:56:37 +0000 UTC]

I will tell you but at the moment its really hard to focus on my thoughts.... so many stuff happens....
but do you got facebook???
I promise next week I will be there for you often....
dont be saaaaaaad please T_T

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yumedelia In reply to Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-03 13:21:24 +0000 UTC]

Ok i have got time, so don't worry :3
Yeah i have got fcbk. [link] <- here isit ^^
I understand that many things happen around you right now, don't worryy
And I'm not sad, i just miss you ^.^

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Nuna-Haebaragi In reply to yumedelia [2011-09-03 13:30:42 +0000 UTC]

you can see the sweet guy when you watch this fcbk site: [link]
hes the guy in the video in the background.... and heres his profile on fcbk: [link]

and here you can see where I am working^^: [link]

and thank you for understanding^^
miss you too^^

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yumedelia In reply to Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-03 13:35:50 +0000 UTC]

jasnjaknsjansjaj HE IS SO...*u* dreamy XD And his gf is really pretty...Geez, but yeah, he is so sweet CC:
So did you talk to him?
Trolo , when I will be in Berlin i know where i can go eat smth XD

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Nuna-Haebaragi In reply to yumedelia [2011-09-03 13:42:22 +0000 UTC]

yeah and the guy who works me in is soooooo sweet too XD

and there is some other guy at BOBO Q who looks a bit like Bling XDD
yeah he is really dreamy *_*
nyaaa no but to the bling guy XD
I was there twice yesterday.... and the second time the bling guy asked me while smirking: Didn't you drink one today?
and looked over Long...
and long was sitting there staring at me for 5 minutes or so...O_O
I was really nervous... and I said while smiling yeah but its really good XD
and then Long stand up and walked right behind me, around me and behind the bar XDD I was really really nervous XDD
and my friend who was with me told me that the bling guy was smiling at me the whooooole time like: sweety hehe .........>///<

and after that we went to madang and there was the next shock when I saw the other sweet guy XDDDD I cant hide they are everywhere XDDD

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yumedelia In reply to Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-03 13:48:47 +0000 UTC]

Omg xDDD XDDD...!asnaksnjanjs.............XD
Bling guy?! Ok, we have to go there toghether when Berlin Marathon will start XD I think that Bling guy suspects something.. >D He know that you're in love with Long
And Long guy has got problem because here are you: really pretty, sweet girl and on the other hand his girlfriend...."" I'm telling you, he can't sleep because of that >D
ksan saksajnsaj to much sweet guys around you XD ! share XD !

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Nuna-Haebaragi In reply to yumedelia [2011-09-03 14:16:50 +0000 UTC]

besides did you get my message with this long text where I told you hwo bling2 was telling long that it was me who asked for his name??? and he notted with his head and so on and on..?? did you get this text message? O_O

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yumedelia In reply to Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-03 14:21:00 +0000 UTC]

yes i did ! i thought i answered .___.

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Nuna-Haebaragi In reply to yumedelia [2011-09-03 14:15:13 +0000 UTC]

Hahhaha yeah me toooooooo <3333
Yeah actually there're two bling guys.... but one of them got a girlfriend... but the one I am talking about is Bling 2 (hahaha yeah I gave them nicknames already XD)
Yeah of course he knows because I asked him for Long's name XD and he told long... I think every guy who works there knows Im in love with him..-__-
But my friend says it was more a smile like woah sweeet instead of heheheh shes in love XDD

Do you really think he thinks about me? I dont think so ... I saw his girlfriend too yesterday and she is really really pretty but seems a bit smug.... but I dont know... i dont know her really^^

Yeah they are all so awesome.... they are looking like KPop stars... ALL of them!! XDD
this is bling 2: [link] but on the picture he looks a bit different.... but I think he got that bling charisma^^

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yumedelia In reply to Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-03 14:25:22 +0000 UTC]

SO you gave up on Long and you're hitting on Bling2 XDD"" ? Or maybe you like Bling2 but Long is nr 1 xD trolololo, it's so messed up ^^"
I think he does...You know if he was looking at you for 5 min it means smth! If he didn't care he would just ignore you ^^ But he didn't !
He's quite handsome, i have to say :3 But not like bling..maybe jawline is similar to Bling, but..there is huge difference XD

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Nuna-Haebaragi In reply to yumedelia [2011-09-03 14:36:52 +0000 UTC]

I dont know.... I mean Long got a girlfriend....
And bling2 is really cute XD
I dont know...Oh and there is Daniel from mandang (the korean guy who works me in ^^) nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa years there is NOBODY and know??? @_@

maybe he was just looking because he likes to see how I react.... but instead of that hes ignoring me ;
I just know them because I left a picture there with my best friend from kindegarden to call me when they see them XD I talked with Long and gave him the picture and then I fell in love XDDD

yeah on that picture he looks a bit different... but yeah thats why hes bling2 because the other guy bling 1 looks extremely like bling (girlfriend-__-) even a friend of mine whos a blinger says it^^

and do you think that Long looks like taemin a bit too?^^

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yumedelia In reply to Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-03 14:55:46 +0000 UTC]

hahahahaha, too many of them x___x;;
How old are they?
Yeah he does ! He's really similar.. You luckyyyy XD !

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Nuna-Haebaragi In reply to yumedelia [2011-09-03 15:07:09 +0000 UTC]

yeah I never thought there will be to many of them XDD
I dont know XDDD
Okay cool I thought it was my wishful thinking XD

but I showed my friends... and I just have to say the one who looks like taemin and everybody knows who I mean XD

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yumedelia In reply to Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-09-03 15:25:48 +0000 UTC]

I'm just learning to dance and..I'm wondering is ver that i'm learning from is mirrored XD if it is, then... XDDD""" meh.
haha you're sooo lucky >.< I have got cute boys around me, but...I don't know them xD"" they just passing by on the streets >.>; And if I know one, he already has got a gf. =.=

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Nuna-Haebaragi In reply to yumedelia [2011-09-13 11:09:29 +0000 UTC]

hahhaha yeah I have to learn Lucifer twice because of that XD And especially the tuttin part freaked me off because it was hard to learn XD
And its soooooooo annoying that the dance version, life version and MV version are different from each other..-__-
Yeah the same with me... XD I dont know whats going on at the moment... But I think Im cursed.... I dont know... The boys I like like me too by seeing and after they come to know me they dont want me to be there girlfriend... just friends..-__-
Am I that creepy? XD my character must be really awkward XDD
I dont know.... kind of frustrating...-__-

And yeah I HATE the girlfriend thing ...-_____-

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ClickTheLikeIt [2011-09-01 13:28:02 +0000 UTC]

You've been tagged! Check my journal entry for what to do!!

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Racuch [2011-08-29 10:59:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for favs and +watch 8D

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yumedelia In reply to Racuch [2011-08-29 11:32:03 +0000 UTC]

spoko : p

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Racuch In reply to yumedelia [2011-08-29 15:41:49 +0000 UTC]

Polka! a ja tu zarzucam moim ingliszem xd

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yumedelia In reply to Racuch [2011-08-29 16:18:27 +0000 UTC]

a jak ! Twój inglish niczego sobie, zarzucaj nim gdzie chcesz XD

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Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-08-27 11:02:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh I've forgotten to say that I didn't have T-Mobile or what you ment... I got simyo^^

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yumedelia In reply to Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-08-27 11:55:00 +0000 UTC]

because if you had T-mobile, sms would be cheaper ;__;; I was wishing for that, cause I moved like...3 months ago to T-mobile :3 Mrah ;u;'

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Nuna-Haebaragi In reply to yumedelia [2011-08-27 21:32:45 +0000 UTC]

nooooope TT___TT but I got almost no money except beginning of the month XDD
but we could share phone number anyway^^ so when I got money on my phone card I will write you a message^^

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yumedelia In reply to Nuna-Haebaragi [2011-08-27 22:41:16 +0000 UTC]

Money loves me now, so I can text a lot xP Hm, maybe not a lot, but I can txt That;s something ~!
My number is 666124003 (yeah, dark 666! sjnajnjajj~~ be afraid XD)

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Nuna-Haebaragi In reply to yumedelia [2011-08-28 07:05:12 +0000 UTC]

I wrote you a note about that^^

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luvofbatman [2011-08-23 05:42:59 +0000 UTC]

um i know this may sound weird, but is ur name Delia? cuz mine is

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