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| SafiMoyo

SafiMoyo [734414] [] "SafiMoyo"

# Statistics

Favourites: 430; Deviations: 40; Watchers: 21

Watching: 40; Pageviews: 7346; Comments Made: 130; Friends: 40

# Comments

Comments: 41

SweetSonar [2010-07-21 18:12:43 +0000 UTC]

Where have you gooooone...

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Galeka-EkaGOo [2009-11-15 08:43:52 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the s

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IshaNee [2009-07-22 16:13:23 +0000 UTC]

D'awwwww~ <3

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Saiai-san [2009-01-17 19:00:25 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the favs~!

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itzJV [2008-03-23 21:29:05 +0000 UTC]

That reminds me, have you got Brawl yet~? I wantz to challenge you~

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itzJV [2008-03-23 21:01:12 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha~ I comment on your page, now what?! HUH?!

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Terell77 [2008-01-12 22:13:52 +0000 UTC]


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BKcore [2008-01-01 16:58:45 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the fav
And happy new year to you

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MasterKnightDH [2007-12-26 06:26:34 +0000 UTC]

Merry Christmas. Not that you or Sima Matt care one bit about anything I have to say.

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MasterKnightDH [2007-12-01 09:04:24 +0000 UTC]

Happy nearly-one-month-belated birthday. Not that you care what I have to say.

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Malaikah [2007-10-27 18:01:47 +0000 UTC]


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MentalArtistMel [2007-10-07 16:20:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fav <3

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mike-loscalzo [2007-09-25 13:28:23 +0000 UTC]

Hi Vicky! I'm psyked that you liked the "Scientist" illustration. The favorite is much appreciated!

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Nightblue-art [2007-07-12 00:49:23 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav

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rockrock [2007-06-28 10:09:41 +0000 UTC]

hey thanks 4 da fav!!

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Jv-Fox [2006-08-03 03:19:17 +0000 UTC]

Today is Love Your Friends Day. Send this to all your friends and me if I am 1. If you get 7 back, then you are a TRUE FRIEND... ------------------------------------

If you get a dozen youโ€™re loved!!
_________________.s$$_________ ____s$
________________s$$$?______s__ ___s$ยณ
______________.s$$$___ __.s$, ___s$$ยณ
_____________s$$$$ยณ______.s$__ _.$$ยณ
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________$___$$$$$$s_____s$ยณ___ __ยณ,
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_______$$____ยณ$$$$$$s.__ยณ$$s__ ___, ,
________ยณ$.____ยณ$$$$$$$s_.s$$$_ ___
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______s.__$$$$___s$$$$$$$$ยณ_.s $$ยณ__
______$$_s$$$$..s$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ยณ__
______s$.s$$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $_
Send this heart to everyone you care about including me if you care. See how many times you get this, if you get a dozen your loved.

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Jv-Fox [2006-05-28 22:56:34 +0000 UTC]

Hey Safi, just dropping by to see how you doing. :3

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SimaMatt [2006-05-28 07:33:10 +0000 UTC]


sup hoeny ^__^

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SweetSonar [2006-05-27 04:39:23 +0000 UTC]

Hi Safi! ^o^ Just checking up on you =3

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KittenCaitlin [2006-05-07 08:45:36 +0000 UTC]

Omg! I just love ur art! ^_^
*favs* Hey i tink i gots u on my fav a faa 2............it's such a shame that it's down at the mom

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Caiterz [2006-04-20 02:52:38 +0000 UTC]

h0la ;3

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TwitchyDingo [2006-04-19 21:00:55 +0000 UTC]

hey Safi! tis Marcher but I'm now Twitch

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cappy1709 [2006-04-18 19:43:36 +0000 UTC]

I love your art! owo It's so cool. Imma watch you. >.>

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SafiMoyo In reply to cappy1709 [2006-04-18 20:29:09 +0000 UTC]

w00t Thank you!

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Cabbit-Merica [2006-04-16 13:59:32 +0000 UTC]

Hi safi! ^.^

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SafiMoyo In reply to Cabbit-Merica [2006-04-16 18:49:23 +0000 UTC]

Hey Merica! I havn't seen you in forever and a day!

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SweetSonar [2006-04-16 03:39:06 +0000 UTC]

Omg! I tag you!!!

*read this and then my journal entry, it will make more sense*

Write a journal stating 6 weird habits/things about you, and copy and paste this header at the top of the journal. Then tag 6 other people and list their names at the bottom of the journal. Don't forget to leave a comment to and tell them they've been tagged and to read your journal!


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ProfesorRod [2006-04-13 15:08:51 +0000 UTC]

Same as JavJav... but maybe you don't remember me at all. No worry about that. I'm gonna watch you since your art is very cool ^^

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SafiMoyo In reply to ProfesorRod [2006-04-15 05:14:54 +0000 UTC]

'course I remember you, silly!
It's nice to see you again Rod!

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Poppy-unlimited-69 [2006-04-11 02:05:06 +0000 UTC]

yo your drawings are cool

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Jv-Fox [2006-03-26 16:58:32 +0000 UTC]

Hey Vicky! This is Edgar / Javier / Jv / JavJav or whatever people know me by.

Never knew you had a DA page. o.o

Well, just dropped by to say Hi!
Haven't heard from you in awhile..

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theRedRage [2005-10-26 01:28:23 +0000 UTC]

I added you to my friends, something I forgot to do when you gave me the link this gallery

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LordVoldemort365 [2005-09-14 01:33:09 +0000 UTC]

Hey Viky! tis Little Marcher! nice gallery you got! outta check mine out too if you want cya!

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MrMoonlightMeshi [2005-07-04 22:40:32 +0000 UTC]

oh, my, t'is vicky! y, helo thar, vicky!

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PrincessRhi [2004-12-25 18:53:09 +0000 UTC]

they're awesome.

it's good, yeah, but I don't have time to be so involved any more

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SafiMoyo [2004-12-23 02:02:25 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes, our great convos, hehe, they're very fun!
How's Hogwarts? I might go back to it tomorrow if I have the time, and I'm hoping I will

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PrincessRhi [2004-12-20 12:17:03 +0000 UTC]

Haha I asked you! Lol ... in one of our random
convos. They're always so great ^_^

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SafiMoyo [2004-12-19 08:05:32 +0000 UTC]

Sorry I don't update a lot, I'll try to do it more! Hi Rhi! How'd you get a hold of me?

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PrincessRhi [2004-11-11 16:44:00 +0000 UTC]

I watched you! And also added two of your pieces to my favourites.

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SafiMoyo [2004-09-26 07:13:13 +0000 UTC]

I did! Wheeee
I mostly use my TLKFAA thing though

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Tigrillo [2004-09-21 02:44:37 +0000 UTC]

whoa, you should draw something sis

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