Zyphyris — 37 - Lucas (Ultimate Roster Project)

#lucas #smashbrothers #supersmashbros #supersmashbrosultimate #smashbrosfanart #supersmashbros5 #supersmashbrosswitch #smashbrosultimate #supersmashbrosultimate_fanart #supersmashbrosultimatefanart #supersmashbrosultimatehype #ultimaterosterproject #earthbound #mother #mother3 #mother3lucas #lucasmother3 #lucasmother #mother3fanart #lucas_mother3
Published: 2018-07-12 15:37:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 975; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 1
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Description Part of my Ultimate Roster Project.

It might be just me, but something I've noticed with Lucas' grabs in Smash Bros. is that he looks slightly angrier with each game. Maybe he's mad at Reggie for putting off Mother 3's localization?
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