Zimzilla99 — Zogara

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Published: 2023-08-14 18:08:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 2174; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 3
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Title: Monster of Rage

Species: Vovim

Height: 35-120 meters

Length: 70-220 meters

Weight: 350-65,000 metric tons

History: Zogara is a Zirdo class Vovim that traveled to earth during antiquity to serve as defender of humanity. After numerous wars against the demonic hordes and the loss of his human host, Zogara would fall into a hibernation. In the modern day he would be found in an underground cave by a historical team off the coast of northern Greenland in 2050. This cave housed the skeletons of long dead humans with a massive crater where Zogara lay. The beast would awaken and teleported to Boston. There it wrought destruction upon the city. Destroying buildings and killing civilians in an attempt to exterminate the demonic beast hidden below. Zogara would mark a young man Seth Krueger, turning the man into his new host. Breaking off its attack, the Vovim moved towards the harbor before disappearing in a green lightning bolt. Now traveling earth once again, Zogara fights demons and all that stand in his way.   

Description: Zogara is a Vovim, a species of large reptilian-like creatures. The term Vovim appears in the Enochian language.  Its head is armored with two large crests adorning its head. The front crest and the larger of the two arches is crescent like in shape do to how it connects to the front of the head. The second smaller crown bends slightly further back towards the back of the skull which ends in a armored back-frill. The mandible has two knob-like protrusions, and the upper jaw hangs over the lower creating a slight overbite. The bottom jaw appears to spilt down the middle to allow for greater biting. The neck is slightly s-like in shape with large, armored scales running down it with the underside being a vibrant slate and possessing a dewlap. These armored neck scales give way to large forward curving green spines which sometimes are seen to glow. The tail is heavily armored and segmented appearance. The body’s anatomy resembled that of outdated deconstructions for dinosaurs. The arms and legs are covered with the scaled armor that covers the back, three covering the upper arms and four covering the upper legs. The arms are rather slender, ending in three clawed hands. The legs are digitigrade in shape with two front facing toes with the third toes facing backwards.

Teloc Malprg (Death Fire) Green Napalm Breath: A stream of green flame like energy from the mouth

Vovim Crest Wave (Dragon Crest Wave): A crescent shaped energy wave displeased from the front crest

Vovim Pulse (Dragon Pulse): An omnidirectional wave of energy that erupts from the green slits on the body before covering the entire body

Alca c Vovim (Judgement Dragon): A state of being where the armored portions of the body and skin pulse with energy causing a pulsing green light to appear through the body. In this state Zogara gains an increase in both speed in strength but at the expense of its body. However, it further pushes his body to develop more armor, and spines with a deep green running down his head to the tail

Vovim Napta (Dragon Sword): A telepathic link that Zogara uses to connect to a human of similar mental alignment. This allows the monster to temporarily puppet the human like a vessel. This can be stopped by the human and the psychic link can be repressed if the human wills it.

Divine Teleportation: Vovim are to travel vast distances through teleportation which is visualized through a bolt of lightning (in Zogara’s Case Green) this teleportation is only for travel and tires out the Vovim if used often.

Role: The Vovim were created originally as indestructible creatures which visually proclaimed the glory of God. After the fall of man many Vovim wandered the earth as savage beasts that would war with the Nephilim while others hunted their own kind for their sins against the covenant and Nephilim for their sin. During the flood, Vovim who had obeyed the covenant were taken up into Heaven where they spared while the sinners were swallowed by the flood. After subsiding of the flood, many Vovim returned to earth but in a reduced role becoming nothing but legends and myths. In the rapture and the rising of fallen celestial begins one Vovim went to earth as the kingdom of man looking to use the beast as a means of control. The Vovim are also protectors of human tribes and nations. As the image of draconic creatures changed so too did the visages of Vovim. Ancient Vovim who haven’t come to earth in a long time or just some of the more ancient individuals look more like traditional dragons. However, Zogara and others being younger resemble dinosaurs due to humanities belief in dragons wanning

Caste: Zirdo – Servant or a class of Vovim who served as warrior much like the warrior class of Angel.

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