Wolf-Signs — WE3 Dog Sketch

Published: 2006-07-11 03:34:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 4348; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 23
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Description Para dizer a verdade eu não era um fervoroso fã do estilo de desenho do Frank Quitely, até ter em minhas mãos a revista WE3, o roteiro do Grant Morrison (Um dos atuais deuses do panteão de quadrinhos, o qual Mark Millar ingressou com os Supremos) e os desenhos desse mestre se uniram em uma simbiose perfeita.
Grant Morrison ganhou um fiél e Frank Quitely um fã para toda a vida, e quem sabe um futuro colega em um projeto vindouro.
Sonhar não custa nada.
Aqui vai uma homenagem a esses verdadeiros mestres, é um sketch do cão do WE3.

To tell the truth I wasn't a huge fan of the comic artwork of the artist Frank Quitely, until I put my hands on the WE3 Comic, the writing of Grant Morrison (One member of the pantheon of comic gods, which Mark Millar became a eternal member when The Ultimates was released), the artwork of this master, bound in a perfect symbiosis.
Grant Morrison gain an follower and Frank Quitely a fan for as long as he continue to amaze us with his artwork. Who knows a future friend and team member in a future project.
Well when you have a goal in life and fight for it, the sky is the limit.
This is a homage to these real masters of art, a sketch of the WE3 Dog.
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Comments: 6

CatastrophicMimi [2015-06-17 08:08:13 +0000 UTC]

I love your version. Is really cool. <3 

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Altros55 [2012-07-16 02:29:09 +0000 UTC]

Great Sketch!

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FooHasMoved [2011-09-15 14:33:58 +0000 UTC]

Is gud dog :3

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chazmarin16 [2010-08-19 21:05:48 +0000 UTC]

awesome sketch

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InuBuritanii [2010-03-12 04:39:47 +0000 UTC]

Such a great comic
Sad though. But the dog was my favorite
Gud dog

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Mabelisk [2006-07-11 03:35:13 +0000 UTC]

Really amazing sketch. You captured the artist's style really well that poor dog

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