woktiny — 1k-word by-nc-nd

Published: 2007-08-23 21:17:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 229; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 6
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Description This is a six-word-story "This pic is worth 1k words" which is a parody of "A picture is worth 1000 words"
It has been entered into the six word contest and the parody contest

The rest of this description is a little explanation for people who don't understand powers of two, or otherwise don't get the joke:

I've always heard the saying that "A picture is worth 1000 words" but never completely appreciated all the truth behind it. One day in computer-land I realized the true depth of this ... truth. While working on some 32-pixel-square icons, I was struck by the obviousness of what had eluded me for so long. My icons had 1k words! Certainly, if the original quip had been ... originated on the interwebbedtubenet it would have been stated "An icon is worth 1k words."

I now submit to you, in the spirit of Art, Computers, Precision, and Parody, my 1 kiloword image example.

This unartistic-work-of-art is depicted in 1024 pixels stored in a 1024 (8bit) word Portable Network Graphic. Behold it in all of its Mathematical Simplicity!
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