Published: 2023-09-06 07:53:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 667; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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Note: If your looking to feature Flo and/or her steed in Aldergate art feel free to! If you'd like to interact with her just send me a note or message on discord!
Full Name: Florence Edwards
Nicknames: Goes by Flo for close friends and family
Age: 16
Nationality: British
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Lesbian and Asexual
Height: 5'7"
House: Kasztanka
Year: 5th
Disciplines: Dressage and Showjumping
Horse: TNS You Killed Kenny!
Appearance: Flo is a mix of body shapes, with a slim and athletic waistline and muscle, yet slightly thicker legs and a rounded face. Because of her rounder face she sometimes sees herself as looking too young for her age and tends to dress up and wear make-up to age herself slightly. She has straight blond hair (may be occasionally curled) that sits just below her shoulders. She tends to wear it out, but clipped back at the front or sides to keep it out of her face, and tied back for riding. With a pale complection her rosy cheeks, lips, and nose stand out from her other facial features. She has a small beauty spot under her left eye that she has become fond of and tends to never cover it up. Flo has pale green eyes and can typically be seen wearing shades of clothing or accessories similar. Her go to earrings are gold hanging beads with real emerald diamonds at the ends. She almost always has her nails painted in some sophisticated minimalist colour that matches the seasonal vibes.
Personality: She is the queen of rainbows and sparkles. She loves to make others happy and strives for a positive and friendly environment. She can be a little petty at times, once you spit out a negative oppinion on something she's dear to, you will never see the end of her jabs. She often appears very happy and bubbly from the outside, however, she struggels alot with her mental health and can often go through depressive episodes where she stuggles to leave her bed. Despite her looking like she's friends with everyone, she struggles to make solid connections and can experiance trust issues and anxiety while attempting to make friends. With support from her family she is getting better, and has decided to attend Aldergate Academy for a fresh start. Florence loves her horse Kat and strives for perfection from her self and her steed, with dreams to go olympic. And to do this she must provide herself and her horse with the best of the best; with her parents deep pockets she has no problems with this and sometimes appears a little snobby with her taste in expensive fashion. Her favourite colour is green because it matches her eyes.
History: With both her parents being international equestrians Flo was basically birthed on the back of a horse and started riding before she could even walk. Despite feeling pressured into loving horses and enjoying riding in the beginning, as she struggled with school and her social life horses came back to help her out of a dark place and show her the light in life. As she progressed through middle school Flo came out to her friends as lesbian but didn't recieve the support she had expected and was instead left out of the group and bullied for her identity. Despite having a supportive home environment, the loss of her close friends took it's toll and Flo struggled with depression for the following year and a half. As her parents incouraged her to therapy and get out of the house, horses played a large part of her recovery. Being able to create a strong bond with an unjudging friend, alwhile conquring the world helped to pull Flo from her bed each morning. As she begun to enjoy the sport again she has decided to enrol in Aldergate Academy to have a frsh start in the world of equestrianisum, learn from new instructors and potentially make some new, nicer, friends along the way.
Relationships: Has strong relationships with her parents. They can be a little pushy with their love for horses as they want to see their passion continued but they support Flo 100% in the decisions she makes and will provide anything she needs to make her dreams come true. She has a younger and older brother, Max and James, who she both has healthy and close relationships with (appart from the obvious sibling fights, of course). She doesn't see James often as he is 25 and has moved out of home and is currently living in America and traveling around the world to pursure a career in motor racing. Max is the youngest at 14 and sill annoys her daily, but is a good partner when hacking out the horses.
Riding style: Flo has a very ralxed and calm riding style, not much spooks her. She does, however, have a bit of difficulty letting go of control and completely relying on her horse, in some cases she ends up fighting with the horses for micro-managing a little too much. She prefers horses with a bit of go, and who know and understand their job. While teaching equines isn't a particually strong suit of hers she dosen't mind educating a young horse here and there if they show the willingness to learn. She much prefers english riding styles, and excells in show jumping and dressage. With a quiet and balanced seat Flo, likes to teach her horses to use themselves correctly and fully.
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