victoriaclare — Survivors in the War of Wrath by-nc-sa

#galadriel #anaire #noldor #warofwrath #silmarillionfanart
Published: 2019-08-09 12:00:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 636; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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Anairë and Galadriel

In the Halls of Mandos as the War of Wrath raged across Beleriand, Fingolfin Fingon, Angrod, Aegnor and Aredhel found this tapestry:  Fingolfin's wife Anaire in battle beside their cousin Galadriel.  Now they can’t decide whether to cheer or bite their imaginary spirit-nails. There were not so many Noldor who survived Beleriand, and yet they sent a host to the War of Wrath: I believe that host was largely made up of the women who did not follow Feanor and Fingolfin.   Made this for @nolofinwean-week  on Tumblr. 

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