Valdrein — Itachi Parasol

Published: 2008-04-17 19:55:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 5242; Favourites: 189; Downloads: 74
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Description My Itachi Parasol is finished! Yay!
It actually took a lot long then I thought and I was stupid and did it on our VERY light badge carpet X'D
But! I managed to clean up the red splatter before my mom got home @.@

TeeHee, It was fun doing all the blood though X'D For the inside I poured the paint in the enter and flipped it up so it rained down (hence the mad carpet cleaning at it went past my mat T-T)

I also got my little sister to help with the hand prints to make child ones since my hands are huge and manly X'D

Hopefully I'll have some pictures with this this weekend >< *knocks on wood*
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Comments: 87

hinakouzumaki [2008-04-19 14:10:45 +0000 UTC]

that is a very cool parasol i like the part with the blood cuz it looks like all the blood was from itachi killing his clan u did a good job

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Clairy-poo In reply to ??? [2008-04-19 04:17:23 +0000 UTC]

Awesome pawsome XD

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Shadows-Macabre [2008-04-18 08:55:45 +0000 UTC]


WOAH! That's like... godly of parasols! I've always wanted to make my own, but I'm so dead afraid I'd mess up D:

... Where exactly and how? >>;

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Valdrein In reply to Shadows-Macabre [2008-04-20 05:10:52 +0000 UTC]

I got mine in a little chinese store but if you have a china town or anything liek that they sell them >D
Idrew the design out with a pen (pencil smugges into paint) and used Acylic paint ^^

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Shadows-Macabre In reply to Valdrein [2008-04-21 07:07:20 +0000 UTC]

Wow! Really? My hands shake when I try to paint straight lines, too much mental pressure! Was it hard, seeing as parasols tend to have thin paper? It's still really amazing, if not startlingly CREEPY.

D: Itachi wants that fox real bad.

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Valdrein In reply to Shadows-Macabre [2008-04-21 07:25:37 +0000 UTC]

Not to bad actually ^^
Just don't do thick coats X'D
But there are really strong! I poored at least 2 cups of paint into the center of mine on the inside to have 'blood' roll down X'D

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Shadows-Macabre In reply to Valdrein [2008-04-21 07:41:41 +0000 UTC]

O_o Really?! I underestimated them! I think there's a china-town-ish thing in Seattle, but I know Olympia is far too boring to have something that interesting.

I'd have better luck finding a bum selling weed than a china town selling a parasol. x_x;

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ryuuseiNOhikari [2008-04-18 07:52:33 +0000 UTC]


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nekomataonna [2008-04-18 06:17:14 +0000 UTC]

it's wicked awesome give ur self a cookie of coolness

u could add a little sasuke doll on a string and tie it on the top of the parasol like the japanese use a little doll for good luck on rainy days hehehe but still awesome

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mavichaos In reply to ??? [2008-04-18 05:21:56 +0000 UTC]

That's EPIC!!! XD

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SamiraAnima In reply to ??? [2008-04-18 04:31:06 +0000 UTC]

That looks so cool! The handprints are a great touch! Sorry about the carpet though. I've had that situation with hair dye. XD

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Valdrein In reply to SamiraAnima [2008-04-18 16:15:11 +0000 UTC]

I hate carpet ><
You think I would learn but last night I spilled black/blue all over my white carpet upstairs T-T

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SamiraAnima In reply to Valdrein [2008-04-19 19:55:17 +0000 UTC]

O.O Oh dear. What were you painting that time?

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Valdrein In reply to SamiraAnima [2008-04-20 05:09:08 +0000 UTC]

I painted my friend a Sora portrait from KH2 for his birthday <3
And I left the paint and stuff on my floor which was my fault ^^'

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uchihayuna [2008-04-18 03:27:05 +0000 UTC]

Nii san! It is evilly delicious! Brother photos this weekend!

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rifa In reply to ??? [2008-04-18 02:04:11 +0000 UTC]

Blood is simply the most fun thing to paint EVER.

I was cackling so much while I was painting my "Wrath" thing. SO MUCH BLOOD. And it was all over my fingers and so many people screamed that day because they thought I had cut off a finger or something.

HOLY SHIT MAN, I WANT THAT PARASOL. Its beautiful. I don't even like Naruto and I want it. <3

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PoP-GoEs-ThE-WeAsLe In reply to ??? [2008-04-18 01:40:11 +0000 UTC]

this is so, KICK ASS

awesome job, you have inspired me to make one now

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SheerBliss [2008-04-18 00:46:11 +0000 UTC]

Oooh fancy schmancy.
I love the tiny hands XD they're adorable.

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ketsivaun [2008-04-17 23:56:41 +0000 UTC]

That's so sexy. Yes I called a parasol sexy. @~@ OMG... -fondles- MAKE ME ONE ;o;. Just kidding. XD And lols at carpet cleaning. That's why you use a plastic sheet to put underneath your painting stuff. Even I know that. LEARN from your mistake. XD And Val you have a little sister? -gasp- I didn't know. And I am sure kolibri will take pictures of you. DON'T WORRY!~

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Valdrein In reply to ketsivaun [2008-04-18 01:48:30 +0000 UTC]

I know! I had a matt but not as big as the parasol x'D
And I took Advanced Math!

Yesh, I have two younger step sisters who will be showing off their first cosplays soon >D

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ketsivaun In reply to Valdrein [2008-04-18 05:39:08 +0000 UTC]

THAT's WHY YOU USE BOUNCE! -cough- -imitates commercial too- >.> Okay. Math doesn't have anything to do with what you are doing though. And whoooo. XD

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Yaoi-SasuNaru-Love [2008-04-17 22:53:29 +0000 UTC]


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NarutoFanGenin In reply to ??? [2008-04-17 22:45:18 +0000 UTC]

kewl parasol by chance wats a parasol XD

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Valdrein In reply to NarutoFanGenin [2008-04-17 23:36:30 +0000 UTC]

I parasol is pretty much a paper umbrella. It's used to keep the sun off of you ^.^

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NarutoFanGenin In reply to Valdrein [2008-04-18 18:49:30 +0000 UTC]

ohhhhhhhhh thx XD

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Bramarb [2008-04-17 22:43:27 +0000 UTC]

Heyy!! where did you get the umbrella?! i need to get one for my Ryouga (ranma) cosplay!!!

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Valdrein In reply to Bramarb [2008-04-17 23:35:32 +0000 UTC]

*ahem* I got it at Surrey Central Actually! X'D
There is a small store by Zellers that has the paper dividers outside of it. Just ask them for it ^^

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Bramarb In reply to Valdrein [2008-04-18 14:08:03 +0000 UTC]

thank you!!! <3 going to go there sometime to get one! btw i love how your umbrella turned out!! Not Konoha! hahah and man hands!! lawl <3

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jj-dreamworldz [2008-04-17 21:23:25 +0000 UTC]

that looks so AWESOME! GO Not Konoha!!! We eat all of their...BABIES!!!

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Valdrein In reply to jj-dreamworldz [2008-04-17 23:34:27 +0000 UTC]

yay! Babies!
That's the blood I used

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ilovesasukemost [2008-04-17 21:23:01 +0000 UTC]

It's very kreepy and i love it.

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OFxSnow-Ice In reply to ??? [2008-04-17 21:21:48 +0000 UTC]

this ish COOL!! O.O

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Suguru-kun [2008-04-17 20:48:41 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow this is amazing!! I want to paint the one I have to make it the color of Jakotsu's Yukada!!

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ADF-Fuensalida [2008-04-17 20:03:28 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I love the bloody hands on it X3

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Ten-ten18 In reply to ??? [2008-04-17 19:58:38 +0000 UTC]

this looks fantastic
its definitely something i haven't seen before XD
good luck with the upcoming photos
can't wait to see them

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