ursulav — Morning Cloak Photo

Published: 2002-07-15 03:00:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 1982; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 292
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Description I am one of nature's crappy photographers. For me, photography is the method by which I acquire reference material for paintings--there are brilliant artists of the camera out there, and I am absolutely not one of 'em. Speak to me of light indexes and shutter speeds, and I begin to pray for an airstrike to divert attention away from my end of the conversation--and on the off chance that I manage to actually get a photo taken in focus and correctly, without my wrists jittering like a ferret on crank, the result will be workmanlike but uninspired. I don't take photos to make beautiful photographs, I take them to make paintings.

However. Proving, perhaps, that if you fire an infinite number of bullets at an infinite number of monkeys, you will eventually kill Shakespeare, even I manage the occasional nifty photo. I was proud of this one. I had chased this butterfly around a field for about ten minutes, running in random circles defined by butterfly flight path, leading any observer to believe I'd gone completely barmy, and when the little beast actually posed on a leaf for me, I felt so strangely privileged that I wanted to share the result.
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Comments: 7

pearwood [2005-01-11 00:36:57 +0000 UTC]

Oh, humbug, Ursula. The essence of good photography is having the eye to see the picture, Very nice.

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jmcc [2004-08-16 22:11:03 +0000 UTC]

Nice photo of a beautiful animal.

Additionally, your remark about killing Shakespeare has made it into my quote file as Ursula V.'s Postulate, where it shall live on for who knows how long, given how rarely I edit that thing.

Enjoying your gallery. Cheers!

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patrx [2003-01-05 18:01:36 +0000 UTC]

Nice shot. I empathize...having chased many a butterfly and moth in my time, though not with camera....that came later. I found that baiting helps...paint some tree trunks (or place a sponge in a shallow bowl of water in a sunny spot among shrubs) in an area with butterflies with fruit juice liberally sweetened with sugar til it is almost a thick syrup....it works. Ferment it a bit and they don't fly very far...LOL. In fact, they don't want to leave or try to chase you away...it's their horde and you can't have any.
(You'll have to watch out for bees and wasps, they like it too )

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amphion [2002-07-20 07:06:58 +0000 UTC]


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mmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmwm [2002-07-15 10:03:59 +0000 UTC]

great shot. love that butterfly

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paxtin [2002-07-15 03:37:59 +0000 UTC]

Thats a great photo!
yah im no photographer ether but but some times people like you and me have a brush with luck. I have a dragon fly photo that look kinda like this.

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frondelpixie [2002-07-15 03:08:15 +0000 UTC]

oh i like it! the details nice. beautiful

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