Published: 2004-11-16 15:52:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 29184; Favourites: 351; Downloads: 4388
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A mini tribute to Yoji ShinkawaNo ref, PS CS Airbrush
26 minutes
Reason for the work: Had to use a subject that could really take my mind off the pain of waiting for the HL2 update patch. That is, after the pain of waiting 1 year for release. That is, the pai- nevermind.
Easiest way to take pain off is to induce more pain - figure drawing
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Comments: 146
Bateri [2004-11-16 19:12:27 +0000 UTC]
goddamn, you did this in 26 minutes? Youre amazing man, keep up the good work! I cant wait to paint as good as you!
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RyokuKitsune In reply to ??? [2004-11-16 19:03:41 +0000 UTC]
lol, i just went in to the kittchen and made a good (full coarse) breakfast while mine loaded hehe
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ravivasavan In reply to ??? [2004-11-16 18:58:46 +0000 UTC]
cool painting style. have been always my fave
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sensail337 [2004-11-16 18:25:36 +0000 UTC]
I don't like the hair ^^. I don't like it one bit. That doesn't matter really because It's just a figure study. boo at Ipods too. You know, I really don't like this much at all. Her face looks stretched out and flat, her facial features don't fit together very well. I know my critisizism has never been very helpfull to you, but I can't really say much more than this considering it's a figure study of less than the top half of her body. I can't really see enough to tell you more.
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ukitakumuki In reply to sensail337 [2004-11-16 18:45:19 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the commentary.
Its meant to look 2d. Its a fairly logical assumption hehe...
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nodeg In reply to ??? [2004-11-16 18:16:34 +0000 UTC]
Masterful. The hair turned out awesome.
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technococcus In reply to ??? [2004-11-16 18:12:09 +0000 UTC]
Woah. This is badass, dude. Love her hair, good work.
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adnexa In reply to ??? [2004-11-16 18:07:42 +0000 UTC]
Truly truly beautiful. This is amazing work.
26 minutes?? It's not perfect, but I could spend days without coming close to this.
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libot In reply to ??? [2004-11-16 17:57:12 +0000 UTC]
she is going to be cute
P.S.: do u use some tablet? (maybe it is stupit question) :/
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ukitakumuki In reply to libot [2004-11-16 18:46:05 +0000 UTC]
never a stupid question.
Yes, an intuos 2
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egilpaulsen [2004-11-16 17:55:48 +0000 UTC]
rough and simple.. i like it anyways, because its very alive that way. I still love to see paintings where you can see the strokes almost in action
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earzy88 [2004-11-16 17:18:35 +0000 UTC]
That only took 26mins? I'm shocked. and I envy your airbrushing skills. well done, I really like it
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moka2k2 In reply to ??? [2004-11-16 17:17:29 +0000 UTC]
ARR I WANT TO GET HALF-LIFE 2 aswell. It released today over here in germany but I need a new computer aswell because my current one is too old. Nice work
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AlexandreLancaster In reply to ??? [2004-11-16 17:11:29 +0000 UTC]
And it's a good study, it looks interesting.
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essie-fantasy [2004-11-16 16:46:43 +0000 UTC]
most lines are very sloppy but the lines together as a whole pic have such a great effect, it looks really professional
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Mousyman [2004-11-16 16:39:22 +0000 UTC]
Cool. I literally cannot draw anything with PS, I always have to use the rendering features and what not or premade brushes. Its terrible (hangs head in shame).
I really like the expression on her face and the originality of the image. WOOOOOOOOOOO HL2 IS OUT!!! (Sad because I have to choose between that and WoW on the 23rd and I think I'll choose WoW and wait until Xmas for HL2 )
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jubame [2004-11-16 16:34:12 +0000 UTC]
HAHA. "Nice attempt".
It's funny how mechanical drawings are much harder/complex than figure drawing... yet ... you are reverse. The human body is like a simple primitive machine (er... I mean the shape. Not the organs...and stuff).
Sigh, I want to be able to easily draw any mechanical stuff!!
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Skawtboy In reply to ??? [2004-11-16 16:19:42 +0000 UTC]
No reference? Totally awesome work man! Love her eyes and the way you did the hair!
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PlumBlossom [2004-11-16 16:17:04 +0000 UTC]
I like her eyes..deep and more "real" that the rest of the piece. She looks like she was fun to draw..nice work..
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orleck [2004-11-16 16:08:35 +0000 UTC]
i dig how the smily on the iPod and her face, both have that... whatever u wanna call it, down the left sides of her/its mouth..
your quite talented
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AndrewTunney [2004-11-16 16:07:33 +0000 UTC]
thats cool. nice to see some more figure drawing from you
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Jhas777 [2004-11-16 16:04:22 +0000 UTC]
I like the way you worked the eyes.
About the bust study I'm not shure... but the drawing is amazing. I dig the fact she carries an iPod.
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JeBuZ [2004-11-16 16:03:20 +0000 UTC]
Ai nice work! I like the smiley (mean) face on the mp3 player/whatever it is. Great work for only 26 minutes!
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sundragon83 In reply to ??? [2004-11-16 15:59:37 +0000 UTC]
hey u got hl2?!!!!
how is things going? u havent said anything to me about the project!
hope all is still ok....am i still on the team?
chat soon ok?!
l8r m8
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ukitakumuki In reply to sundragon83 [2004-11-16 17:02:56 +0000 UTC]
hhe, i was avoiding asking u till you came to me Now that its confimed you are willing to work, email me at kailim@pacific.net.sg and we have a chat.
you dont get on msn much do you?
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sundragon83 In reply to ukitakumuki [2004-11-17 13:10:19 +0000 UTC]
no i dont get on msn much
ill try n get on more when i am doing the work for obvious reasons like showin u what im doin
right now tho i been busy doin uni work, modeling n essay planning etc.
ill email u tonight ok.....l8r man
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raintime In reply to ??? [2004-11-16 15:56:57 +0000 UTC]
your pain was expressed in stylish way
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Narfmaster In reply to ??? [2004-11-16 15:56:31 +0000 UTC]
Damn sweet stuff dude. The hair is really cool.
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