ukitakumuki — The Raven Tide

Published: 2006-06-18 03:47:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 106279; Favourites: 3485; Downloads: 7822
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Description 2 hours, PSCS, airbrush tool

Once again, inspired by the sea.

"Wyvern force approaching from the East! Deploy the Ravenous archers! These archers of legend are reputed to be able to fire volleys of up to 40 arrows a minute. A handful of them stood fast at the coast of Halarae, and took down the entire invasion force of wyverns, suffering only minor casualties fom rope burn."
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Comments: 382

N4M3L355 [2006-11-03 14:59:30 +0000 UTC]

really nice pic wish i could draw like that

well done


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nakedmole In reply to ??? [2006-11-01 16:04:34 +0000 UTC]

how did yo get that good at painting armour...i need to learn how to do it so i can get good at it. have you just practiced from references or something else (i cant think of an alternative way to have gotten that good)
anyways hope you reply, you get many comments and what not...cheers

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ukitakumuki In reply to nakedmole [2006-11-03 11:32:34 +0000 UTC]

hihi, no i dont ref the reflections and the materials erm, just that whenever i can, i do alot of pondering and self-reflection [no pun intended] and visually study /commit to my mental library how light reacts given certain circumstances. some reading up helps tonnes obviously, but most of the time you need to see, to believe.

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ukitakumuki In reply to ukitakumuki [2006-11-03 12:10:10 +0000 UTC]

never doubted you for a moment there lol jk

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nakedmole In reply to ukitakumuki [2006-11-03 11:57:00 +0000 UTC]

when i finished my last comment thingy with 'thats a bloody pic' i meant to say thats a bloody big pic, im not retarded hahaha

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nakedmole In reply to ukitakumuki [2006-11-03 11:54:35 +0000 UTC]

wow i wasnt expecting such a wise and deep response hahaha thats awesome, its a shame thats the resolution you did it on. are you going to colourise the pic? that would look so sweet. your imagination is awesome, i need to get back in touch with my imagination, i abandoned art for a looong time and now im back doin it again and im stuck for stuff to do. also, if you do commission work, how much would you charge if someone wanted you to do a A4 or 9"x12", with 300 dpi resolution piece, im doing my first commission and i dont want to get ripped off, cuz thats a bloody pic and requires a fair bit of work.

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ukitakumuki In reply to nakedmole [2006-11-03 11:58:46 +0000 UTC]

base it off the effort, and the type of project. different industries have different rates, in a sense. More specifics perhaps? I can try asking around for ya

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nakedmole In reply to ukitakumuki [2006-11-03 14:00:03 +0000 UTC]

well the problem is i had to say a price before they told me what they wanted, which worries me cuz i've never done it before and dont have a clue what i should ask for. they said first before we begin we need to know how much you charge and i said i've never done it before so i wouldnt have a clue about how money is transfered and the rates etc so then a while later they reminded me again and said oh you forget to tell us how much you charge, when you do we can begin so i said i dunno $50 but now thinking about it its a fair bit of work, expecially considering i havent done it before. they want me to design characters for an rpg on a website thing, with costumes and scenery. it was a pretty specific description about the character (only one so far) and at pretty large dimensions. that would be good if you could ask around, i dont have many contacts on here that would know

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ukitakumuki In reply to nakedmole [2006-11-03 15:29:49 +0000 UTC]

LOL 50?! You live in a third world nation or something friend? Don't need to pay the bills no more? sorry, you'll have to raise it beyond those. Especially taking Time economy into consideration.

Let's say you are average speed worker, begin at 200 USD for a character illustration, one time charge, let em have the rights etc. [since its not for some major ****house project]

That might be a good price to start with, seeing how its your first time. cheers.

Beyond those prices [as in below], you're talking purely amateur stuff, and nothing in the realm of current-industry... so its your call then. (nontheless these projects can end up becoming the most fun because you get more flexibility 'just cause you pay me peanuts!')

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nakedmole In reply to ukitakumuki [2006-11-03 16:32:52 +0000 UTC]

hahahahahah well see thats what i needed to know!!!! now $50 is rediculous. but i dont know what is amateurish or not, could you have a look at my work and gauge from my best piece what i should charge, according to my ability, because i think im capable of some good work (not meaning to give myself a rap or anything) but $200?? shit they were getting a bargain, and im doing it through a woman, i give her the illustration and then she sends it on and we've only talked about it privately, shes probably gonna stip my name off it, send it n to the publisher or whatever charge alot more and give me $50 from whatever currency shes dealing with...eeek i need to be more careful. i need to ask her for the contact details of the people im doing it for. thanks so much, im glad i heard that!!!

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ukitakumuki In reply to nakedmole [2006-11-03 19:01:12 +0000 UTC]

the problem is that your 'portfolio' lacks volume and sheer sampling material. That, or the diversity of styles doesn't quite act as a decent showcase of what it is you want to sell. [service wise] i.e, I'm assuming you wanna go into illustration, so just start pumping them out.

If you appeared more 'directed' towards certain niches or skillsets, perhaps that'll allow an easier gauge of what it is a client is willing to fork out for your services, know what i mean? Start with that.

While what you mentioned is completely true, you have to bear in mind what I typed in the previous two paras, and put yourself in their shoes for a moment and think about how they view your work. You are only as good as what you show

cheers Gav.

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nakedmole In reply to ukitakumuki [2006-11-04 12:21:26 +0000 UTC]

so do i find my own niche and make stuff fitting that or do i choose a niche that would satisfy an employer? like fantasy or medieval or comic book art or something like that? i think you are right, my stuff is all over the place. they helped build skills but i can build skills as i do the works that will add volume to my gallery. thankyou very much!!
oh and i notice you have a different character at the beginning of your name, the "`" ...what does that mean?

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ukitakumuki In reply to nakedmole [2006-11-04 12:50:00 +0000 UTC]

it means senior subscriber if im not mistaken!

yup, no rocket science there,you get the idea.

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nakedmole In reply to ukitakumuki [2006-11-04 13:00:15 +0000 UTC]

and what does senior subscriber mean? how long have you been digital painting?

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ukitakumuki In reply to nakedmole [2006-11-04 20:34:15 +0000 UTC]

my stats are at the top of my page <_< ? er

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nakedmole In reply to ukitakumuki [2006-11-05 10:40:01 +0000 UTC]

what??? your stats dont tell me when you started digital painting. dont worry then

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nakedmole In reply to ??? [2006-11-01 15:00:35 +0000 UTC]

2 hours??? were you on speed for those 2 hours??

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Cravity [2006-11-01 11:26:20 +0000 UTC]

Wow... gorgeous!

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devilish-dozer [2006-10-29 01:35:11 +0000 UTC]

I love how it kind has this Final Fantasy 'Dragoon' look, but yet it is nothing like it. Your work is completely original, but it just has this feeling to it... great job!

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NepuApsadee [2006-10-24 22:35:58 +0000 UTC]

That is amazering...

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velius666 [2006-10-19 16:31:35 +0000 UTC]

FUCKEN AMAZING, like i dunno how you do it, its soo awsome, this inspired me to do more work, thanks sooo much, i do have a question for you thoough what program do you use? and how much did it cost?

give me a art tip what is important that you use in your work. i would love to hear!

awsome work! increadible! keep it up.


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ukitakumuki In reply to velius666 [2006-10-20 03:18:42 +0000 UTC]

Adobe Photoshop creative suite 2/cs 2, and a wacom tablet to help..

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velius666 In reply to ukitakumuki [2006-10-20 17:35:02 +0000 UTC]

sweet thanks for the info, how much dos it cost for a program like that?

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SaidinWhitewolf [2006-10-15 04:44:30 +0000 UTC]

Well done. Lots of detail, love the character. The perspective rocks.

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Saint-Onge [2006-10-09 18:53:00 +0000 UTC]

I've been on deviantArt for a while now.. and i must say, this specific painting strikes me very hard. It's brilliantly put together and the colors and positioning is exquisite... well done.. it seems perfect to me.. i'm in love with it.

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arso28 In reply to ??? [2006-10-04 21:47:57 +0000 UTC]

that's insane!! is fu*&#ing awsome!

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L-a-z-l-o-w [2006-09-26 19:35:33 +0000 UTC]

Amazing, simply amazing.

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cswatch [2006-09-23 12:36:25 +0000 UTC]

This is legendary stuff...

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wynnter89 [2006-09-21 04:18:27 +0000 UTC]

wow - absolutly breathtaking

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JackLupino [2006-09-20 13:27:34 +0000 UTC]

That one is PERFECT only PERFECT ...

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enterusername [2006-09-19 16:18:46 +0000 UTC]

Excellent work, mate! Very remenicent of Ashly Wood`s style.

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Shoku777 [2006-09-18 01:18:51 +0000 UTC]

ur a genius........ faved

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ciworld [2006-09-16 13:23:05 +0000 UTC]

it is just like shot out of a movie...

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Gekk0u [2006-09-16 10:21:57 +0000 UTC]

a masterpiece

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Yalavecapertialism [2006-09-15 14:08:00 +0000 UTC]

Cool Archer

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ink5000 [2006-09-13 13:55:36 +0000 UTC]

the variance in opacity really promotes the mind to think it is looking at a photo, the translucency to the water adn the lower opacity layers on the armor really creates a powerful reflection. great pose. fav.

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TehDarkPredator [2006-09-12 14:35:23 +0000 UTC]

Great motion on the picture.

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Art-Culture [2006-09-11 19:25:34 +0000 UTC]

Nice work, very Cool Archer

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shimotatewari [2006-09-07 22:56:26 +0000 UTC]

what exactly is the airbrush tool? i like your painting so much i must try it myself, excellent style

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Eloquim [2006-09-06 04:07:36 +0000 UTC]


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draconis-opticus [2006-08-30 21:29:04 +0000 UTC]

love it love it, you seem like my kinda artist, ive been on here about a month and finally found a style i cant help but like

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Dyingroseofsanity [2006-08-28 20:23:14 +0000 UTC]

love your art, this is a gret pic

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Amnioectomy In reply to ??? [2006-08-27 05:58:10 +0000 UTC]

Looks like Blood Raven from DII.

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osaku211 In reply to ??? [2006-08-25 04:05:15 +0000 UTC]

This completely reminds me of Magic The Gathering, especially the included quote. nice job, I love it.

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ukitakumuki In reply to osaku211 [2006-08-27 03:59:09 +0000 UTC]

thats fantastic! never thought id be compared to the likes of those killer crazies at gathering < thanks

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Tonsatz [2006-08-24 21:05:59 +0000 UTC]

very nice. i like the black and white

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BassGS-EXE [2006-08-23 14:07:58 +0000 UTC]

That is beautiful!

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marysia1990 [2006-08-21 12:23:52 +0000 UTC]

he looks so ... powerfull and great

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marysia1990 [2006-08-21 12:22:17 +0000 UTC]

amazing work^_^ It looks great

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ninjagirl [2006-08-18 16:05:09 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful textures and pose

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