The Elite
CH Tartarus
Founding Cypress-Warmbloods Stallion
The lifeblood of Cypress-Hill
Grand Prix Dressage
This boy.... forever my #1 man. Tried some lineliness here. May do edits to try to better capture his amazingness. Cypress Warmbloods, CH Tartarus, Cypress Hill all belong to Trivia-Rose
GutCaballo [2020-05-02 08:10:27 +0000 UTC]
beautiful portrait :3
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
LetFreedomReign2 [2020-04-29 17:22:24 +0000 UTC]
Elite is totally right - this boy is fantastic and this piece is just gorgeous!! I'm still so amazed by your shading, an I love how dramatic the darker background is.. Such an amazing piece - totally reminiscent of fancy photography.
ANIMALGIRL1869 [2020-04-28 00:52:30 +0000 UTC]
This came out amazing! He is soo gorgeous!
Zoubstance [2020-04-27 20:57:47 +0000 UTC]
This handsome guuuuuuy! He is so gorgeous!