#world #galaxy #planet #scifi #ship #spaceship #vessel #tohad #sylvainsarrailh
Published: 2015-10-09 16:12:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 63560; Favourites: 3064; Downloads: 0
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Track of the day : soundcloud.com/juliankruse/blo…FR : Kapteyn B est la première planète super-habitable colonisée par l'humanité en dehors du système solaire. Devenue depuis l'un des plus grand grenier à céréales de la galaxie grâce à sa météo clémente, Kapteyn B a la particularité touristique d'avoir conservé de nombreuses structures des premiers colons terriens sur son sol. Son vestige le plus connu est le croiseur Obama IV échoué sur une bordure de littoral de cette planète accueillante. Beaucoup de randonneurs traversent la galaxie pour découvrir d’ancestrales ruines des premiers colons terriens et repartir avec différents souvenirs typiques de cette époque antique tel que des livres en fibres cellulosiques végétales, des ordinateurs non organiques ou des maquettes du vaisseau Obama IV.
ENG : Kapteyn B is the first super-habitable planet colonized by mankind outside the solar system. Has since become one of the largest creal producer of the galaxy with its mild weather, Kapteyn B has the distinction of having retained many structures of the first settlers landed on its soil. His most famous relic is the Obama IV cruiser aground on a coastal border of this welcoming planet. Many hikers pass through the galaxy to discover ancient ruins of the first settlers and leave this planet with different gift of this ancient time as books in vegetable cellulose fibers, organic computers or models of Obama IV.
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Comments: 164
StarWritter In reply to ??? [2015-10-10 15:23:11 +0000 UTC]
So awesome in so many ways!!!!!!!
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Looking4Work In reply to ??? [2015-10-10 15:05:11 +0000 UTC]
The Obama IV - love it!
I love the swarms of birds. That's exactly what you'd see along the shore.
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Tohad In reply to Looking4Work [2015-10-11 15:39:53 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! glad you like it :
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BlackAngal In reply to ??? [2015-10-10 14:54:07 +0000 UTC]
The ship must be titanic.
Because only a ship named titanic can end up like that, because when I was a kid I mead a little ship and named it titanic. then when I bot it in water a fish shows up out of nowhere and eats my little ship. you can't call it eating, but it looked like the fish was eating the ship.
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Schmiegel [2015-10-10 06:15:59 +0000 UTC]
Made me think about ye old lady American Star that was good for lots of very spectacular shots and even might be inspiring to graphics artists ...
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Schmiegel In reply to Tohad [2015-10-11 17:54:26 +0000 UTC]
Check out the links and the search engine of your choice - it's been a beautiful old classic steamliner - stranded at the shores of Fuerteventura and giving some spectacular sights while it was withstanding the heavy atlantic swells for many years.
In my opinion it's the most artistically destroyed shipwreck ever!
There's a German fan site (in something like english): www.explorermagazin.de/amstar/…
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andthesink [2015-10-10 05:27:07 +0000 UTC]
dude. once I get my game making skills down, I know who I want doing the art. your shit is the best ive ever seen, period.
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Tohad In reply to andthesink [2015-10-11 15:14:08 +0000 UTC]
warne me when you'r project is ready
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hosseintaherialyssa In reply to ??? [2015-10-10 05:11:12 +0000 UTC]
soooooooooooooooo beautiful
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hosseintaherialyssa In reply to Tohad [2015-10-12 15:45:09 +0000 UTC]
you are very very welcome
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Tohad In reply to Fishbely [2015-10-11 15:13:31 +0000 UTC]
No ! there's a gif shop at the exit !
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Nessa1415 In reply to ??? [2015-10-09 23:48:06 +0000 UTC]
Your art is amazing.I do not know what more I could say.
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Tohad In reply to Nessa1415 [2015-10-11 15:12:58 +0000 UTC]
thank you, you're nice ! glad you like my work !
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Tohad In reply to usoutlaw [2015-10-11 15:12:33 +0000 UTC]
This is the species with the best adapts on others planets !
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Kaedegirl In reply to ??? [2015-10-09 20:03:27 +0000 UTC]
je ne sais pas si je te l'ai assez dit, mais j'adore tes décors/paysages!
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Tohad In reply to Kaedegirl [2015-10-11 15:11:23 +0000 UTC]
Ha mais je ne me lasse pas de ta générosité de compliments
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Kaedegirl In reply to Tohad [2015-10-12 14:53:12 +0000 UTC]
aawwwww ben t'en auras toujours un peu de ma part
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Mischiev In reply to ??? [2015-10-09 19:50:13 +0000 UTC]
Han làlàà tu as copié la vraie forme des vraies mouettes de la vraie nature pour peindre les tiennes c'est du vol de design c'est un scandale je porte plainte !
Huhu, comme d'habitude c'est vraiment superbe. *.*
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Kh0nAn In reply to ??? [2015-10-09 19:46:53 +0000 UTC]
Le croiseur obama IV a une sacrée gueule !
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AcrobaticRabbit In reply to ??? [2015-10-09 19:25:53 +0000 UTC]
how in the ... wow. this is awesome. howw ... how did you do this?
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hgkjfgnhfiutyhnf In reply to AcrobaticRabbit [2015-10-10 13:10:04 +0000 UTC]
Haha, "how in the wow"? I'll start using that one.
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Nooknook In reply to ??? [2015-10-09 19:12:01 +0000 UTC]
Superbe ! Et l'histoire est vraiment super aussi J'aime bien cette façon de transposer des comportements contemporains à un futur imaginé
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Tohad In reply to Nooknook [2015-10-11 15:10:12 +0000 UTC]
Merci, content que ça te plaise, je préfère imaginer du tourisme spatial que que du conflit spatial
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Ave-North In reply to ??? [2015-10-09 18:43:12 +0000 UTC]
Les textures et les couleurs sont géniales ! ^^ Cb de temps pour réaliser un tel dessin ?
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Tohad In reply to Ave-North [2015-10-11 15:09:33 +0000 UTC]
Merci !
7h, je me suis un perdu en essayant de bidouiller les vaisseau
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Neutral-Death In reply to ??? [2015-10-09 18:11:33 +0000 UTC]
Litle-talked-about factoid: The Obama series of cruisers all crashed on their maiden voyages.
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CaptainElsa In reply to ??? [2015-10-09 16:55:24 +0000 UTC]
this really tells an epic story. I read the description and laughed at the cruiser's name, lol. those birds are a nice touch.
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